Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Is Putin Planning An Ukrainian Blitz?

Things certainly seem to be calming down in the Ukrainian crisis, lately. After an eastern Ukraine popular vote to secede from the Kiev government, and establish a separate, pro-Russian state, Russian President Putin seems to be backing off of his previous belligerence. He recently announced that he has ordered his troops on the Ukraine border to return to their bases.

Just one problem, though. Neither American, nor N.A.T.O. satellite intelligence can confirm any evidence that this "order" is beginning to be carried out. So, we have an absolute Dictator, in Putin (no matter how hard he tries to appear as a democratic leader), who issues an order to his troops who apparently make no effort to obey that order??? I can't quite believe that this is a likely response to any of his orders to his military.

So, we appear to have a sham "order", that is merely a diplomatic ruse to distract western nations' attention away from the Ukrainian crisis. But for what purpose? In the 1930's, Hitler would use the signing of "Peace Treaties" in Europe to lull the Nations that were watching his crises (on high alert) to relax their suspicions, just before he attacked the nations he wished to conquer in his famous "Blitzkrieg" invasions. This allowed him to conquer those nations whose armies were too weak to put up much resistance by themselves, and solidify his army's control over their populations before any allied response could effectively react to his invasion.

This seems to be Putin's intentions, as far as I can guess. If he can lull the western Nations' to sleep with apparent diplomatic acquiescence, it will provide the best opportunity for his army to pull off a Nazi-esque Blitz invasion of the Ukraine, and solidify his positions before any western response can be effectively organized. Of course that is foolishly presuming that there was any western country with enough brass to even consider trying to respond in any military fashion. Certainly we do not! Obama has made that abundantly clear, to us, and to Putin as well!

Lately, the Ukrainian army has attempted to take back some positions that had been taken-over by what the media refers to as "pro-Russian Militia", which should probably read as crack Russian troops masquerading in Russian uniforms without any insignia. They seem to have Russian weapons at their disposal, which the pro-Ukrainian civilians can not duplicate because of president Obama's timidity. The net effect of all this is likely to be the full-scale invasion of the Ukraine by the Russian forces that we've been assured are pulling out. Don't be surprised to see a Russian form of Nazi "blitzkrieg" follow soon, as Putin takes a page out of "Mein Kampf", and tries his hand at duplicating the early successes of the Nazi-army European invasions. Unfortunately, he seems to forget that Hitler's downfall coincided with his brutal attempts to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth.

"Those who refuse to remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."--George Santayanna.

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