Stupid...There is a difference. Someone who is stupid does not have the intelligence to understand something that is profound, even if they accept it on face value. But, a fool is someone who is intelligent, but has chosen to accept a certain doctrine, for whatever reason, and belligerently holds onto that doctrine, in spite of concrete evidence that disproves it! They prefer to believe, a convenient lie, rather than accept a hard, but absolute, truth!!!
Perhaps that is why God prefers the poor, and humble, to the "wise", and proud. The poor will be pliable to anything, or anyone who can help them with their daily struggle. And, they are more easily brought to the point of humility, when they are shown something that works. no matter how illogical it may seem. Faith works in very illogical ways, but when faith is applied to God, "...all things are possible!" The "wisdom" of this world teaches that there is always a logical reason for everything. If you don't understand it now, forget it, until you can! But, no one can understand the mind of God, or His power, but it is available to those who are humble enough to accept it through faith, and believe it, even if we don't understand it. The proud will merely dismiss it because they can't understand it. and so they will dismiss God, because they can not understand Him. They want to be able to, "put Him in a box, and draw Him out when they wish", and God is too big to be put in any box!!!
When a doctrine seems to be powerful, even through complex deception, and lies, many will chose to believe it, because it is revealed to them by the second most powerful force in the universe; Satan!!! He gets his power from the most powerful force in the universe, God Almighty, but only for a comparatively short time! God allows him to deceive those who are so desperately seeking after the "wisdom" of the world, that they will accept his lies, and believe it dogmatically, in spite of clear evidence to the contrary. The Bible says that, "The Devil has come to rob, to cheat, and to destroy!" He hates us all, because he knows that God loves us, and he knows that his eternal punishment is set, and will soon come to pass! So, he wants to destroy as many of us as he can! And God allows it for a time, to test us, to see who will be humble enough to reject him, and turn to God, and who will not! He will then reward us accordingly!!!
Socialism is one such doctrine that can't work long, and only benefits the few, at the expense of others, but if they are in control of the government, they can enrich themselves, while making ridiculous claims that can not be proven, so they can keep stealing the wealth of the nation, until it runs out and they will simply go somewhere else, and try to pillage that nation!
Some are stupid, along with their foolishness, like Nicholas Maduro, in Venezuela. He should have bailed out of his country a long time ago, before things got so bad, after he stole the wealth of the nation. Now, everyone who is honest can see the disastrous state that his greedy form of Socialism has brought to his country, but he has become so addicted to his power that he is afraid someone will take it away, and leave him as the simple bus driver that he was before. His greed has driven him to the point of relying on Cuban, and Russian troops to protect him, rather than step down for the welfare of his people, because he can't even trust his safety to his own Army! Obviously, there can only be one end for someone whose foolishness has driven him to this point of stupidity! He will either be imprisoned by his Army, or more than likely he will be killed, while his Cuban and Russian Protectors rush to get out of town!
The Cubans, and the Russians will only protect him as long as it is convenient for them! I have speculated that Russia finds this situation convenient to temp America away from the Middle-East, so they can invade Israel before we have enough time to react, and come to Israel's aid! What they don't expect is that God will help Israel to defeat this invasion force, before America can make up its mind to do so! This will probably happen quickly, just as did the "Six Day War", and it will be over, before America decides to come to Israel's aid! In the mean time, "there will be a great shaking in the land of Israel". as if describing a great earthquake! Perhaps this is how God makes it obvious that He is behind the help that Israel needs to defeat the invasion force. He has a history of causing the earth to open up and swallow the enemies of Israel!!! He has done it before, and Ezekiel 38: 19,and 20, suggests that he will do it again!!!This is how God will get all the glory, for helping Israel defeat the second most powerful force in the world! He will show, "the heathen that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
When this invasion is defeated, all Russian forces will abandon Maduro, and so will the Cubans, who are probably being paid by the Russians! Then Maduro will have a rude awakening, to find out just how reliable Socialism is when the economy has been fully plundered, and he is blamed for it!!!
UPDATE: 3/11/2019--
I didn't realize it, when I was thinking up a title for the above post, but I chose to unknowingly almost accurately paraphrase a quote made by former President Ronald Reagan! It seems the same thought must have occurred to him, though he expressed it a bit differently.
His quote, which I heard on the FOX NEWS morning show was, " Democrats are not ignorant...they just know too many facts that are not so!!!" For my title I chose to express it thusly: "Democrats And Socialists Are Fools, But They Are Not Stupid!" In our vernacular, the words "Fool", and "Stupid" are practically synonymous. But, one condition is a sad condition of birth, while the other is a pathetic matter of intellectual choice!!! (I use the word, "intellectual" rather loosely, here.)
I wonder how many of the Left really believe their spouted dogma, and how many are merely trying to get elected to positions of power, so they can rip off the rest of us, legally, at taxpayers' expense??? We already have charges that "Mr. Socialist America", Bernie Sanders, is so concerned about Socialist principles, that he chooses to fly around the country in private jets, at taxpayer expense, which are about as bad air polluters as they come, and much more expensive than even flying first class, commercially! And, "A.O.C." was recently charged with allowing her chief of staff to place almost a million dollars of a slush fund, into hedge funds that he personally controlled!!! I guess they want the rest of us to pay for all the expensive Socialist programs, while they live royally on taxpayer largess!!! Perhaps they are not stupid; just greedy, and corrupt!!!
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