Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apologies For Not Posting Last Week

Sorry, folks. Between an inclination to be lazy, in general, and a wait-and-see attitude toward Obama's "brilliant" anti-I.S.I.S. campaign, which goes against the expert military advice of advisors on both ends of the political spectrum (i.e., "no American Boots on the ground"), I have been remiss in not posting for more than a week. But, I have always held to the opinion that if you have nothing to say it's best to keep your "trap" shut. And so I did, figuratively speaking.

But now that we've had a week of night-time bombing raids, which have done a fabulous job of "killing" empty enemy command post headquarters, while I.S.I.S. strategists are presumably sleeping at their safe locations, we can make some preliminary assessments as to their success. Which is not very good. I agree with the retired Army Colonel (I forget his name) who advises Fox News, who explained that the true measure of military success is not surgically blowing up empty rooms while the enemy sleeps peacefully elsewhere, but it is measured in, "acres, and acres of dead enemy bodies" which will most likely require American "boots on the ground". If this can be accomplished without American "boots", fine. But I fail to see the value of night-time raids against empty buildings, while the enemy snores peacefully elsewhere. Is Obama trying to frighten the enemy into a pandemic of heart failure? That's the only reason I can gather for this strategy. They make a big deal out of sending the new F-22 Fighter bombers which are stealthy enough to evade radar detection. Well, they are designed to evade the same radars in the daytime when the I.S.I.S. fighters come out of their holes, so are they able to kill the enemy, or not? And if not, let's send in the Marines to do the job!

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