Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Will Obama Be Impeached? [ updated: 8/21/'13]

The answer to the above question is probably not. The answer to the question, "If Obama were to be impeached, would he be convicted?" is almost certainly not! This due to our absurdly foolish practice of endlessly electing, and re-electing liberal democrats, and "moderate republicans" ( which is worse) to Congress. As long as America can't see through the lunacy of "liberalism", and "international Humanism" which will certainly be the unifying platform of the Antichrist; nor the deceit of "moderate republicans" who know they must pretend to be conservative to get elected, after which they vote their true liberal values, then we will never have a Congress with enough backbone to "vote the rascals out", of either Congress or the presidency ( example: Bill Clinton; who is planning to be re-elected again, through his proxy wife). But if you ask me if I think Obama is guilty of committing acts of treason which are worthy of impeachment, at least, I'd have to say there is no definitive evidence, but there is very strong cause for suspicion! I think his cozying up to the former Egyptian government of Muhammed Morsi, and it's patrons in the Muslim Brotherhood, even after it's removal from power has the appearance of a rather treasonous relationship with the founding organization of Al Quaida, which brought us "911", and is the murderous enemy of the United States. (It strengthens my suspicion that Obama is being soft on the Muslim Brotherhood because he believes in the Koran's "prophecy" of a Caliphate one day becoming the supreme ruler of the entire world, in a one-world Islamic state. I think he feels he needs good relations with the Brotherhood in order to campaign for the job of Caliph, after his terms as U.S. President.) This would be kind of like if Franklin Delano Roosevelt had declared victory in the war with Japan, in 1943, and had begun a lend-lease program to supply Japan with armaments ( like we did for Britain), while the people who brought us Pearl Harbor were still in power, and belligerently unrepentant while still terrorizing much of the rest of the world. The Obama administration is falling all over themselves to try and pressure the Egyptian "non-Coup" government to reverse their position on Morsi, and reinstate him as President. Heads up, Mr. Obama!!! There is no significant difference between Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Quaida's various terrorist factions around the world! Catch a clue! By supporting Morsi's claim to power, you might as well try and get Bin Laden to be president of Afganistan. Oops, I forgot that you sent Seal Team Six into Pakistan to eliminate that possible mistake. ( Which you hardly ever miss an opportunity to mention in any of your speeches since. Why is that? Is it because you realize that killing him was the only thing your administration has done that had a completely unifying effect on both Liberals and Conservatives?) Mr. President, if Bin Laden was such an enemy of America that we needed to sneak in, and take him out, regardless of the outrage of our "great, and loyal ally", Pakistan, then his terrorist network ( Al Quaida) is just as much our enemy. And the organization that founded them, the Muslim Brotherhood, is every bit the same. And don't give me that bit about the sanctity of Morsi's "democratically elected" government. The Egyptian people made an obvious mistake in being duped into electing him, and after one year they took the extreme measure of "un-electing" him! You are supposed to be a student of the Constitution, though your behavior seems to belie your vow of loyalty to "protect and defend" it. There is another document that preceded it, and may even arguably supersede it, called the Declaration of Independence, which states that when a nations' government becomes so tyrannical that the people find it oppressive ( any people, not just America), they not only have the right, but the responsibility to abolish it, as Egypt did. Take care, Mr. Obama; your cozying up to America's blood enemies might one day even offend enough Democrats to get you impeached, and convicted! That would be a good thing for America, except the thought of a Biden presidency makes the blood run cold!!!

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