Friday, July 25, 2014

The Invasion Of Israel???

Tensions are increasing in the Gaza strip and Israel, and anyone who thinks this has nothing to do with God's prophecied Gog/Magog invasion of Israel could be in for a big surprise, unless I've sadly missed my guess. In Zechariah, chapter 9 before God prophecies the Palm Sunday entrance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem, "on a colt, the foal of an ass", there is a description of violence destroying the areas around ancient Tyre and Sidon, two cities of southern Lebanon which today are actively supporting the rocket bombardment of Israel even though Israel has signed a peace treaty to avoid an invasion of Gaza, but the Hamas refused to sign it and continued the bombardment.

Don't be confused by the time frame of God's prophecies as if the former must necessarily be fulfilled before the latter can be. Remember, this is God talking, and He is eternal, while we are encumbered by the limitations of Time. For Him to describe one event and then describe another which precedes it by 2000 years probably is very logical in the eternal way of viewing things, though it seems confusing to us while we are stuck in time perspective. The key is, has the prophecy been fulfilled yet? And to my knowledge it has not, though Tyre was famously destroyed by the Greeks, or Romans, or someone who built a land bridge to their Island city so they could conquer it.

Now, after two days of Israel's ground invasion of Gaza we once again see the rest of the world ganging-up on Israel to have Humanitarian compassion on the poor Palestinian residents of the Gaza territory, who just want to live peaceably in their homes, while being allowed to send rockets indiscriminately into the homes of their Israeli neighbors, and send terrorist infiltrators through their border crossing tunnels to create murder-raids, and kidnap innocent Israelis, civilian and soldiers, to hold them hostage to trade for the release of thousands of previously captured terrorists that are presently in Israeli jails. How heartless of the Israeli people to not leave them to their "peaceful" lifestyles!!! This happens in every war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, whenever Israel begins to get the upper hand. It's a one-way form of outrage that's always against Israel, and never equally against her enemies who are allowed to commit atrocities at will without such international outrage on behalf of Israel's right to live in peace with her neighbors. It would be different if Israel's invasion were without provocation, then the world's outrage would have merit, but after months of bombardment from Gaza, it's hard to blame Israel for wanting to protect their citizens.

Now, Americans are debating what to do about the "invasion" of our southern border with Mexico by tens of thousands of children from Central American countries. Can we imagine our distress if that were an actual military invasion from Mexico? Would anyone feel compassion for the invaders if our armed forces were sent to protect our homeland from that kind of invasion? Of course not. So why is it so difficult for some Americans to understand that Israel must defend their country as we would expect our forces to defend ours?

UPDATE: Friday, 7/25/'14--

The previous was written in three stages as the fighting in Gaza progressed. Now as Secretary of State Kerry tries desperately to arrange a cease-fire agreement between the two sides, and Israel has been carrying on a ground offensive, that seems to have accomplished most of their goals, and the unintended killing of some 800 Palestinians, regrettably mostly women and children who were not allowed to evacuate, by their Hamas Terrorists, when Israel dropped leaflets warning them of an impending invasion, it now seems likely that peace is possible. Or at least a temporary cease fire, as Hamas has vowed to continue the Rocket bombardment of Israel until their borders are opened again. But can Israel agree to allow indiscriminate crossings of their mutual borders by Palestinians who may likely be bent on harming their people? I don't think so! So perhaps the fighting may continue. At least until Putin decides to begin his Russian invasion of Israel that's prophecied in Ezekiel 38, &39. That seems unlikely to be long in coming anyway.

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