Billionaire investor, George Soros, has made multiple millions investing short in other countries' stock markets, and, in turn, promoting the very socialist unrest that tends to create these markets' soon collapses. Basically, he promotes, by financing the very institutions that frequently cause the collapses of those nations' business stocks, which makes their governments more vulnerable to socialist takeover!
All the typical conditions for such a collapse are present in America today!!! American markets recently set record heights, and are still hovering near those levels! If we had an F.B.I. that was run by competent people, we could easily determine if this was his present "game plan" for our own stock markets, today! While Bill Barr is apparently a trustworthy Attorney General, how many of his immediate junior officials at the Justice Department are likewise trustworthy??? Has he had sufficient time to "clean house" of the incompetent, and conspiratorial Obama holdovers to get his people to properly investigate anything??? And the F.B.I., which is under the control of the Justice Department, has been under the direction of Trump appointee, Christopher Wray, for some time now! Has he been able to get enough willing employees around him that they could, and would, investigate Soros's investments??? Plus, a legal FISA warrant would probably be necessary to uncover any apparent skullduggery on Soros's part, and they would need evidence suggesting the possible commission of a crime, to get that warrant!!! I'm sure he has covered himself enough to preclude any pertinent evidence of such.
Yet, we know that somebody, or multiple "somebodies", has been funding these illegal immigrant caravans, as they march from Latin American countries, to invade our southern border. Some wealthy person, or "persons", has been supplying partial transportation, food, water, etc., along the way! Plus, the Mexican drug cartels are reputed to be charging each traveler something like $5,000 to cross Mexico "safely", which most of these people are too poor to afford such payments! So where is all this money coming from??? Some extremely rich benefactor, or benefactors, is probably coughing up millions of dollars to the cartels to let them pass! I surmise that it would have to be someone who is both wealthy enough to afford it, and is heavily invested in the prospect of this chaos creating enough political turmoil to both cause a stock market crash, and a Democratic, and Socialist victory in the 2020 election! I wonder who would be conniving enough to do so???
Unfortunately, no one is going to investigate these charges of mine, purely on the suspicion of some "lunatic" blogger (yours truly!), but they might investigate the causes of such a stock market collapse, after the fact! By that time, I'm sure Soros, or anyone conspiring to do such, will have happily, "taken the money, and run" to some country with no extradition agreement with the U.S., where he, or they, would plan to do the same thing somewhere else!!!
Unfortunately, I can't prove anything concerning my suspicions, but I can't help but wonder!!! I guess this all would fall under the category of "antidisestablishmentarianism"!!! (Sorry, but I have always wanted an excuse to use the reputed longest word in the English dictionary, and I just can't pass up the opportunity!!! Wow, my "spell check" service actually let me get away with it!)
Update: 3/23/2019--
Boy! I really struck a nerve with this post!!! My server indicated that some 115 pageviews occurred overnight, and when I checked the origins of them, 114 were listed as coming from the U.K., or Britain!!! If I normally get more than one, or two pageviews from Britain, it's unusual! Why is anyone so demonstrably interested in the above post, unless Soros is now living there, and he had to re-read it 113 times to get it straight! I don't fear any lawsuit for slander, as he is a "public figure", and I didn't make any charges against him, merely speculated, and wondered. If that constitutes slander, then he can sue me for all of my wealth, which is next to nothing!!! I hope my poverty will make him happier than it has me!!! Boy, he'll get a lot of great publicity out of that one! I can just see the headlines: "Billionaire sues a man whose poverty has reached his lower lip, while he desperately tries to tread water, to keep from drowning in it!" (I wonder? Do they let you take your computer with you to prison? If so, my retirement will be set for life! Free food and shelter, and nothing to do, but sit around and write about what George Soros is up to!!!)
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