Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Three "Phases" Of Conspiracy

I admit that the categories I will write about come totally from my own impressions, yet I believe they are relevant in today's discussion of possible treasonous behavior, on the part of the Leftist politicians, and their Mainstream Media cohorts.

First, and most eternally damning, is the Spiritual nature of the conspiracy!!!  Guess who is the source of this aspect...   Satan is the ultimate source of every evil conspiracy, beginning in the Garden of Eden, extending through the crucifixion of Christ, the Nazi slaughter of 6 million Jews, in the Holocaust, and the recent persecution of President Trump, his administration, and family!!!  In each case, God has used the evil of Satan's conspiracy to bring about something good for those who are most affected by it.

  The Garden of Eden brought about the original sin of man, which eventually caused the salvation of all of us who accept the sinless death of Jesus Christ as  propitiation for our sins, so that we can be eternally reconciled to God.  That crucifixion also brought about the ultimate condemnation of Satan, eternally, though he is allowed to continue his evil way for a little while, but he knows his time is growing short!!!  Even the Holocaust murder of 6 million Jews, indirectly, brought about some good, with the international recognition that a Jewish homeland needed to be created, and so the State of Israel was voted to be created by the U.N., back when some honest and holy votes could actually be gotten from that corrupt institution!

I am not trying to compare, even slightly, the slanderous persecution of the Trump administration, and his family, to the fore mentioned examples, but merely to show that the source was obviously Satanic, even if God intervened to stop it before any damage could be done to our Constitutional government, which was clearly the objective of the conspirators, and probably remains so!!!  As I have written before, I believe the ultimate objective of the Democrats, and Socialists is to take control of our government, to create enough chaos in our society that we will all accept their view that the Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, in favor of joining in the "One-World" Socialist government, which they sincerely (though foolishly) believe is the last best hope for peace and prosperity for the world.  These people are no less susceptible to Satan's blinding deceptions than any others of us are, but those of us who are born-again Christians have Jesus' blocking of Satan's delusions, with the truth of the Gospel, and the Bible as a whole.  He has convinced them that his plan is better than God's, and since they have rejected the Bible, as foolishness, they fall easily for his lies!

 "Peace", perhaps, once they stop their chaotic conniving.  But then they will have to destroy all those pesky Christians, who refuse to receive a mark on their hand, to participate in their economic system, because God has declared, prophetically, that doing so would condemn them to Hell, eternally!!!  This system is the devil's way of bringing his prosperity to those who accept the mark, but seven years  later they will be cast into Hell, for doing so!!!

I don't think the Democrats, and Socialists believe all this is true, because they don't believe anything in the Bible is true!  This unbelief is the ultimate lie that Satan has brought upon humanity!!!  God calls him the, "father of lies", and this may be his best delusion, since the Garden Of Eden!!!   We as Christians must strive daily to convince the unbelievers of this truth, for there is yet a very little time!!!

Secondly, when the conspiracy gains enough general acceptance to be talked abought openly, we have the vocal aspect of it all.  This is where we have been for the past two years!  The Leftists had  apparently decided that a presidency for Hillary Clinton would have brought about the abolishing of the Constitution, and their outrage at not getting their way has made them reckless in proclaiming so!  But, they seem to be premature in trying to create the chaos needed to create the general opinion that the Constitution is obsolete!   Since they are not absolutely in power, their meddling (such as refusing to fund the building of the wall, to keep Latin American thugs out) may only serve to offend the moderates, who might otherwise vote for them.   Perhaps this is God's way of answering our prayers to deliver us from the Democrats' evil ways!!!

Hopefully, we will not progress to the final phase of the conspiracy (the material phase) which can come in the form of violent Civil War!!!  I believe this is the main point of the Left's concern for the abolishing of the second amendment right, "to keep an bare arms", and the subsequent resistance of many Conservatives, who don't trust a Leftist government to protect the other aspects of the Bill Of Rights!  A populace that is well armed acts as a deterrent  to any attempt at a government takeover, and the effort to abolish our Constitution!  I'm sure the Leftists are acutely aware of this!!!

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