Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What Will It Take To Stop This Democratic Denial ...

...of the obvious (that there is a crisis at our southern border)???   It may take an international crisis of major proportion, such as a full-scale invasion of the Middle-East, like God prophecied to the Prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago!!!  The Democrats have created this problem, but the solution is with the opinions of their voting electorate!  As long as they support this denial of the obvious, the Democrats will continue this self-serving lie!  But, when the voters realize that the terrorists of the Middle-East will be coming here, with no wall to keep them out, they will stop supporting this Democratic boon-doggle!

I'm not saying that I want this to happen, certainly, but that it may take something like this to get some semblance of sanity in the House of Representatives!  If Israel defeats this invasion, as the prophecy says they will, the terrorists will have no homeland to return to, and they can't invade Israel, any more, so guess where they will try to invade next???  They will prefer the easiest border to cross, and guess where that will be???

It's a shame that supposedly loyal Americans would allow this to happen, but the Democrats have long since stopped pretending to be "loyal Americans"!  They are out for themselves, and they are more loyal to the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government, than our own, anyway!  They are probably salivating at the thought of being able to rip off the whole world, the way they have tried to rip us off, for decades!!!  The intentional destruction of our government would ingratiate them with the Europeans, who certainly recognize that a prosperous America detracts from their ability to sell their concept.   I suppose the Democrats plan to bail out on America, as soon as they have bankrupted our government, and set up shop in Europe, in some international Parliament, like the one in Brussels.

Let's hope the rapture comes before we are left with their financial basket-case leavings!!!

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