Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Time To Prepare For The Evil Revolution!!!

There is a new revolution in this country, and I don't like it!!!   To resist it will require not only American Patriotic fervor, but overwhelming faith in God, through Jesus Christ, His Son!!!

I draw my conclusions, not by empirical  evidence, but by common sense reasoning, as to who benefits most from all the lawlessness that pervades our country today!  Does the "Black Lives Matter" movement gain political power to eventually take control of the American government?  Or,  are they really just trying to destroy what exists here, so that someone else can dominate the world, who really wants too!

I maintain that the whole leftist movement, worldwide, is intended to set up the eventual power structure of  Satan's Antichrist, who is prophecied to take control of the European One-World Socialist government that is being developed today!  Those who promote this Socialist agenda don't realize that Satan is behind this, most of them probably don't even believe he exists!!!  But, that's how Satan works, not by convincing them that he knows best, but by convincing them that they thought up the idea themselves, and the rest of the world is too stupid to realize that it is "best", for all!!!

 But, there is a problem that is blocking this plan from becoming widely accepted worldwide!!!  It's called America!!!

The very fact of our existence, as the richest and most powerful nation in the world lends proof as to why the European Plan must fail!  To remedy this perception, the Socialists must create a better system (which they can not do, because Socialism depends on taking away personal freedoms, whereas America's success is built upon allowing the people to make free choices for their freedoms, with a minimum of bureaucratic interference)!!!

 So, the only option for the Socialists is to destroy America's success, with the fallacious assumption that this destruction will automatically result in the increased prosperity of the Socialists, when all it will do is to create a greater poverty, for the whole world!!!  Socialists will never recognize that the removal of freedoms will never replace the success of people acting freely in their own best interests!!!  Satan's original sin demands that we all are forced to live under his "greater plan", because he still believes that he can run the world better than God can!!!  The most arrogant lie ever devised is still his all-consuming motive, and God is giving him time to try and prove it, before He sends Jesus Christ back to end it all, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

In the mean time, we must resist all efforts to destroy America's freedom, to forestall the temporary destruction of the left, knowing that our inevitable failure will eventually be rewarded, when Jesus returns!!!  The Antichrist will temporarily prevail, but lose out, in the end!!!  Praise God!!!

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