Thursday, February 13, 2014

Karzai: Et Tu, Round Two!!!

The latest on President Karzai of Afghanistan's blatant betrayal of American interests:

The news reports today are stating that Karzai is releasing 65 of the remaining prisoners of the Taliban that our forces captured and placed in prisons that were under our control, until Karzai demanded that we turn over control of those prisons to the Afghan army, last year. Apparently, we agreed to do so with Karzai's strict assurance that he would not release these prisoners, some of whom were guilty of killing American soldiers. As I stated in my original post ( called "Et Tu Karzai"), this is the next step of a completely duplicitous, and paranoid Traitor, who obviously is trying to curry favor with our enemies, whom he rightly believes will simply move in and take back control of Afghanistan's government, once American troops are fully withdrawn. Then whomever is heir to Al Quaida's leadership, now that Osama Bin Laden is dead, will simply set up their mountain lair hideout and we'll be right back to square one, as we were after the 911 World Trade Center attacks. So, thanks to the wishy-washy policies of President "Obarak Bin Obama", the concept of trying to establish a democratic Afghanistan is soon to be completely ended. The Taliban will resume control of their totalitarian state, and Karzai will probably seek refuge in Saudi Arabia, or some other Gulf State nation, that is strongly influenced by Al Quaida. May God have mercy on the Afghan troops that we trained to fight the Taliban forces, once American troops withdraw, and Karzai and his government simply abandon their army to the "infinite mercies" of the Taliban. The expression, "heads will roll", will certainly apply here, but in a very literal sense, I'm sure. And if Karzai is stupid enough to wait to welcome his "new friends", the Taliban, to power, then I'm quite sure his head will be bouncing along the ground before the rest of his body has time to fall to the ground!

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