Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is Obama a closet Muslim?

I recognize that I am treading on dangerous ground here, but having avoided this issue for five years I feel it is time to address it openly.  It is not my intent to slander President Obama, who forthrightly claims to be a Christian, but Our Lord Himself expressed the rightness of doubting a person's sincerity if their behavior does not consistently agree with their profession of faith.

 In Matthew 7, verses 15 through 20, Jesus discusses this very issue with His disciples, in reference to their ability to recognize true prophets of God, verses those who merely pretend to be.  In recognizing that we are all held to this same standard, let me say up front that I am no prophet, nor do I ever make any pretense to be so.  The next time God uses me to speak His prophetic word will be the first, and I'll let the reader decide for themselves when that happens.  Until then, all I'm doing is expounding on His recorded prophecies from the Bible, and trying to see if there might be a genuine connection to current events happening around us.  My concern here is that the Bible-believing student of prophecy might simply not recognize little bits of developing prophecy fulfillment until it culminates in the inescapable  conclusion.  While their ignorance will certainly not effect their safety, through God's protection, they may miss the fascinating story of how God is bringing His various prophecies to pass.

That said, I have been troubled since President Obama's first election campaign that our nation might be about to elect the first Muslim President in our history.  It is my opinion (politically correct, or not) that this would automatically disqualify him from holding office.  (I can just hear the thunderous sound of the entire liberal body-politic smacking their foreheads simultaneously, as they break out into uproarious politically-correct guffaws.  I recognize that any liberal who becomes aware of my position would immediately begin to ridicule me as being either a bigot, a racist, a right -wing facist, or simply an idiot.  That is always the liberal response; when they have no convincing argument to the contrary, their last resort is to ridicule the opposition.   But these are not my words but Jesus' words when I quote, " by their fruits ye shall know them."  Matthew 7: 20.)  The word "fruits" here means a combination of their actions, and their words; or, "do they just talk the talk, or do they walk the walk as well?"

 It is also my opinion, though unfortunately the Supreme Court does not agree, that the "establishment clause" of the first amendment to the Constitution has been misinterpreted completely out of the cultural context of the founding fathers who framed it.  It reads, "Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion".  In the context of the day, since there was essentially only one religion in America, I believe that the true present-day meaning of this clause should read, "an establishment of denomination" (which implies Christianity), as the concern was for prohibiting the spreading of the "Church of England's" persecution of every other denomination that did not agree with their tenants.  But as the word "denomination" was not yet applied to the various divergent faiths of Christian belief, they were referred to as different "religions".  It is my belief that this clause was intentionally exclusive of all other non-Bible believing faiths (and Muslims believe the Bible to be a corruption of God's true Word, making it therefore irrelevant, as opposed to the Koran which they esteem to be God's true revelation), by our founding fathers, and without apology, as the thought of a president not directing the policies of our country in a manner that was at least not in direct violation of Biblical principles would have been completely anathema to them, whether they were confirmed Christians, or not. 

Yet as I understand Islam, there is an implied, if not expressed prohibition against fighting with other Muslims, though certainly there are many Muslims who seem to feel this is not absolute.  I believe that President Obama  was slow to offer help to the rebels in Lybia, and is reluctant to offer significant assistance to the rebels in Syria because of this Islamic restriction, and that he didn't want to be guilty of killing any innocent Muslims, even collaterally.  As President he does not have the luxury of this kind of personal restraint, when acting according to our national interests.  I'm afraid that this kind of indecision will be the reason for our apparent wishy-washy response to the Gog/Magog invasion, when Ezekiel 38:13 has the nations of, "Sheba, and Dedan, (Saudi Arabia?), and the merchants of Tarshish(thought to be England), with all the young lions thereof (thought to be America, with England's other colonies) shall say unto thee(Gog), art thou come to take a spoil?"  (DUH!!!)  This could be the end of American support for the defense of Israel, against their enemies, who will be predominantly Russian, with her Muslim allies.  Who knows if Obama will still be in office when this happens; I'm just saying that it all seems to fit, whenever it does. 

For those who still wish to argue that Obama professes to be a Christian, let's refer back to the original campaign charge to the contrary.  Any Christian who attends a church that preaches contrary to his Biblical beliefs will soon find another church that preaches more in line with his faith.  No Bible-believing Christian could stand to listen to the hate-mongering rants of the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright against Jews, Israel,  white Americans, and corporate Capitalism for twenty years, unless he agreed wholeheartedly with what he was hearing.  Only the politically correct fools on the left could swallow that lie.  Unfortunately, this country seems to be over-run with their kind!!!

Let's be clear on this, I mean no disrespect for President Obama as a person.  He seems to be a fine man with an intelligent mind, and a lot of personable traits.  Truthfulness does not seem to be one of them, as we are recently becoming painfully aware with all the cover-ups and stone-walling going on over the I.R.S. discrimination practices, the N.S.A. eaves-dropping, and the refusal to be open about the betrayal of the Lybian Embassy's security when under terrorist attack in Benghazi.  It seems like lying is the official plan of action with this White House, and I suspect it begins in the Oval Office.  It just goes to show that an intelligent mind and personable traits do not measure up to that of a man of wisdom, and character, and honesty( which are apparently not traits taught at Harvard), which is what we sorely need in the role of President today.  

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