Thursday, March 21, 2019

Democrats: The Politics Of Greed, And Inflation!!!

Greed:  For  political power... when they've got it, they try to change the laws to make it easier for them to keep it;  and when they don't, they try to cheat their way back into it!  The point of the power is to guarantee the permanence of their own employment, and take advantage of the opportunities to enrich themselves, through manipulation of legal loopholes (as Joe Biden is recently accused of, by taking his son along on a trip to China, where he met with government officials, while his son reputedly arranged for a billion dollar Chinese "investment" into a hedge fund that he controlled!  Sounds kind of like the "Charitable" fund the Clintons established, which was raking in millions from countries like Saudi Arabia, while Hillary was Secretary of State, which they claimed was not to buy influence!!!)  Yeah, sure!!!

Inflation is their favorite tool to accomplish the above;  Inflate the currency, to give their constituents some kind of reward for voting for them;  Inflate the voting public, by trying to lower the age limit of eligible voters to 16 years old, so that more voters that are recently brainwashed in our public schools will be able to vote, who can be mostly counted on to vote for them;  Further inflate the voting bloc by obstructing the attempt to build a wall on our southern border, and allowing mass illegal immigration to pour across the border, while trying to pass a law making it legal for illegals, from other countries, to vote in our elections (knowing that they can easily be made to vote for Democratic candidates, either by choice, or by bribery), not to mention the attempts to forge votes, locally!

Their apparent credo is,"if you can't win honestly, then cheat!!!"  Even their very platform represents a form of "inflation", in the sense of "inflating" the truth of their promises, once elected!  Getting elected seems to be so desperately important to them that they are promising, "free everything, for everybody", because no one has to pay for it, except "Uncle Sugar", who used to be called, "Uncle Sam"!!!  He's that faceless entity that has a virtually unlimited source of money, created out of thin air, and no one else has to pay for it!!!  (Yessir!!!  The Democrats really love inflation!!!)

The reason they so freely want to inflate the currency is because they know that endless borrowing to cover our inflated debts, will eventually bankrupt our treasury, and we will be forced to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, which is creating the only currency that will be stable  (but requires accepting the "Mark of the Beast", to use it, which the Bible clearly says will give the recipients a free trip to Hell, for eternity!!!)

So, it boils down to your choice:  Vote Republican, and deal with a government that stands for truth, justice, and the American way (with apologies to "Superman"!), or vote for the Democratic attempt to send us all to Hell (with, or without a "hand basket"!!!)

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