Sunday, June 15, 2014

What A Kowinkydink!!!

Surprise!!! The "Pro-Russian Militants", whom the liberal-dominated media assures us is not the same thing as crack Russian "storm-troopers" disguised as civilians who just happen to all have
the same camouflage uniforms without any insignia, and just happen to all have unlimited access to Russian weapons and ammunition, have now become more open in their deceptive zeal, in that they have now used Russian-made Tanks, and missile launchers in an attack upon a Ukrainian air transport plane, killing all 49 members aboard. But we must continue to assume that these are "pro-Russian militants", and not actually Russian troops who have already invaded the eastern sector of the Ukraine several weeks ago, because the Liberal Press says so. If you prefer to believe that rot, fine, I do not!

Isn't it "coincidental", as the non-Christian term suggests that all these "pro-Russian militants" are so well-armed, with Russian-made weapons, when the loyal Ukrainian civilians can't even get their hands on small arms, and Obama has made sure that they won't any time soon. Part of the Communist doctrine has always been to keep the civilian populace from being armed, which is why the Liberal Media is so outraged at the defense of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. Just in case the military needs to be brought in to protect the "rights" of the totalitarian rulers it's always been imperative that the civilian population be totally unable to resist the military, with their own small arms. We can't have civil unrest getting in the way of military force, now can we? Folks, we now have a
perfect illustration of what life can deteriorate into if we ever adopt the liberal doctrine of voluntary civilian disarmament as all the Socialists of the world want us to, and then we elect some potential tyrant, who treads upon the Constitution as readily as Barak Obama does. Can we now understand what our founding fathers understood when they added the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution?

It looks like things are pretty hopeless for the Ukraine, anyway. "All they can do now is pray", as the saying of hopeless desperation goes. But what should be considered to be man's most potent weapon in the face of unbridled tyranny? Is it guns, or the faithful prayers of His believers? God's power is infinitely greater than any guns that man has the capacity to devise, and having foolishly given up their right to defend their national sovereignty they may still rely upon Jesus' miraculous intervention to cause the Russians to make some enormous blunder, through which He may cause them to be saved, since there is apparently no help on the way from either American, or European sources. Failing that, there is always eternal Salvation, individually, through faith in Jesus dying upon the cross in our places, that we might have eternal Salvation, though undeservedly, through His grace. It now seems that both the Ukrainians, and the refugees from the war in Iraq had better start praying real hard, because there seems to be no help from the west coming
for the Ukraine, and nothing very effective in store for the Iraqis, thanks to their cowardly armed forces that we trained, at the cost of billions, only to watch them desert when offered resistance. Anyway, we should certainly pray for God's deliverance for these peoples, since many of them don't even know Him, or why this is all happening to their countries. May God have Mercy upon them all!!!

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