Tuesday, January 26, 2021

It's Amazing To Watch The Moral Outrage Of The Left, Concerning The "Conservative Rioting At The Capitol"!!!

Call me a belligerent skeptic, if you will;  but I just refuse to believe it!!!     I can not prove my opinion, but the circumstantial evidence is too overwhelming to ignore.   I recognize  that these are not facts, which are necessary in a court of law, but in the absence of facts to the contrary, I will consider the overwhelming coincidences as significant!!!    But if the story is not true, blaming Conservatives, when it is really leftist impersonators, then the "moral outrage" is the whole point of their objective!   Remember, these people believe in Communist doctrine, and one of their main propaganda techniques, used by both Nazis, and Communists, is," if a lie is repeated over, and over, to the exclusion of contradicting arguments, it will soon be accepted as fact!!!"

One must consider the consistent behavior of the potential perpetrators before we can safely assign blame, again, in the absence of facts to the contrary.   I certainly do not consider the fascist behavior of the neo-Nazis, or other White Supremacist groups, to be above such rioting.   But, how often have we seen such riots from them, as opposed to the frequency of such rioting from Leftist anarchists, like "Antifa", and "Blm"???     The apparent pleasure expressed by the perpetrators, such as the guy who relished his sitting in the Speaker's chair, in the House of Representatives, is an indication of the lack of conscious these people held, which must certainly be a consistent view of the frequent anarchists of the Left!!!

As I have written before, we must consider who benefits the most from this behavior???    The Right, who profess to stand for "Law and Order", or the Left, whose communist mantra is, "out of chaos comes order"???    Also who jumped all over this in "righteous" indignation; the leftist politicians, who are now desperately trying to blame Trump, for inciting to riot, as being grounds for "impeachment", after leaving office, so  they can try to insure  that he can never hold a federal office again!!!    If they are successful with their efforts to convict Trump, they will surely consider it worthwhile, but any right-wingers could accomplish nothing more than adding an illegal emphasis to the legal protest that preceded the rioting!!!

Ergo, and thus, my suspicion that it is more likely  that leftist anarchists dressed in un-identifying clothing, infiltrated the legal protest, in order to lead to a logical, assumption that the rioters were from the protest!!!

Again I admit there is no factual basis for my belief, but the opposite is also based on a logical assumption, which is not necessarily any more factual than my suspicion!!!

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