Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama Watches As Putin's Army Rolls

This is probably how Putin plans to conquer the Ukraine. First, he blitzes his way into the Crimean Peninsula. Then, we have several months of his Special Forces Paratroops masquerading as militant pro-Russian rebels attacking police, and army bases in eastern Ukraine to establish a "desire of the local population" to have Russian, rather than Ukrainian rule. Now, we have Russian troops, including heavy artillery, and anti-aircraft missiles storming across the border, presumably to establish a Russian "land bridge" that they can use to transport supplies to and from Russia. And Voila!!! Russia now has the warm-water shipping port that they have coveted since the days of their 1917 Revolution.

Then they'll probably stockpile their troops and armaments for a year, or so, while they wait to see what the West's response will be. Then, after they have calculated the effects of the West's wimpy sanctions, they can be expected to finish the job of conquering the rest of the Ukraine, before they get on with the Invasion of Israel, which I believe will be Putin's way of countering the effects of any sanctions, by conquering the Arabian Oil Deposits after neutralizing Israel, so he can force the West to rescind their sanctions, or face an oil embargo that will make 1973 look like a picnic!

Clearly Putin's preference would be to keep playing this sort of "reverse blitz" operation until he has req-conquered all of the former Soviet Union Satellite nations, but the overwhelmingly wimpy response from Obama, and our N.A.T.O. allies, with their diplomatic trade sanctions will force him to move against Israel, and the Arab oil states before he attempts the rest of the conquests. The sanctions will serve as no deterrent for his Ukrainian invasion, but they will eventually be painful, unless he can give the sanctioning countries some reason to rescind them. Like, maybe conquering three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, and turning off the spigots until the world comes crawling to him, with intentions of rescinding the sanctions. Then he won't need to invade those former satellite countries, they'll come begging him to take them back. I'm satisfied that this plan seems plausible to Putin, and fits with the prophecy of Ezekiel 38,&39. There must be some very lucrative reason for him to invade Israel. Russian anti-Semitism has always been high, but that is not enough for him to risk a world war between America, and the western European nations, against his army, for that alone. But, the ability to hold the world at bay while he dictates terms for peace has always been what the Kremlin has dreamed of, and Putin especially. It would seem to be too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up.

Thank Heaven that God has other plans than to let Putin run rough-shod over His people, Israel, and He'll save the Arab oil fields, as well, though I wonder if the Arabs will still be in control of them, afterwards. For more on what I believe God's plans are for Putin's army, and those of his allies, check out my post from June, 25 of this year.

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