Well, they ought to know!!! They started it, they maintain it, and they refuse to let it go! They are obviously counting on it to help them win the election, in 2020! Not by proving that Trump is guilty of anything, but by investigating long enough, and talking about their suspicions long enough that those who don't examine the truth well will simply assume there must be some truth behind all the charges, and investigations! Never before has a sitting President been subjected to such endless persecution, simply because the opposing party lost the election to him. The media has kept up a shameless barrage of anti-Trump propaganda, that only someone like Heinrich Himmler would appreciate! He was the Propaganda Minister for Hitler's Nazi Germany, and I'm sure he would be proud of the performance of America's Mainstream Media, today. Someday, he'll congratulate them all, when they meet up, in the flames of Hell!!!
There has only been one person that I can think of who has endured more persecution than Trump (at least politically speaking)! I'm not saying that Trump is as innocent as He was, or that his mission is as important as Christ's was! But the similarities are rampant, otherwise! This is following the old Communist technique of brainwashing a population by charging someone often enough, loudly enough, to the attempted exclusion of all opposing views until the exhausted populace become easily brainwashed into believing it is true!!! This is otherwise referred to as, "conviction in the court of public opinion"! I don't remember any place in the Constitution where this is considered as a way to impeach a sitting President!
Oh, excuse me, I forgot that the Democrats only use the Constitution when they think they can misconstrue it's true meaning to seem to support some concept they approve of! Other than that, they really despise the restraints on there dictatorial intentions, which are contained in the Bill of Rights, and they obviously want us all to vote to abolish the Constitution, and join the "One -World" Socialist government effort that Europe is trying to develop! Whomever these people are who are behind this effort in Europe are probably the only people who hate our Constitutional government more than the Democrats do; not because it is bad, but because when it succeeds, it detracts from their ability to promote their Socialist agenda!!! That's the whole basis of their desperate desire to, "dump Trump". If they succeed, they will be just as vociferously against anyone else who stands for protecting our Constitutional freedoms as President Trump is now! He is not what they really hate, it's the ideas he promotes that they hate, and the fact that they work is driving them crazy!!!
The hypocritical gall of these Leftist politicians, and the vitriol of the "Deep State" bureaucrats who support them, is nauseating to behold! Do they really believe that it was only the Republican voters who elected Trump??? There is so much evidence that God allowed him to be elected. not because he was such a good person (we all know of his personal frailties), but because God knew he was pliable enough to recognize that America had been going terribly wrong for some time, and the he would help to right some of the wrongs we have endured at the hands of previous administrations. I see God's hand in this administration, whether the Democrats manage to impeach him, or not! I can't believe God would raise up a "deliverer" like him, and not find a similar successor, if they are successful. And you can bet the Democrats will be just as outraged at any successor, as they seem to be against Trump! It's really not the person that troubles them, as much as the ideology, and those of us who share the ideology can expect similar persecution, just as the guy wearing the "MAGA" hat, on the campus at Berkeley discovered, when he was punched-out for his beliefs!!!
Perhaps the threat to our Constitution is dire enough that we should not avoid such persecution, for just as the first century Christians discovered, the church grew fastest in the midst of unspeakable persecution!!! Perhaps this is part of God's plan to revive America, politically, first, and spiritually, later!!!
ADDENDUM: 12:00, p.m., 3/4/2019--
Speaking of a "crisis in America", consider the one in South America; Venezuela, to be precise! Today there are reports that the newly elected, and world-wide accepted President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, is determined to return to Venezuela, today.
The de-facto President, Nicholas Maduro. refuses to step down, and his belligerence has caused me to wonder if recent visits from Russian and Chinese officials has not emboldened him into thinking that a Viet Nam-like invasion of Venezuela, by the U.S., would be met by support from those two countries. I think that Russia is desperate to draw America's military interests away from the Middle-East, so the "Gog/Magog" invasion can "safely" (in their view) commence. (I said before that I will view every international development in terms of how they may, or may not, effect the invasion, that is prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39!)
Now, Guaido seems to be trying to provoke American interdiction, by provoking Maduro, whom he has to know will arrest him, at least, and throw him in jail, if not execute him!!! Maduro is just the sort of megalomaniac who would think he could end his troubles by killing him! He is certainly wrong, because Trump would immediately send American forces there, and that would bring about Maduro's demise, sooner, or later, depending on how much support the Russians and Chinese give him. But it might be the reason that the Bible is silent about America coming to Israel's aid when they are invaded. This could be Putin's plan to distract America, at , least long enough for Israel to complete a "blitz" defense, without any help from us! This may be God's way of reserving all the glory for Himself!!!
As far as Guaido is concerned, I am reminded of a story of some newly born-again Christians, whose faith was much greater than their wisdom, who determined to go camping in a state park. The Park Rangers warned them that there had been some recent reports of bear attacks in the area they determined to camp in! Undaunted, they said it would be alright, "God would protect them!" And, indeed, He did! I'm sure they are in Heaven, now, and the bear is thankful for his revelation of a Christian "Last Supper"!!!
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