Sunday, March 3, 2019

More On, "Signs Of The Times"

I was wondering at the recent unusual boldness of the Democrats, especially the declared 2020 Presidential candidates, as they clamor to promote themselves as hard-core Socialists, as if that designation has become suddenly a badge of honor to be boasted of, rather than something to keep secret, as many politicians from the Left labored so to do throughout the last century.  It occurred to me that perhaps even this is further evidence that we have either entered into the era God referred to as the "Last Days", or the "End Times", or are shortly to do so!!!

For the last half of the Twentieth Century, in America, politicians considered the admission of Socialist inclinations to be the political equivalent of, "the kiss of death"!   I think the basis for this was the name of the most evil government in recent history, the National Socialist regime in Germany, which was shortened to "Nazi", as an abbreviation!  Compounding this was the only slightly differing system in Russia, and China, and their various satellite nations, whose Communism stemmed from the same Socialist roots.  The major difference between the two systems, was that Socialism endeavored to sway the minds of the voters to voluntarily accept Socialism, while Communism took control by the barrel of the gun, and forced the system upon the people!

 The post-world war paranoia, for the world-wide spread of dictatorial Communism left Americans cringing at the thought of a Socialist dictator taking over control of America's government, which was openly intended by those dictators in power, in other countries.  This paranoia expressed itself in patriotic fervor for those, things that most American's held dear, especially the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, which are rather scorned by the Leftists, in America today.  Today we have a large following of openly professing Socialist politicians in the Democratic Party, who neither fear the title, but actively promote it as being superior to other forms of government, especially free market Capitalism!  Most of them have grown up in the years after World War II, and been educated in our Public School system to believe that their parent's fear of Socialist, and Communist indoctrination was merely a foolish paranoia, that should be ignored as an "older generation" that couldn't understand the "truth"!!!

A long-standing principle of Socialism, and Communism, has been to indoctrinate the children of a country, through the Public School system, into believing that Socialism was good.  This might take decades, but it eventually would be successful, and the "brainwashed" children would grow up to be enthusiastic Socialists, such as we see primarily in the supporters of the Socialist candidates, today!  This was a primary doctrine of the "Fabian Socialist" movement, that gradually took over England,  shortly after World War II.  It has been widely accepted throughout Europe, and probably instigated the "One-World" Socialist movement that Europe has been trying to develop.  It has been so surprisingly accepted, considering that Europe bore the brunt of the war against Nazi Germany. and the subsequent hegemony of Russian Communism,  that one would expect them to be most averse to the dictatorial nature of those forms of government!

But, the spiritual nature of this acceptance, which frequently becomes religious in appearance, seems to me to be evidence of Satanic delusion, which fits well within the scope of Biblical prophecy, concerning the "End Times"!  Both the readily accepted "One-World" Socialist government, and the corresponding slide into moral depravity, are thoroughly prophecied in the Bible, which is generally considered to be intellectually irrelevant, in those counties that have embraced Socialism, in whatever form.   If this doesn't smack of the "End Times" era, I don't know what else would; except for the blatant acceptance of Satan's Antichrist being revealed, which may become obvious at any time!  He is prophecied to take over the eventual "One-World" government, for seven disastrous years, before  Jesus returns to set up His 1000-year Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and to destroy all those who willingly accepted the Antichrist's system!!!

By that time it will be too late for all those dedicated Socialists to repent, and to begin to believe what the Bible says about their concept of Socialism!!!

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