Friday, March 15, 2019

Democrat Power Greed Responsible For Most Evil... America, today!!!  Directly, or indirectly, the Democrats in Congress are going way out of their way to devise more, and more creative ways to cheat their way into political power, one way or another.  Is there any surprise that the wealthy, mostly Democratic donors of Hollywood are accused of paying huge sums of money to cheat on  entrance procedures to get their spoiled children into prestigious colleges around the country, when they don't merit entrance legally?   Democrats apparently believe that if you can't get your way, honestly, then cheating is fine, because the, "end justifies the means!"

Congress, with the Democrats combining with the almost as corrupt Establishment Republicans, gave us these ridiculously stupid laws that supposedly controlled illegal immigration on the southern U.S. border.  Instead, they intentionally created the deluge of illegal immigrants we see today, by making laws that actually encourage this flood, when the poor of other countries learn they can come to our country, and claim asylum, and be released into our country with a sham promise to return, voluntarily, for a later scheduled court appearance to decide on their asylum request.  It had to be obvious to the bill's creators that this law would encourage the disappearance of many with bogus asylum claims, who simply dodge arrest for years, while their children grow up in America, creating the "Dreamers" of today, who will tug on the hearts of Americans for amnesty, to become citizens!  Others bring their children, to be held in foster care, even though the parents face deportation, because they know that they will be able to be "grandfathered" legally into citizenship, later.

Now, we have the blatant attempt by House Speaker Pelosi to lower the voting age limit to 16, because she knows that our schools are brainwashing our children to be "good little Socialists",  and the brainwashing frequently takes years of living in the real world to learn that Socialism doesn't work, but meanwhile they can be counted upon voting for Democrats, almost exclusively!!!  That's why the "" companies tend to be run by Leftist-leaning C.E.O.'s, since they were founded by brilliant computer geniuses, who are still bound up in their brainwashed "school daze" mentality.  Some will never outgrow this because their companies are so lucrative, they don't have to deal with the truth of supply and demand principles.  Put another way, they don't live in the real world!

The point is, that Democrats believe they can cheat there way into power, and spend all their time trying to think of ways to increase their voting block, rather than create laws that actually benefit their constituents!  So we end up with laws that only benefit the Democratic lawmakers, and not the people!

The net result is, we have laws that benefit the Leftist politicians, while making it easy for Latin countries to ship their undesirables to America, thereby sending their criminals to us, and our Leftist localities are cooperating, by declaring their communities to be "Sanctuaries", which will not allow the deportation of criminals, until our citizens are murdered, or raped.

The basic reason for all this lunacy, has to be the belief that by corrupting American society, they  are encouraging the voters to recognize that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can join in the European "One World" Socialist government system.   The Constitution is obsolete only because our framers never imagined there would come a time when  Americans would vote for those who want to destroy our liberty, and force us into a system that the Bible prophecies will become an evil disaster, in the hands of the devil's Antichrist!!!

This movement towards unrestrained illegal immigration is happening to many countries around the world, simultaneously, as if the planners of the "One-World" system is orchestrating the whole thing!  This is an obvious attempt to apply the Communist principle that, "out of chaos comes order!"  But, only their own self-serving brand of order!  They will stop this illegal immigration, as soon as these countries agree to join their Socialist system, and not before!  The whole point is POWER, and only for the leftist politicians, and bureaucrats, at everyone else's expense!  You can bet there will be no more two-party system, then!  We will all have one choice, then!   Obey, or die!  And Christians, and Jews will have the choice made for them, automatically!!!  

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