Saturday, November 7, 2020

"Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart, And Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding..."

"...In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths!!!"

In times like these, we must hang on desperately to truths like these words from the Bible!  We have now come to perhaps the most dangerous moment in our history, when our entire Constitutional government has been blatantly stolen from us, in an illegal coup attempt by the party of the Socialists, who could reasonably be expected to try and abolish the Constitution itself, as an old and obsolete document, in order to force us into joining in the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, that the Bible predicts, clearly, that Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to destroy many of God's people, in the last days!!!  If any had previously doubted that we are within the "Last Days",  this clearly confirms that we are, and probobly have been for some time!!!   

I don't think that a coup attempt this blatant could ever have been pulled off, unless the deceiving power of Satan was not behind it, blinding the eyes of those who had the power to avoid it, because they just could'nt believe that such an unscrupulous and devious plan could ever have been brought against our nation's government!!!   I guess the righteous people in Germany, in the 1930's just couldn't belive that such a diabolical coup as Hitler's Nazis (led by a World War I Corporal, and former house painter) could take over their government, and turn it into the most evil government of their day!!!   It's astounding the evil that Satan can bring upon an unsuspecting world, when we let our guards down!!!

But, remember that Satan is God's devil, and he only has as much power as God allows, and no more!!!  God is still in control, even when it may be hard for us to see it!  Satan is only the second most powerful force in the universe,and God remains the first!!!  We have the ear of God, when things seem too hard for us to control, and He will turn things around, if enough of us pray for Him to do so!!!  The only way for Satan to triumph is if he can decieve us into believing that he has won, and there is nothing that we can do about it!!!   Well, there may be nothing that we can do about it, but there is always plenty that God can do about it, and we all need to pray that He will!!!    Remeber, "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much"!!!

So, how many of us praying "fervently" is "enough"???   I can't give you the final total, but I can tell you it starts with you, and me!!!

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