Tuesday, March 19, 2019

America's Values Are Crumbling Around Us Faster,,,

...Than the infrastructure!!!  People, especially in government, talk about their concerns for the safety of our bridges, tunnels, and highways around the country.  Yet, so far, not much has been done to repair them.  I guess the politicians are waiting for the next bridge collapse to kill a couple dozen people, or more, before they get serious about spending the money to repair them all.   But, there is a far worse condition in America, that is crumbling around us, and when it collapses, the condition of the infrastructure will not matter to us at all!!!

America's collective values are being held together with what amounts to spiritual "chewing gum, and bailing wire", and an absolute collapse affecting us all can't be far in the future!!!

Years ago, there was a book called, "The Fall Of The Roman Empire", which was frightening in it's analysis, and even more so today, as we have slid into depravity much more so than we were then!   America has seemingly lost it's moral compass, and mostly doesn't realize it, or even care!   But, this book drew an absolute connection between the moral depravity of the Roman Empire, and their eventual collapse, and their fall to the local barbarian tribes surrounding them.   Perhaps the greatest aspect of this depravity was the sexual perversion of the society as a whole.   Homosexuality, of both genders was accepted, and even commonplace, and adultery, and prostitution were rampant!  This depravity corrupted their overall moral values, until they became lax in their alertness to the dangers that surrounded them.  Eventually, they became so lax that they could no longer defend themselves from enemies that they had dominated for years.   The Bible talks of God, "giving them over to uncleanness...", in the book of Romans, though it does not identify whom Paul is referring to, but he describes a condition of social depravity, that fit the Grecian empire previously, and the Fall of Rome that was to come not long after.   America is becoming worse, in many ways, than either of those two empires, which God allowed to be conquered through their own corruption, and why should we feel that we will survive better than they did???

For one thing, our medical doctors have invented ways of artificially changing someone's gender, and injecting them with chemical hormones to fit their new sex.  I can't believe this does not effect their moral judgement, and the sinful sexual depravity that leads to this, is enough to create a collapse of our social mores, that it doesn't matter much if they decide to have the operation, or not.   How can a society be fully aware of the depravity that led directly to the collapse of some of the most powerful empires in history, and yet embrace the same depravity, and even worse, and not think they will suffer the same judgement from God, and worse because we are not ignorant of the cause, as the others were!

I fear that we may be closing in on the spiritual "point of no return", when God's judgement must destroy our society, lest it irreversibly corrupt the rest of the world!   It is certain to reach that point soon, if not already,  and the only thing that can safely forestall His judgement is a Holy Ghost revival, which He will send only if enough of us earnestly pray for it!!!

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