Monday, March 11, 2019

I Tremble For America!!!

I grew up in a time when people respected those who told the truth as a matter of course, and shunned those who did not!   Today we have a political party (see if you can guess which one!!!) that blatantly, and unapologetically, uses obvious lies as tactical weapons to deceive an American public that they disrespect, to manipulate them into supporting their self-serving policies, and their ridiculous anti-Trump agenda, for no other reason than that President Trump wants to stop their lying ways from destroying American values!!!  The particularly sad thing about it is they have a large following of Democratic voters, who have become nothing more than Socialist dupes, desperately trying to vote them into office, and keep them there, because they believe their absurd lies, and really think these idiots are going to make their lives better!  The truth is they intend to make their own lives better, through taxpayer largess, and give the rest of us a tip, to make us think we have really benefited, before the economy collapses, from their profligate spending, which I suspect puts a lot of the money in the politicians' pockets!   Obviously, I can't prove this charge, but it has to be the reason why so many idiots, who are not stupid, support such idiotic policies!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect example!  I want to throw up, whenever I hear her make her idiotic judgements of people like Ronald Reagan, and even her own party's champion, F.D.R., who brought the country out of the Great Depression, and most of World War II, and criticizes them for being "Capitalists",  even though F.D.R. did most of his best work  through the Leftist principle of massively inflating the currency ( which was necessary in times of emergency, but it fell into the greedy hands of unscrupulous Politicians, who kept inflating after the emergency was over)!  If only we could get people like A.O.C.  to shut up, until they learn a little bit of truth!  But she is another in a long list of Democrats, and Socialists, who never heard a lie they didn't like, and couldn't twist into some means of getting Congress to spend money on useless projects, that they control, and keep Congress from giving money to useful projects, like building the wall!

And the Muslim influence, in the Democratic wing of the House will effectively neutralize that body from any responsible legislation, because their religion is based upon lies, and hatred (especially of Jews, first, and Christians, next), so that their whole perspective is tainted!   I do not say this with any hatred for them, though I do hate what their beliefs are causing them to do!  But, at least they are bound up in religious lies; what is A.O.C.'s excuse???  She stands for lunacy, for lunacy's sake, I guess!!!

Trouble is we have allowed our education system, from elementary school through College, to be controlled by the Education Department, which has pushed leftist ideals for generations.  Now we have a generation of young adults who are brainwashed into thinking that Socialism is good!  This has to be part of Satan's plan to create a One-World Socialist government, and force America to abolish our Constitutional form of government, and join in their system!  God has prophecied that this system will be a diabolical disaster!!!

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