Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Turn-About Is Fair Play, Huh, "A.O.C."???

God frequently repays those who unfairly criticize others by exposing their own hypocrisy!  I can't think of anyone more deserving of such exposing than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!  Guilty, or not, she certainly deserves to squirm a bit, under legal charges of campaign finance abuse, though the real guilt is probably due her chief of staff.  He apparently is accused of placing a million dollar "slush fund" into two hedge funds that just happen to be controlled by himself, and one might guess that the million dollars would be withdrawn at a later date, while the interest that accrued would probably be "forgotten"!

Anyway, the real charge apparently includes not reporting the transaction to the Federal Election Commission, which can result in "fines and even prison time", according to news reports.   While "A.O.C." can probably claim ignorance of the situation, she does bare ultimate responsibility, which bodes poorly for her efforts to project herself as a responsible "steward of the public trust"!  So, now she knows what it feels like to have someone charge you with commission of a crime, whether guilty, or innocent!  Perhaps this will make her a bit more cautious about slinging around her unsubstantiated charges, to other people!  But, probably not!!!   Democrats are great at ignoring their own faults, while slandering others!!!  This includes most, if not all, the Democratic candidates running for President in 2020!  Don't be surprised if God allows them all to be charged with some kind of chicanery, over the next year, or so!  They are all guilty of making President Trump look like a criminal, in their (so far) failed efforts to get him impeached.  I would say they are all guilty of God's retribution for this!  We'll see!

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