Who are all these nameless, faceless bastions of Judicial authority, who if they are actually breathing in America today, must surely know that the F.I.S.A. warrants they approved, four times, so that corrupt F.B.I. agents could spy on American citizens, which would be otherwise unconstitutional, were served with unverified evidence of a potential crime as their basis for approval, and are therefore falsely served! I suspect they were either complicit with the corruption of the issuing of warrants for insufficient evidence, or the corrupt F.B.I. agents have them chloroformed, hog-tied, and locked in a jail cell, to keep them from screaming about the miscarriage of justice they were duped into participating in!!! I wonder if they were also appointed by Barak Obama, who seems to have appointed, or in some way have sneaky connections with every corrupt, "Deep State" official, in government today!!! I get the impression that he is not satisfied with having been elected President for eight years. I think he wants to appoint himself Emperor of America, for life, so we will all be forced to bow down, and kiss his feet, or some other more disgusting part of his anatomy!!!
Make no mistake about it, people! We have been living through an attempted coup of our Constitutional government, for the past 22 months, by people who hate us, and hate the Constitution, which they intend to abolish if they ever get absolute control of the government!
I submit that the ear-splitting silence of the F.I.S.A. judges is tantamount to an admission of guilt, in agreeing to grant the F.I.S.A. warrants, without vetting to prove that the accusations of a possible crime were genuine. If not, they should be arresting the signatories for contempt of court, unless this is a toothless court system, with no legal authority to punish those who willingly abuse their authority! I find it hard to believe they have no power to arrest these people, which leaves me to suspect they may have been in on the corrupt issuance of the warrants, themselves. Perhaps their being charged as such would get them to explain their lack of objections to what has been vociferously charged as illegal warrants being used at the behest of one political party to spy on another!!!
I guess the magnitude of the whole corrupt scandal of the Democratic effort to rewrite the results of the 2016 election has clouded, temporarily, the apparent complicity of these judges. I wonder if the F.B.I. agents who applied for the warrants with a bogus dossier, of unverified charges by unscrupulous characters, did so because they were confident that equally corrupt judges would grant their requests, in a "rubber-stamp" fashion, because they were appointed for just such a situation, by an equally corrupt President, or were they well paid to pretend their ignorance, of the inadequate evidence???
In today's corrupt political situation, with all the corrupt media haranguing about the evil of the party that won the election, while trying to blind the public about the evil of the losing party, I wonder if there is enough justice left in our government to bring these scoundrels to accountability! Sen. Lindsey Graham has determined to investigate just that! Let's pray the he can do so!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Three "Phases" Of Conspiracy
I admit that the categories I will write about come totally from my own impressions, yet I believe they are relevant in today's discussion of possible treasonous behavior, on the part of the Leftist politicians, and their Mainstream Media cohorts.
First, and most eternally damning, is the Spiritual nature of the conspiracy!!! Guess who is the source of this aspect... Satan is the ultimate source of every evil conspiracy, beginning in the Garden of Eden, extending through the crucifixion of Christ, the Nazi slaughter of 6 million Jews, in the Holocaust, and the recent persecution of President Trump, his administration, and family!!! In each case, God has used the evil of Satan's conspiracy to bring about something good for those who are most affected by it.
The Garden of Eden brought about the original sin of man, which eventually caused the salvation of all of us who accept the sinless death of Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins, so that we can be eternally reconciled to God. That crucifixion also brought about the ultimate condemnation of Satan, eternally, though he is allowed to continue his evil way for a little while, but he knows his time is growing short!!! Even the Holocaust murder of 6 million Jews, indirectly, brought about some good, with the international recognition that a Jewish homeland needed to be created, and so the State of Israel was voted to be created by the U.N., back when some honest and holy votes could actually be gotten from that corrupt institution!
I am not trying to compare, even slightly, the slanderous persecution of the Trump administration, and his family, to the fore mentioned examples, but merely to show that the source was obviously Satanic, even if God intervened to stop it before any damage could be done to our Constitutional government, which was clearly the objective of the conspirators, and probably remains so!!! As I have written before, I believe the ultimate objective of the Democrats, and Socialists is to take control of our government, to create enough chaos in our society that we will all accept their view that the Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, in favor of joining in the "One-World" Socialist government, which they sincerely (though foolishly) believe is the last best hope for peace and prosperity for the world. These people are no less susceptible to Satan's blinding deceptions than any others of us are, but those of us who are born-again Christians have Jesus' blocking of Satan's delusions, with the truth of the Gospel, and the Bible as a whole. He has convinced them that his plan is better than God's, and since they have rejected the Bible, as foolishness, they fall easily for his lies!
"Peace", perhaps, once they stop their chaotic conniving. But then they will have to destroy all those pesky Christians, who refuse to receive a mark on their hand, to participate in their economic system, because God has declared, prophetically, that doing so would condemn them to Hell, eternally!!! This system is the devil's way of bringing his prosperity to those who accept the mark, but seven years later they will be cast into Hell, for doing so!!!
I don't think the Democrats, and Socialists believe all this is true, because they don't believe anything in the Bible is true! This unbelief is the ultimate lie that Satan has brought upon humanity!!! God calls him the, "father of lies", and this may be his best delusion, since the Garden Of Eden!!! We as Christians must strive daily to convince the unbelievers of this truth, for there is yet a very little time!!!
Secondly, when the conspiracy gains enough general acceptance to be talked abought openly, we have the vocal aspect of it all. This is where we have been for the past two years! The Leftists had apparently decided that a presidency for Hillary Clinton would have brought about the abolishing of the Constitution, and their outrage at not getting their way has made them reckless in proclaiming so! But, they seem to be premature in trying to create the chaos needed to create the general opinion that the Constitution is obsolete! Since they are not absolutely in power, their meddling (such as refusing to fund the building of the wall, to keep Latin American thugs out) may only serve to offend the moderates, who might otherwise vote for them. Perhaps this is God's way of answering our prayers to deliver us from the Democrats' evil ways!!!
Hopefully, we will not progress to the final phase of the conspiracy (the material phase) which can come in the form of violent Civil War!!! I believe this is the main point of the Left's concern for the abolishing of the second amendment right, "to keep an bare arms", and the subsequent resistance of many Conservatives, who don't trust a Leftist government to protect the other aspects of the Bill Of Rights! A populace that is well armed acts as a deterrent to any attempt at a government takeover, and the effort to abolish our Constitution! I'm sure the Leftists are acutely aware of this!!!
First, and most eternally damning, is the Spiritual nature of the conspiracy!!! Guess who is the source of this aspect... Satan is the ultimate source of every evil conspiracy, beginning in the Garden of Eden, extending through the crucifixion of Christ, the Nazi slaughter of 6 million Jews, in the Holocaust, and the recent persecution of President Trump, his administration, and family!!! In each case, God has used the evil of Satan's conspiracy to bring about something good for those who are most affected by it.
The Garden of Eden brought about the original sin of man, which eventually caused the salvation of all of us who accept the sinless death of Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins, so that we can be eternally reconciled to God. That crucifixion also brought about the ultimate condemnation of Satan, eternally, though he is allowed to continue his evil way for a little while, but he knows his time is growing short!!! Even the Holocaust murder of 6 million Jews, indirectly, brought about some good, with the international recognition that a Jewish homeland needed to be created, and so the State of Israel was voted to be created by the U.N., back when some honest and holy votes could actually be gotten from that corrupt institution!
I am not trying to compare, even slightly, the slanderous persecution of the Trump administration, and his family, to the fore mentioned examples, but merely to show that the source was obviously Satanic, even if God intervened to stop it before any damage could be done to our Constitutional government, which was clearly the objective of the conspirators, and probably remains so!!! As I have written before, I believe the ultimate objective of the Democrats, and Socialists is to take control of our government, to create enough chaos in our society that we will all accept their view that the Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, in favor of joining in the "One-World" Socialist government, which they sincerely (though foolishly) believe is the last best hope for peace and prosperity for the world. These people are no less susceptible to Satan's blinding deceptions than any others of us are, but those of us who are born-again Christians have Jesus' blocking of Satan's delusions, with the truth of the Gospel, and the Bible as a whole. He has convinced them that his plan is better than God's, and since they have rejected the Bible, as foolishness, they fall easily for his lies!
"Peace", perhaps, once they stop their chaotic conniving. But then they will have to destroy all those pesky Christians, who refuse to receive a mark on their hand, to participate in their economic system, because God has declared, prophetically, that doing so would condemn them to Hell, eternally!!! This system is the devil's way of bringing his prosperity to those who accept the mark, but seven years later they will be cast into Hell, for doing so!!!
I don't think the Democrats, and Socialists believe all this is true, because they don't believe anything in the Bible is true! This unbelief is the ultimate lie that Satan has brought upon humanity!!! God calls him the, "father of lies", and this may be his best delusion, since the Garden Of Eden!!! We as Christians must strive daily to convince the unbelievers of this truth, for there is yet a very little time!!!
Secondly, when the conspiracy gains enough general acceptance to be talked abought openly, we have the vocal aspect of it all. This is where we have been for the past two years! The Leftists had apparently decided that a presidency for Hillary Clinton would have brought about the abolishing of the Constitution, and their outrage at not getting their way has made them reckless in proclaiming so! But, they seem to be premature in trying to create the chaos needed to create the general opinion that the Constitution is obsolete! Since they are not absolutely in power, their meddling (such as refusing to fund the building of the wall, to keep Latin American thugs out) may only serve to offend the moderates, who might otherwise vote for them. Perhaps this is God's way of answering our prayers to deliver us from the Democrats' evil ways!!!
Hopefully, we will not progress to the final phase of the conspiracy (the material phase) which can come in the form of violent Civil War!!! I believe this is the main point of the Left's concern for the abolishing of the second amendment right, "to keep an bare arms", and the subsequent resistance of many Conservatives, who don't trust a Leftist government to protect the other aspects of the Bill Of Rights! A populace that is well armed acts as a deterrent to any attempt at a government takeover, and the effort to abolish our Constitution! I'm sure the Leftists are acutely aware of this!!!
Saturday, March 23, 2019
"Not The Day, Nor The Hour..." But "The Signs Of The Times."
Some years ago I knew a man who belligerently professed that he knew the date of Jesus' return to set up His Kingdom Of Heaven, on earth. I tried, as did several others to convince him that this was unbiblical, as Jesus himself said, in Matthew 24: 36, that, " ...No man knows the day, nor the hour...but my father only." Jesus also said, in Acts 1: 7, that, "It is not for you to know the times (or years), or the seasons, which my Father has put in His own power." Yet he continued to spread the warning that Jesus was due on some date in, I think it was 2011! He didn't say much after that date, I guess because he, like the rest of us had apparently missed out on his "Rapture"!!! Thank God that Jesus is our Lord, and not him!!!
But, Jesus also rebuked the Pharisees for not recognizing the, "signs of the times" (also a Hebrew term, meaning "years"). I gather that we may not know the exact time of His return, but we can recognize the apparent drift in that direction, based on the secular conditions that surround us! This is the basis for my belief in the soon fulfillment of the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy. This prophecy was given by God about 2500 years ago, with the statement that it would be fulfilled in, "the latter days", which was a Biblical term meaning the general era that preceded the return of Jesus! This war in the Middle-East would be precipitated by Russia (referred to as Magog, an ancient tribe that settled first, in present-day Turkey, and later moved to the region around present-day Moscow, Russia).
It made sense to me that Russia would set up some sort of presence in the Middle-East, before such an invasion would begin. Russia has desired a "warm water" port since the Tsarist days, of the 19th century. They initially acquired one when they invaded, then "annexed" the port at the base of the Crimean peninsula, after a brief war with the Ukraine. But, not until the recent revolt against Russia's ally, Syria, have they been able to get a foothold in the Mediterranean region. Since coming to the "aid" of Bashir Assad's regime, they have been allowed to establish a port, and air base in northwestern Syria, from which I believe they intend to launch their invasion of the Middle-East.
They are also allied with Iran, (which was referred to by their ancient name of "Persia", in the prophecy) and which is prophecied to join with them in this invasion, and which has recently moved into the void left by the defeat of I.S.I.S., in Iraq. Iran has been saying for years that they want to destroy Israel, and that is probably fine with Russia, because Israel is the only power in the region that could interfere with their probable goal of capturing the Arab gulf-states' oil reserves. I have speculated that Russia wants those oil reserves so they can embargo all the Western countries, who have honored America's sanctions against Russia, for invading, and later annexing the Crimean Peninsula, of the Ukraine, into their own territory. Russia would then appear neutral, until Iran had completed their desired slaughter of every man, woman, and child in Israel!!! Unfortunately (for them), God has a little to say about that, as He has prophecied that He will help Israel defeat this invasion (by a disastrous earthquake?), causing a panic among the invaders, that He describes as, "every mans' sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)"!!! Perhaps this panic will cause the Iranian forces to try to retreat, before the Russians are able to invade the gulf states, and the Russians try to halt the panicked retreat. This might bring about the armed conflict between the "brothers", that God has prophecied will destroy 83, and 1/3rd% of the invasion force!!!
I admit that this is a lot of extrapolation by my imagination, but there has never been a time in those past 2500 years when these things have come together to possibly fulfill this prophecy! I find it hard to believe that God would cause these things to come together without using them to fulfill His prophecy!!! Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't believe so! Anyway, we should all know for sure, one way or the other, fairly soon!!!
But, Jesus also rebuked the Pharisees for not recognizing the, "signs of the times" (also a Hebrew term, meaning "years"). I gather that we may not know the exact time of His return, but we can recognize the apparent drift in that direction, based on the secular conditions that surround us! This is the basis for my belief in the soon fulfillment of the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy. This prophecy was given by God about 2500 years ago, with the statement that it would be fulfilled in, "the latter days", which was a Biblical term meaning the general era that preceded the return of Jesus! This war in the Middle-East would be precipitated by Russia (referred to as Magog, an ancient tribe that settled first, in present-day Turkey, and later moved to the region around present-day Moscow, Russia).
It made sense to me that Russia would set up some sort of presence in the Middle-East, before such an invasion would begin. Russia has desired a "warm water" port since the Tsarist days, of the 19th century. They initially acquired one when they invaded, then "annexed" the port at the base of the Crimean peninsula, after a brief war with the Ukraine. But, not until the recent revolt against Russia's ally, Syria, have they been able to get a foothold in the Mediterranean region. Since coming to the "aid" of Bashir Assad's regime, they have been allowed to establish a port, and air base in northwestern Syria, from which I believe they intend to launch their invasion of the Middle-East.
They are also allied with Iran, (which was referred to by their ancient name of "Persia", in the prophecy) and which is prophecied to join with them in this invasion, and which has recently moved into the void left by the defeat of I.S.I.S., in Iraq. Iran has been saying for years that they want to destroy Israel, and that is probably fine with Russia, because Israel is the only power in the region that could interfere with their probable goal of capturing the Arab gulf-states' oil reserves. I have speculated that Russia wants those oil reserves so they can embargo all the Western countries, who have honored America's sanctions against Russia, for invading, and later annexing the Crimean Peninsula, of the Ukraine, into their own territory. Russia would then appear neutral, until Iran had completed their desired slaughter of every man, woman, and child in Israel!!! Unfortunately (for them), God has a little to say about that, as He has prophecied that He will help Israel defeat this invasion (by a disastrous earthquake?), causing a panic among the invaders, that He describes as, "every mans' sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)"!!! Perhaps this panic will cause the Iranian forces to try to retreat, before the Russians are able to invade the gulf states, and the Russians try to halt the panicked retreat. This might bring about the armed conflict between the "brothers", that God has prophecied will destroy 83, and 1/3rd% of the invasion force!!!
I admit that this is a lot of extrapolation by my imagination, but there has never been a time in those past 2500 years when these things have come together to possibly fulfill this prophecy! I find it hard to believe that God would cause these things to come together without using them to fulfill His prophecy!!! Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't believe so! Anyway, we should all know for sure, one way or the other, fairly soon!!!
Friday, March 22, 2019
Where Is George Soros Invested, In The Immigration Crisis???
Billionaire investor, George Soros, has made multiple millions investing short in other countries' stock markets, and, in turn, promoting the very socialist unrest that tends to create these markets' soon collapses. Basically, he promotes, by financing the very institutions that frequently cause the collapses of those nations' business stocks, which makes their governments more vulnerable to socialist takeover!
All the typical conditions for such a collapse are present in America today!!! American markets recently set record heights, and are still hovering near those levels! If we had an F.B.I. that was run by competent people, we could easily determine if this was his present "game plan" for our own stock markets, today! While Bill Barr is apparently a trustworthy Attorney General, how many of his immediate junior officials at the Justice Department are likewise trustworthy??? Has he had sufficient time to "clean house" of the incompetent, and conspiratorial Obama holdovers to get his people to properly investigate anything??? And the F.B.I., which is under the control of the Justice Department, has been under the direction of Trump appointee, Christopher Wray, for some time now! Has he been able to get enough willing employees around him that they could, and would, investigate Soros's investments??? Plus, a legal FISA warrant would probably be necessary to uncover any apparent skullduggery on Soros's part, and they would need evidence suggesting the possible commission of a crime, to get that warrant!!! I'm sure he has covered himself enough to preclude any pertinent evidence of such.
Yet, we know that somebody, or multiple "somebodies", has been funding these illegal immigrant caravans, as they march from Latin American countries, to invade our southern border. Some wealthy person, or "persons", has been supplying partial transportation, food, water, etc., along the way! Plus, the Mexican drug cartels are reputed to be charging each traveler something like $5,000 to cross Mexico "safely", which most of these people are too poor to afford such payments! So where is all this money coming from??? Some extremely rich benefactor, or benefactors, is probably coughing up millions of dollars to the cartels to let them pass! I surmise that it would have to be someone who is both wealthy enough to afford it, and is heavily invested in the prospect of this chaos creating enough political turmoil to both cause a stock market crash, and a Democratic, and Socialist victory in the 2020 election! I wonder who would be conniving enough to do so???
Unfortunately, no one is going to investigate these charges of mine, purely on the suspicion of some "lunatic" blogger (yours truly!), but they might investigate the causes of such a stock market collapse, after the fact! By that time, I'm sure Soros, or anyone conspiring to do such, will have happily, "taken the money, and run" to some country with no extradition agreement with the U.S., where he, or they, would plan to do the same thing somewhere else!!!
Unfortunately, I can't prove anything concerning my suspicions, but I can't help but wonder!!! I guess this all would fall under the category of "antidisestablishmentarianism"!!! (Sorry, but I have always wanted an excuse to use the reputed longest word in the English dictionary, and I just can't pass up the opportunity!!! Wow, my "spell check" service actually let me get away with it!)
Update: 3/23/2019--
Boy! I really struck a nerve with this post!!! My server indicated that some 115 pageviews occurred overnight, and when I checked the origins of them, 114 were listed as coming from the U.K., or Britain!!! If I normally get more than one, or two pageviews from Britain, it's unusual! Why is anyone so demonstrably interested in the above post, unless Soros is now living there, and he had to re-read it 113 times to get it straight! I don't fear any lawsuit for slander, as he is a "public figure", and I didn't make any charges against him, merely speculated, and wondered. If that constitutes slander, then he can sue me for all of my wealth, which is next to nothing!!! I hope my poverty will make him happier than it has me!!! Boy, he'll get a lot of great publicity out of that one! I can just see the headlines: "Billionaire sues a man whose poverty has reached his lower lip, while he desperately tries to tread water, to keep from drowning in it!" (I wonder? Do they let you take your computer with you to prison? If so, my retirement will be set for life! Free food and shelter, and nothing to do, but sit around and write about what George Soros is up to!!!)
All the typical conditions for such a collapse are present in America today!!! American markets recently set record heights, and are still hovering near those levels! If we had an F.B.I. that was run by competent people, we could easily determine if this was his present "game plan" for our own stock markets, today! While Bill Barr is apparently a trustworthy Attorney General, how many of his immediate junior officials at the Justice Department are likewise trustworthy??? Has he had sufficient time to "clean house" of the incompetent, and conspiratorial Obama holdovers to get his people to properly investigate anything??? And the F.B.I., which is under the control of the Justice Department, has been under the direction of Trump appointee, Christopher Wray, for some time now! Has he been able to get enough willing employees around him that they could, and would, investigate Soros's investments??? Plus, a legal FISA warrant would probably be necessary to uncover any apparent skullduggery on Soros's part, and they would need evidence suggesting the possible commission of a crime, to get that warrant!!! I'm sure he has covered himself enough to preclude any pertinent evidence of such.
Yet, we know that somebody, or multiple "somebodies", has been funding these illegal immigrant caravans, as they march from Latin American countries, to invade our southern border. Some wealthy person, or "persons", has been supplying partial transportation, food, water, etc., along the way! Plus, the Mexican drug cartels are reputed to be charging each traveler something like $5,000 to cross Mexico "safely", which most of these people are too poor to afford such payments! So where is all this money coming from??? Some extremely rich benefactor, or benefactors, is probably coughing up millions of dollars to the cartels to let them pass! I surmise that it would have to be someone who is both wealthy enough to afford it, and is heavily invested in the prospect of this chaos creating enough political turmoil to both cause a stock market crash, and a Democratic, and Socialist victory in the 2020 election! I wonder who would be conniving enough to do so???
Unfortunately, no one is going to investigate these charges of mine, purely on the suspicion of some "lunatic" blogger (yours truly!), but they might investigate the causes of such a stock market collapse, after the fact! By that time, I'm sure Soros, or anyone conspiring to do such, will have happily, "taken the money, and run" to some country with no extradition agreement with the U.S., where he, or they, would plan to do the same thing somewhere else!!!
Unfortunately, I can't prove anything concerning my suspicions, but I can't help but wonder!!! I guess this all would fall under the category of "antidisestablishmentarianism"!!! (Sorry, but I have always wanted an excuse to use the reputed longest word in the English dictionary, and I just can't pass up the opportunity!!! Wow, my "spell check" service actually let me get away with it!)
Update: 3/23/2019--
Boy! I really struck a nerve with this post!!! My server indicated that some 115 pageviews occurred overnight, and when I checked the origins of them, 114 were listed as coming from the U.K., or Britain!!! If I normally get more than one, or two pageviews from Britain, it's unusual! Why is anyone so demonstrably interested in the above post, unless Soros is now living there, and he had to re-read it 113 times to get it straight! I don't fear any lawsuit for slander, as he is a "public figure", and I didn't make any charges against him, merely speculated, and wondered. If that constitutes slander, then he can sue me for all of my wealth, which is next to nothing!!! I hope my poverty will make him happier than it has me!!! Boy, he'll get a lot of great publicity out of that one! I can just see the headlines: "Billionaire sues a man whose poverty has reached his lower lip, while he desperately tries to tread water, to keep from drowning in it!" (I wonder? Do they let you take your computer with you to prison? If so, my retirement will be set for life! Free food and shelter, and nothing to do, but sit around and write about what George Soros is up to!!!)
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Democrats: The Politics Of Greed, And Inflation!!!
Greed: For political power... when they've got it, they try to change the laws to make it easier for them to keep it; and when they don't, they try to cheat their way back into it! The point of the power is to guarantee the permanence of their own employment, and take advantage of the opportunities to enrich themselves, through manipulation of legal loopholes (as Joe Biden is recently accused of, by taking his son along on a trip to China, where he met with government officials, while his son reputedly arranged for a billion dollar Chinese "investment" into a hedge fund that he controlled! Sounds kind of like the "Charitable" fund the Clintons established, which was raking in millions from countries like Saudi Arabia, while Hillary was Secretary of State, which they claimed was not to buy influence!!!) Yeah, sure!!!
Inflation is their favorite tool to accomplish the above; Inflate the currency, to give their constituents some kind of reward for voting for them; Inflate the voting public, by trying to lower the age limit of eligible voters to 16 years old, so that more voters that are recently brainwashed in our public schools will be able to vote, who can be mostly counted on to vote for them; Further inflate the voting bloc by obstructing the attempt to build a wall on our southern border, and allowing mass illegal immigration to pour across the border, while trying to pass a law making it legal for illegals, from other countries, to vote in our elections (knowing that they can easily be made to vote for Democratic candidates, either by choice, or by bribery), not to mention the attempts to forge votes, locally!
Their apparent credo is,"if you can't win honestly, then cheat!!!" Even their very platform represents a form of "inflation", in the sense of "inflating" the truth of their promises, once elected! Getting elected seems to be so desperately important to them that they are promising, "free everything, for everybody", because no one has to pay for it, except "Uncle Sugar", who used to be called, "Uncle Sam"!!! He's that faceless entity that has a virtually unlimited source of money, created out of thin air, and no one else has to pay for it!!! (Yessir!!! The Democrats really love inflation!!!)
The reason they so freely want to inflate the currency is because they know that endless borrowing to cover our inflated debts, will eventually bankrupt our treasury, and we will be forced to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, which is creating the only currency that will be stable (but requires accepting the "Mark of the Beast", to use it, which the Bible clearly says will give the recipients a free trip to Hell, for eternity!!!)
So, it boils down to your choice: Vote Republican, and deal with a government that stands for truth, justice, and the American way (with apologies to "Superman"!), or vote for the Democratic attempt to send us all to Hell (with, or without a "hand basket"!!!)
Inflation is their favorite tool to accomplish the above; Inflate the currency, to give their constituents some kind of reward for voting for them; Inflate the voting public, by trying to lower the age limit of eligible voters to 16 years old, so that more voters that are recently brainwashed in our public schools will be able to vote, who can be mostly counted on to vote for them; Further inflate the voting bloc by obstructing the attempt to build a wall on our southern border, and allowing mass illegal immigration to pour across the border, while trying to pass a law making it legal for illegals, from other countries, to vote in our elections (knowing that they can easily be made to vote for Democratic candidates, either by choice, or by bribery), not to mention the attempts to forge votes, locally!
Their apparent credo is,"if you can't win honestly, then cheat!!!" Even their very platform represents a form of "inflation", in the sense of "inflating" the truth of their promises, once elected! Getting elected seems to be so desperately important to them that they are promising, "free everything, for everybody", because no one has to pay for it, except "Uncle Sugar", who used to be called, "Uncle Sam"!!! He's that faceless entity that has a virtually unlimited source of money, created out of thin air, and no one else has to pay for it!!! (Yessir!!! The Democrats really love inflation!!!)
The reason they so freely want to inflate the currency is because they know that endless borrowing to cover our inflated debts, will eventually bankrupt our treasury, and we will be forced to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, which is creating the only currency that will be stable (but requires accepting the "Mark of the Beast", to use it, which the Bible clearly says will give the recipients a free trip to Hell, for eternity!!!)
So, it boils down to your choice: Vote Republican, and deal with a government that stands for truth, justice, and the American way (with apologies to "Superman"!), or vote for the Democratic attempt to send us all to Hell (with, or without a "hand basket"!!!)
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
God: "I Will Send Fire Upon..."
Guess Who???
I have been writing for years about the prophecy in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, about what has come to be called the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and especially Israel! It chronicles a miraculous victory by Israel, that can only be explained by the miraculous intervention of God to help them defeat their invaders, comprised mostly of Iranian forces, along with other Muslim neighbors of Israel. It will be directed by the Russian forces that I have felt will attempt to use this as a way to wipe out any local resistance to their planned invasion, and conquest of the Gulf States, and their rich oil deposits!
As a consequence of this invasion, after it's conclusion, it mentions that God will, "...send fire upon Magog (considered to be Russia, by many Biblical scholars), and upon, "those who dwell safely upon the (coastlands)", also thought to be America (by those same Biblical scholars)! There was no way to "send fire" around the world, when the prophecy was first given (except for God's miraculous power, as in Sodom, and Gomorrah), but their is today...it's called nuclear missile attacks!!!
I have speculated that this was God's way of warning future generations to expect His judgement to be sent upon those nations that He determined are so evil that there is no point in allowing them to continue to exist!!! I could see how God would determine that for Russia, as the instigator of this invasion, with it's intention of wiping Israel off the map!!! But, I could not predict America's corruption, to the point that God would feel the same about us!!! But, now, with all the professed evil intentions of the Leftists who are vying for the Presidency, in the 2020 election, it occurs to me that perhaps God sees no point in keeping America around!!! Perhaps He will allow the invasion to occur, after a disastrous defeat of the Trump Presidency, and perhaps a Democrat victory in the Senate, as well as the House! This would explain why America is not listed as coming to the aid of Israel, in their time of greatest peril, which I have been desperately trying to understand! A Democratic administration could no longer be expected to respond to Israel's pleas for assistance, and therefore God might consider us worthy of nuclear retaliation, (whether from retreating Russian forces, or even Chinese sources, who might see this as an opportunity to become the absolute dominant power in the world, with the absence of both Russia, and America)!!! I would expect those of us who are praying for God's deliverance for our country, to be exempt from any nuclear attack, and it seems likely that the prophecied "rapture" would occur before the missiles actually struck their targets!!! Perhaps this is God's ultimate way of answering our prayers to revive America, after not enough of us sincerely repented of our sinful ways! I don't presume to know if any of this is, "cut in stone", but it all seems possible to me!
If we continue to, "look up..." our redemption will, "draweth nigh", one way or another!!!
I have been writing for years about the prophecy in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, about what has come to be called the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and especially Israel! It chronicles a miraculous victory by Israel, that can only be explained by the miraculous intervention of God to help them defeat their invaders, comprised mostly of Iranian forces, along with other Muslim neighbors of Israel. It will be directed by the Russian forces that I have felt will attempt to use this as a way to wipe out any local resistance to their planned invasion, and conquest of the Gulf States, and their rich oil deposits!
As a consequence of this invasion, after it's conclusion, it mentions that God will, "...send fire upon Magog (considered to be Russia, by many Biblical scholars), and upon, "those who dwell safely upon the (coastlands)", also thought to be America (by those same Biblical scholars)! There was no way to "send fire" around the world, when the prophecy was first given (except for God's miraculous power, as in Sodom, and Gomorrah), but their is today...it's called nuclear missile attacks!!!
I have speculated that this was God's way of warning future generations to expect His judgement to be sent upon those nations that He determined are so evil that there is no point in allowing them to continue to exist!!! I could see how God would determine that for Russia, as the instigator of this invasion, with it's intention of wiping Israel off the map!!! But, I could not predict America's corruption, to the point that God would feel the same about us!!! But, now, with all the professed evil intentions of the Leftists who are vying for the Presidency, in the 2020 election, it occurs to me that perhaps God sees no point in keeping America around!!! Perhaps He will allow the invasion to occur, after a disastrous defeat of the Trump Presidency, and perhaps a Democrat victory in the Senate, as well as the House! This would explain why America is not listed as coming to the aid of Israel, in their time of greatest peril, which I have been desperately trying to understand! A Democratic administration could no longer be expected to respond to Israel's pleas for assistance, and therefore God might consider us worthy of nuclear retaliation, (whether from retreating Russian forces, or even Chinese sources, who might see this as an opportunity to become the absolute dominant power in the world, with the absence of both Russia, and America)!!! I would expect those of us who are praying for God's deliverance for our country, to be exempt from any nuclear attack, and it seems likely that the prophecied "rapture" would occur before the missiles actually struck their targets!!! Perhaps this is God's ultimate way of answering our prayers to revive America, after not enough of us sincerely repented of our sinful ways! I don't presume to know if any of this is, "cut in stone", but it all seems possible to me!
If we continue to, "look up..." our redemption will, "draweth nigh", one way or another!!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
America's Values Are Crumbling Around Us Faster,,,
...Than the infrastructure!!! People, especially in government, talk about their concerns for the safety of our bridges, tunnels, and highways around the country. Yet, so far, not much has been done to repair them. I guess the politicians are waiting for the next bridge collapse to kill a couple dozen people, or more, before they get serious about spending the money to repair them all. But, there is a far worse condition in America, that is crumbling around us, and when it collapses, the condition of the infrastructure will not matter to us at all!!!
America's collective values are being held together with what amounts to spiritual "chewing gum, and bailing wire", and an absolute collapse affecting us all can't be far in the future!!!
Years ago, there was a book called, "The Fall Of The Roman Empire", which was frightening in it's analysis, and even more so today, as we have slid into depravity much more so than we were then! America has seemingly lost it's moral compass, and mostly doesn't realize it, or even care! But, this book drew an absolute connection between the moral depravity of the Roman Empire, and their eventual collapse, and their fall to the local barbarian tribes surrounding them. Perhaps the greatest aspect of this depravity was the sexual perversion of the society as a whole. Homosexuality, of both genders was accepted, and even commonplace, and adultery, and prostitution were rampant! This depravity corrupted their overall moral values, until they became lax in their alertness to the dangers that surrounded them. Eventually, they became so lax that they could no longer defend themselves from enemies that they had dominated for years. The Bible talks of God, "giving them over to uncleanness...", in the book of Romans, though it does not identify whom Paul is referring to, but he describes a condition of social depravity, that fit the Grecian empire previously, and the Fall of Rome that was to come not long after. America is becoming worse, in many ways, than either of those two empires, which God allowed to be conquered through their own corruption, and why should we feel that we will survive better than they did???
For one thing, our medical doctors have invented ways of artificially changing someone's gender, and injecting them with chemical hormones to fit their new sex. I can't believe this does not effect their moral judgement, and the sinful sexual depravity that leads to this, is enough to create a collapse of our social mores, that it doesn't matter much if they decide to have the operation, or not. How can a society be fully aware of the depravity that led directly to the collapse of some of the most powerful empires in history, and yet embrace the same depravity, and even worse, and not think they will suffer the same judgement from God, and worse because we are not ignorant of the cause, as the others were!
I fear that we may be closing in on the spiritual "point of no return", when God's judgement must destroy our society, lest it irreversibly corrupt the rest of the world! It is certain to reach that point soon, if not already, and the only thing that can safely forestall His judgement is a Holy Ghost revival, which He will send only if enough of us earnestly pray for it!!!
America's collective values are being held together with what amounts to spiritual "chewing gum, and bailing wire", and an absolute collapse affecting us all can't be far in the future!!!
Years ago, there was a book called, "The Fall Of The Roman Empire", which was frightening in it's analysis, and even more so today, as we have slid into depravity much more so than we were then! America has seemingly lost it's moral compass, and mostly doesn't realize it, or even care! But, this book drew an absolute connection between the moral depravity of the Roman Empire, and their eventual collapse, and their fall to the local barbarian tribes surrounding them. Perhaps the greatest aspect of this depravity was the sexual perversion of the society as a whole. Homosexuality, of both genders was accepted, and even commonplace, and adultery, and prostitution were rampant! This depravity corrupted their overall moral values, until they became lax in their alertness to the dangers that surrounded them. Eventually, they became so lax that they could no longer defend themselves from enemies that they had dominated for years. The Bible talks of God, "giving them over to uncleanness...", in the book of Romans, though it does not identify whom Paul is referring to, but he describes a condition of social depravity, that fit the Grecian empire previously, and the Fall of Rome that was to come not long after. America is becoming worse, in many ways, than either of those two empires, which God allowed to be conquered through their own corruption, and why should we feel that we will survive better than they did???
For one thing, our medical doctors have invented ways of artificially changing someone's gender, and injecting them with chemical hormones to fit their new sex. I can't believe this does not effect their moral judgement, and the sinful sexual depravity that leads to this, is enough to create a collapse of our social mores, that it doesn't matter much if they decide to have the operation, or not. How can a society be fully aware of the depravity that led directly to the collapse of some of the most powerful empires in history, and yet embrace the same depravity, and even worse, and not think they will suffer the same judgement from God, and worse because we are not ignorant of the cause, as the others were!
I fear that we may be closing in on the spiritual "point of no return", when God's judgement must destroy our society, lest it irreversibly corrupt the rest of the world! It is certain to reach that point soon, if not already, and the only thing that can safely forestall His judgement is a Holy Ghost revival, which He will send only if enough of us earnestly pray for it!!!
Monday, March 18, 2019
Democrats Running For Chief Narcissist!!!
When I was in high school, we had student body elections for positions on the Student Council, like most schools across the country. It was clear to everyone that this was nothing more than a popularity contest, between the students with the best grade point averages. In other words, it was a popularity contest between teacher-approved candidates. No one objected to this concept, but no one thought it was anything more important than this, either. The positions were mostly honorary, anyway, with little authority, and not a lot of responsibility.
Now we have a bunch of Democratic candidates supposedly running for President of the United States, in 2020, and it's difficult to determine which candidate appears the most narcissistic, as they clamor to propose to give more free everything to those who will vote for them! God save us from any of them winning the election; not because President Trump is so great, but because they are all so pathetically bad!!! Yesterday, FOX NEWS did a story on the apparently narcissistic qualities of Beto O'Rourke, which seemed fairly appropriate, in measure, for all of the Democratic candidates! It would seem more appropriate if they were all running for Senior Class President of their high school student councils!!! They were all promising to institute laws that granted free everything for everybody, and no one has to pay for it, except some ethereal body known as, "the government" ( only God knows who that would be; it certainly wouldn't be anyone voting to elect these idiots!). One thing is absolutely clear: if any of them becomes President, it will mark the impending destruction of our Constitutional government, and our soon joining of the European "One-World" socialist government system, which God has prophecied will be the greatest disaster in history, making Nazi Germany look like nursery school, in comparison!!!
I don't think any of these people care anything for our Constitution, and Nancy Pelosi is sponsoring legislation now, that would effectively end the Electoral College, because the democrats keep winning the popular election, while losing out in the Electoral College! So, rather than encourage the candidates to run smarter races, they prefer to change the rules in their favor, while keeping the wall from being built to keep out all the hoards of illegal immigrants, which (by the way) they are also trying to make it legal for them to vote, also! They apparently see nothing wrong with this, since they intend to join the "One-World" system, anyway!!! (Why don't we ship all those who want to join this system to Europe, and build the wall, anyway?)
I don't see how anybody, who loves this country, could not think that we are in the greatest crisis in our history! The solution to this crisis is too big for us to find, ourselves! Only God can revive this country, from it's present decadent state, and He will only do so if enough of us pray for that revival!!!
Now we have a bunch of Democratic candidates supposedly running for President of the United States, in 2020, and it's difficult to determine which candidate appears the most narcissistic, as they clamor to propose to give more free everything to those who will vote for them! God save us from any of them winning the election; not because President Trump is so great, but because they are all so pathetically bad!!! Yesterday, FOX NEWS did a story on the apparently narcissistic qualities of Beto O'Rourke, which seemed fairly appropriate, in measure, for all of the Democratic candidates! It would seem more appropriate if they were all running for Senior Class President of their high school student councils!!! They were all promising to institute laws that granted free everything for everybody, and no one has to pay for it, except some ethereal body known as, "the government" ( only God knows who that would be; it certainly wouldn't be anyone voting to elect these idiots!). One thing is absolutely clear: if any of them becomes President, it will mark the impending destruction of our Constitutional government, and our soon joining of the European "One-World" socialist government system, which God has prophecied will be the greatest disaster in history, making Nazi Germany look like nursery school, in comparison!!!
I don't think any of these people care anything for our Constitution, and Nancy Pelosi is sponsoring legislation now, that would effectively end the Electoral College, because the democrats keep winning the popular election, while losing out in the Electoral College! So, rather than encourage the candidates to run smarter races, they prefer to change the rules in their favor, while keeping the wall from being built to keep out all the hoards of illegal immigrants, which (by the way) they are also trying to make it legal for them to vote, also! They apparently see nothing wrong with this, since they intend to join the "One-World" system, anyway!!! (Why don't we ship all those who want to join this system to Europe, and build the wall, anyway?)
I don't see how anybody, who loves this country, could not think that we are in the greatest crisis in our history! The solution to this crisis is too big for us to find, ourselves! Only God can revive this country, from it's present decadent state, and He will only do so if enough of us pray for that revival!!!
Friday, March 15, 2019
There Are Two Ways To Make Muslim Terrorism Disappear...
Which way is more effective? You decide...
First, we have the White Supremacist effort in Christ Church, New Zealand... Just take some guns, and a whole lot of ammunition into a mosque, and blow away as many Muslim worshippers as you can, before you are arrested, or shot yourself! This plan eliminated 49 dead, and 28 wounded! At this rate, I wonder how many times you would have to do this to kill every Muslim in the world, and how many times would the Muslim survivors retaliate against their supposed antagonists (probably Christian Churches, at Sunday services; or Jewish synagogues, on Saturday)? Yes, there would be a lot of grateful Christians, and Jews, for this method!!!
The other method would to be to acknowledge God's sovereignty in accepting His statement that, "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will repay"!!! Hundreds of millions of Christian, and Jewish believers, humbling themselves to this promise, and praying earnestly for God's deliverance will not long be ignored!!! There will come a day when God's patience is finished, and those Muslims which He has been waiting for, to come out of their false religion, have already done so, and the rest are not coming! At that point, He will destroy all the rest of the Muslims, and nominal Christians (who were Christians in name only, but not really), along with non-believing Jews, Atheists, and Agnostics, and every other "ists" you can think of, along with murderous White Supremacists, and throw them into the Lake of Fire, eternally!!! I think this method, while it will be difficult to wait for, will be infinitely more effective, and a lot less costly in Muslim retaliation against Christians, and Jews, and any other innocents in the world!
Whether, or not, the perpetrators of the shooting of the New Zealand Mosques receive the Death Penalty (if they even have one in New Zealand) they will be judged when they stand before the Lord! I would recommend that they spend whatever time they have left on their knees, asking God to forgive them for what they have done, because the eternal death they are guilty of is far worse than any suffering they have inflicted on the Muslims they killed, or injured, or even on their loved ones!!!
First, we have the White Supremacist effort in Christ Church, New Zealand... Just take some guns, and a whole lot of ammunition into a mosque, and blow away as many Muslim worshippers as you can, before you are arrested, or shot yourself! This plan eliminated 49 dead, and 28 wounded! At this rate, I wonder how many times you would have to do this to kill every Muslim in the world, and how many times would the Muslim survivors retaliate against their supposed antagonists (probably Christian Churches, at Sunday services; or Jewish synagogues, on Saturday)? Yes, there would be a lot of grateful Christians, and Jews, for this method!!!
The other method would to be to acknowledge God's sovereignty in accepting His statement that, "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will repay"!!! Hundreds of millions of Christian, and Jewish believers, humbling themselves to this promise, and praying earnestly for God's deliverance will not long be ignored!!! There will come a day when God's patience is finished, and those Muslims which He has been waiting for, to come out of their false religion, have already done so, and the rest are not coming! At that point, He will destroy all the rest of the Muslims, and nominal Christians (who were Christians in name only, but not really), along with non-believing Jews, Atheists, and Agnostics, and every other "ists" you can think of, along with murderous White Supremacists, and throw them into the Lake of Fire, eternally!!! I think this method, while it will be difficult to wait for, will be infinitely more effective, and a lot less costly in Muslim retaliation against Christians, and Jews, and any other innocents in the world!
Whether, or not, the perpetrators of the shooting of the New Zealand Mosques receive the Death Penalty (if they even have one in New Zealand) they will be judged when they stand before the Lord! I would recommend that they spend whatever time they have left on their knees, asking God to forgive them for what they have done, because the eternal death they are guilty of is far worse than any suffering they have inflicted on the Muslims they killed, or injured, or even on their loved ones!!!
Democrat Power Greed Responsible For Most Evil...
...in America, today!!! Directly, or indirectly, the Democrats in Congress are going way out of their way to devise more, and more creative ways to cheat their way into political power, one way or another. Is there any surprise that the wealthy, mostly Democratic donors of Hollywood are accused of paying huge sums of money to cheat on entrance procedures to get their spoiled children into prestigious colleges around the country, when they don't merit entrance legally? Democrats apparently believe that if you can't get your way, honestly, then cheating is fine, because the, "end justifies the means!"
Congress, with the Democrats combining with the almost as corrupt Establishment Republicans, gave us these ridiculously stupid laws that supposedly controlled illegal immigration on the southern U.S. border. Instead, they intentionally created the deluge of illegal immigrants we see today, by making laws that actually encourage this flood, when the poor of other countries learn they can come to our country, and claim asylum, and be released into our country with a sham promise to return, voluntarily, for a later scheduled court appearance to decide on their asylum request. It had to be obvious to the bill's creators that this law would encourage the disappearance of many with bogus asylum claims, who simply dodge arrest for years, while their children grow up in America, creating the "Dreamers" of today, who will tug on the hearts of Americans for amnesty, to become citizens! Others bring their children, to be held in foster care, even though the parents face deportation, because they know that they will be able to be "grandfathered" legally into citizenship, later.
Now, we have the blatant attempt by House Speaker Pelosi to lower the voting age limit to 16, because she knows that our schools are brainwashing our children to be "good little Socialists", and the brainwashing frequently takes years of living in the real world to learn that Socialism doesn't work, but meanwhile they can be counted upon voting for Democrats, almost exclusively!!! That's why the "dot.com" companies tend to be run by Leftist-leaning C.E.O.'s, since they were founded by brilliant computer geniuses, who are still bound up in their brainwashed "school daze" mentality. Some will never outgrow this because their companies are so lucrative, they don't have to deal with the truth of supply and demand principles. Put another way, they don't live in the real world!
The point is, that Democrats believe they can cheat there way into power, and spend all their time trying to think of ways to increase their voting block, rather than create laws that actually benefit their constituents! So we end up with laws that only benefit the Democratic lawmakers, and not the people!
The net result is, we have laws that benefit the Leftist politicians, while making it easy for Latin countries to ship their undesirables to America, thereby sending their criminals to us, and our Leftist localities are cooperating, by declaring their communities to be "Sanctuaries", which will not allow the deportation of criminals, until our citizens are murdered, or raped.
The basic reason for all this lunacy, has to be the belief that by corrupting American society, they are encouraging the voters to recognize that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can join in the European "One World" Socialist government system. The Constitution is obsolete only because our framers never imagined there would come a time when Americans would vote for those who want to destroy our liberty, and force us into a system that the Bible prophecies will become an evil disaster, in the hands of the devil's Antichrist!!!
This movement towards unrestrained illegal immigration is happening to many countries around the world, simultaneously, as if the planners of the "One-World" system is orchestrating the whole thing! This is an obvious attempt to apply the Communist principle that, "out of chaos comes order!" But, only their own self-serving brand of order! They will stop this illegal immigration, as soon as these countries agree to join their Socialist system, and not before! The whole point is POWER, and only for the leftist politicians, and bureaucrats, at everyone else's expense! You can bet there will be no more two-party system, then! We will all have one choice, then! Obey, or die! And Christians, and Jews will have the choice made for them, automatically!!!
Congress, with the Democrats combining with the almost as corrupt Establishment Republicans, gave us these ridiculously stupid laws that supposedly controlled illegal immigration on the southern U.S. border. Instead, they intentionally created the deluge of illegal immigrants we see today, by making laws that actually encourage this flood, when the poor of other countries learn they can come to our country, and claim asylum, and be released into our country with a sham promise to return, voluntarily, for a later scheduled court appearance to decide on their asylum request. It had to be obvious to the bill's creators that this law would encourage the disappearance of many with bogus asylum claims, who simply dodge arrest for years, while their children grow up in America, creating the "Dreamers" of today, who will tug on the hearts of Americans for amnesty, to become citizens! Others bring their children, to be held in foster care, even though the parents face deportation, because they know that they will be able to be "grandfathered" legally into citizenship, later.
Now, we have the blatant attempt by House Speaker Pelosi to lower the voting age limit to 16, because she knows that our schools are brainwashing our children to be "good little Socialists", and the brainwashing frequently takes years of living in the real world to learn that Socialism doesn't work, but meanwhile they can be counted upon voting for Democrats, almost exclusively!!! That's why the "dot.com" companies tend to be run by Leftist-leaning C.E.O.'s, since they were founded by brilliant computer geniuses, who are still bound up in their brainwashed "school daze" mentality. Some will never outgrow this because their companies are so lucrative, they don't have to deal with the truth of supply and demand principles. Put another way, they don't live in the real world!
The point is, that Democrats believe they can cheat there way into power, and spend all their time trying to think of ways to increase their voting block, rather than create laws that actually benefit their constituents! So we end up with laws that only benefit the Democratic lawmakers, and not the people!
The net result is, we have laws that benefit the Leftist politicians, while making it easy for Latin countries to ship their undesirables to America, thereby sending their criminals to us, and our Leftist localities are cooperating, by declaring their communities to be "Sanctuaries", which will not allow the deportation of criminals, until our citizens are murdered, or raped.
The basic reason for all this lunacy, has to be the belief that by corrupting American society, they are encouraging the voters to recognize that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can join in the European "One World" Socialist government system. The Constitution is obsolete only because our framers never imagined there would come a time when Americans would vote for those who want to destroy our liberty, and force us into a system that the Bible prophecies will become an evil disaster, in the hands of the devil's Antichrist!!!
This movement towards unrestrained illegal immigration is happening to many countries around the world, simultaneously, as if the planners of the "One-World" system is orchestrating the whole thing! This is an obvious attempt to apply the Communist principle that, "out of chaos comes order!" But, only their own self-serving brand of order! They will stop this illegal immigration, as soon as these countries agree to join their Socialist system, and not before! The whole point is POWER, and only for the leftist politicians, and bureaucrats, at everyone else's expense! You can bet there will be no more two-party system, then! We will all have one choice, then! Obey, or die! And Christians, and Jews will have the choice made for them, automatically!!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
What Will It Take To Stop This Democratic Denial ...
...of the obvious (that there is a crisis at our southern border)??? It may take an international crisis of major proportion, such as a full-scale invasion of the Middle-East, like God prophecied to the Prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago!!! The Democrats have created this problem, but the solution is with the opinions of their voting electorate! As long as they support this denial of the obvious, the Democrats will continue this self-serving lie! But, when the voters realize that the terrorists of the Middle-East will be coming here, with no wall to keep them out, they will stop supporting this Democratic boon-doggle!
I'm not saying that I want this to happen, certainly, but that it may take something like this to get some semblance of sanity in the House of Representatives! If Israel defeats this invasion, as the prophecy says they will, the terrorists will have no homeland to return to, and they can't invade Israel, any more, so guess where they will try to invade next??? They will prefer the easiest border to cross, and guess where that will be???
It's a shame that supposedly loyal Americans would allow this to happen, but the Democrats have long since stopped pretending to be "loyal Americans"! They are out for themselves, and they are more loyal to the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government, than our own, anyway! They are probably salivating at the thought of being able to rip off the whole world, the way they have tried to rip us off, for decades!!! The intentional destruction of our government would ingratiate them with the Europeans, who certainly recognize that a prosperous America detracts from their ability to sell their concept. I suppose the Democrats plan to bail out on America, as soon as they have bankrupted our government, and set up shop in Europe, in some international Parliament, like the one in Brussels.
Let's hope the rapture comes before we are left with their financial basket-case leavings!!!
I'm not saying that I want this to happen, certainly, but that it may take something like this to get some semblance of sanity in the House of Representatives! If Israel defeats this invasion, as the prophecy says they will, the terrorists will have no homeland to return to, and they can't invade Israel, any more, so guess where they will try to invade next??? They will prefer the easiest border to cross, and guess where that will be???
It's a shame that supposedly loyal Americans would allow this to happen, but the Democrats have long since stopped pretending to be "loyal Americans"! They are out for themselves, and they are more loyal to the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government, than our own, anyway! They are probably salivating at the thought of being able to rip off the whole world, the way they have tried to rip us off, for decades!!! The intentional destruction of our government would ingratiate them with the Europeans, who certainly recognize that a prosperous America detracts from their ability to sell their concept. I suppose the Democrats plan to bail out on America, as soon as they have bankrupted our government, and set up shop in Europe, in some international Parliament, like the one in Brussels.
Let's hope the rapture comes before we are left with their financial basket-case leavings!!!
Monday, March 11, 2019
I Tremble For America!!!
I grew up in a time when people respected those who told the truth as a matter of course, and shunned those who did not! Today we have a political party (see if you can guess which one!!!) that blatantly, and unapologetically, uses obvious lies as tactical weapons to deceive an American public that they disrespect, to manipulate them into supporting their self-serving policies, and their ridiculous anti-Trump agenda, for no other reason than that President Trump wants to stop their lying ways from destroying American values!!! The particularly sad thing about it is they have a large following of Democratic voters, who have become nothing more than Socialist dupes, desperately trying to vote them into office, and keep them there, because they believe their absurd lies, and really think these idiots are going to make their lives better! The truth is they intend to make their own lives better, through taxpayer largess, and give the rest of us a tip, to make us think we have really benefited, before the economy collapses, from their profligate spending, which I suspect puts a lot of the money in the politicians' pockets! Obviously, I can't prove this charge, but it has to be the reason why so many idiots, who are not stupid, support such idiotic policies!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect example! I want to throw up, whenever I hear her make her idiotic judgements of people like Ronald Reagan, and even her own party's champion, F.D.R., who brought the country out of the Great Depression, and most of World War II, and criticizes them for being "Capitalists", even though F.D.R. did most of his best work through the Leftist principle of massively inflating the currency ( which was necessary in times of emergency, but it fell into the greedy hands of unscrupulous Politicians, who kept inflating after the emergency was over)! If only we could get people like A.O.C. to shut up, until they learn a little bit of truth! But she is another in a long list of Democrats, and Socialists, who never heard a lie they didn't like, and couldn't twist into some means of getting Congress to spend money on useless projects, that they control, and keep Congress from giving money to useful projects, like building the wall!
And the Muslim influence, in the Democratic wing of the House will effectively neutralize that body from any responsible legislation, because their religion is based upon lies, and hatred (especially of Jews, first, and Christians, next), so that their whole perspective is tainted! I do not say this with any hatred for them, though I do hate what their beliefs are causing them to do! But, at least they are bound up in religious lies; what is A.O.C.'s excuse??? She stands for lunacy, for lunacy's sake, I guess!!!
Trouble is we have allowed our education system, from elementary school through College, to be controlled by the Education Department, which has pushed leftist ideals for generations. Now we have a generation of young adults who are brainwashed into thinking that Socialism is good! This has to be part of Satan's plan to create a One-World Socialist government, and force America to abolish our Constitutional form of government, and join in their system! God has prophecied that this system will be a diabolical disaster!!!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect example! I want to throw up, whenever I hear her make her idiotic judgements of people like Ronald Reagan, and even her own party's champion, F.D.R., who brought the country out of the Great Depression, and most of World War II, and criticizes them for being "Capitalists", even though F.D.R. did most of his best work through the Leftist principle of massively inflating the currency ( which was necessary in times of emergency, but it fell into the greedy hands of unscrupulous Politicians, who kept inflating after the emergency was over)! If only we could get people like A.O.C. to shut up, until they learn a little bit of truth! But she is another in a long list of Democrats, and Socialists, who never heard a lie they didn't like, and couldn't twist into some means of getting Congress to spend money on useless projects, that they control, and keep Congress from giving money to useful projects, like building the wall!
And the Muslim influence, in the Democratic wing of the House will effectively neutralize that body from any responsible legislation, because their religion is based upon lies, and hatred (especially of Jews, first, and Christians, next), so that their whole perspective is tainted! I do not say this with any hatred for them, though I do hate what their beliefs are causing them to do! But, at least they are bound up in religious lies; what is A.O.C.'s excuse??? She stands for lunacy, for lunacy's sake, I guess!!!
Trouble is we have allowed our education system, from elementary school through College, to be controlled by the Education Department, which has pushed leftist ideals for generations. Now we have a generation of young adults who are brainwashed into thinking that Socialism is good! This has to be part of Satan's plan to create a One-World Socialist government, and force America to abolish our Constitutional form of government, and join in their system! God has prophecied that this system will be a diabolical disaster!!!
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Democrats And Socialists Are Fools, But They Are Not...
Stupid...There is a difference. Someone who is stupid does not have the intelligence to understand something that is profound, even if they accept it on face value. But, a fool is someone who is intelligent, but has chosen to accept a certain doctrine, for whatever reason, and belligerently holds onto that doctrine, in spite of concrete evidence that disproves it! They prefer to believe, a convenient lie, rather than accept a hard, but absolute, truth!!!
Perhaps that is why God prefers the poor, and humble, to the "wise", and proud. The poor will be pliable to anything, or anyone who can help them with their daily struggle. And, they are more easily brought to the point of humility, when they are shown something that works. no matter how illogical it may seem. Faith works in very illogical ways, but when faith is applied to God, "...all things are possible!" The "wisdom" of this world teaches that there is always a logical reason for everything. If you don't understand it now, forget it, until you can! But, no one can understand the mind of God, or His power, but it is available to those who are humble enough to accept it through faith, and believe it, even if we don't understand it. The proud will merely dismiss it because they can't understand it. and so they will dismiss God, because they can not understand Him. They want to be able to, "put Him in a box, and draw Him out when they wish", and God is too big to be put in any box!!!
When a doctrine seems to be powerful, even through complex deception, and lies, many will chose to believe it, because it is revealed to them by the second most powerful force in the universe; Satan!!! He gets his power from the most powerful force in the universe, God Almighty, but only for a comparatively short time! God allows him to deceive those who are so desperately seeking after the "wisdom" of the world, that they will accept his lies, and believe it dogmatically, in spite of clear evidence to the contrary. The Bible says that, "The Devil has come to rob, to cheat, and to destroy!" He hates us all, because he knows that God loves us, and he knows that his eternal punishment is set, and will soon come to pass! So, he wants to destroy as many of us as he can! And God allows it for a time, to test us, to see who will be humble enough to reject him, and turn to God, and who will not! He will then reward us accordingly!!!
Socialism is one such doctrine that can't work long, and only benefits the few, at the expense of others, but if they are in control of the government, they can enrich themselves, while making ridiculous claims that can not be proven, so they can keep stealing the wealth of the nation, until it runs out and they will simply go somewhere else, and try to pillage that nation!
Some are stupid, along with their foolishness, like Nicholas Maduro, in Venezuela. He should have bailed out of his country a long time ago, before things got so bad, after he stole the wealth of the nation. Now, everyone who is honest can see the disastrous state that his greedy form of Socialism has brought to his country, but he has become so addicted to his power that he is afraid someone will take it away, and leave him as the simple bus driver that he was before. His greed has driven him to the point of relying on Cuban, and Russian troops to protect him, rather than step down for the welfare of his people, because he can't even trust his safety to his own Army! Obviously, there can only be one end for someone whose foolishness has driven him to this point of stupidity! He will either be imprisoned by his Army, or more than likely he will be killed, while his Cuban and Russian Protectors rush to get out of town!
The Cubans, and the Russians will only protect him as long as it is convenient for them! I have speculated that Russia finds this situation convenient to temp America away from the Middle-East, so they can invade Israel before we have enough time to react, and come to Israel's aid! What they don't expect is that God will help Israel to defeat this invasion force, before America can make up its mind to do so! This will probably happen quickly, just as did the "Six Day War", and it will be over, before America decides to come to Israel's aid! In the mean time, "there will be a great shaking in the land of Israel". as if describing a great earthquake! Perhaps this is how God makes it obvious that He is behind the help that Israel needs to defeat the invasion force. He has a history of causing the earth to open up and swallow the enemies of Israel!!! He has done it before, and Ezekiel 38: 19,and 20, suggests that he will do it again!!!This is how God will get all the glory, for helping Israel defeat the second most powerful force in the world! He will show, "the heathen that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
When this invasion is defeated, all Russian forces will abandon Maduro, and so will the Cubans, who are probably being paid by the Russians! Then Maduro will have a rude awakening, to find out just how reliable Socialism is when the economy has been fully plundered, and he is blamed for it!!!
UPDATE: 3/11/2019--
I didn't realize it, when I was thinking up a title for the above post, but I chose to unknowingly almost accurately paraphrase a quote made by former President Ronald Reagan! It seems the same thought must have occurred to him, though he expressed it a bit differently.
His quote, which I heard on the FOX NEWS morning show was, " Democrats are not ignorant...they just know too many facts that are not so!!!" For my title I chose to express it thusly: "Democrats And Socialists Are Fools, But They Are Not Stupid!" In our vernacular, the words "Fool", and "Stupid" are practically synonymous. But, one condition is a sad condition of birth, while the other is a pathetic matter of intellectual choice!!! (I use the word, "intellectual" rather loosely, here.)
I wonder how many of the Left really believe their spouted dogma, and how many are merely trying to get elected to positions of power, so they can rip off the rest of us, legally, at taxpayers' expense??? We already have charges that "Mr. Socialist America", Bernie Sanders, is so concerned about Socialist principles, that he chooses to fly around the country in private jets, at taxpayer expense, which are about as bad air polluters as they come, and much more expensive than even flying first class, commercially! And, "A.O.C." was recently charged with allowing her chief of staff to place almost a million dollars of a slush fund, into hedge funds that he personally controlled!!! I guess they want the rest of us to pay for all the expensive Socialist programs, while they live royally on taxpayer largess!!! Perhaps they are not stupid; just greedy, and corrupt!!!
Perhaps that is why God prefers the poor, and humble, to the "wise", and proud. The poor will be pliable to anything, or anyone who can help them with their daily struggle. And, they are more easily brought to the point of humility, when they are shown something that works. no matter how illogical it may seem. Faith works in very illogical ways, but when faith is applied to God, "...all things are possible!" The "wisdom" of this world teaches that there is always a logical reason for everything. If you don't understand it now, forget it, until you can! But, no one can understand the mind of God, or His power, but it is available to those who are humble enough to accept it through faith, and believe it, even if we don't understand it. The proud will merely dismiss it because they can't understand it. and so they will dismiss God, because they can not understand Him. They want to be able to, "put Him in a box, and draw Him out when they wish", and God is too big to be put in any box!!!
When a doctrine seems to be powerful, even through complex deception, and lies, many will chose to believe it, because it is revealed to them by the second most powerful force in the universe; Satan!!! He gets his power from the most powerful force in the universe, God Almighty, but only for a comparatively short time! God allows him to deceive those who are so desperately seeking after the "wisdom" of the world, that they will accept his lies, and believe it dogmatically, in spite of clear evidence to the contrary. The Bible says that, "The Devil has come to rob, to cheat, and to destroy!" He hates us all, because he knows that God loves us, and he knows that his eternal punishment is set, and will soon come to pass! So, he wants to destroy as many of us as he can! And God allows it for a time, to test us, to see who will be humble enough to reject him, and turn to God, and who will not! He will then reward us accordingly!!!
Socialism is one such doctrine that can't work long, and only benefits the few, at the expense of others, but if they are in control of the government, they can enrich themselves, while making ridiculous claims that can not be proven, so they can keep stealing the wealth of the nation, until it runs out and they will simply go somewhere else, and try to pillage that nation!
Some are stupid, along with their foolishness, like Nicholas Maduro, in Venezuela. He should have bailed out of his country a long time ago, before things got so bad, after he stole the wealth of the nation. Now, everyone who is honest can see the disastrous state that his greedy form of Socialism has brought to his country, but he has become so addicted to his power that he is afraid someone will take it away, and leave him as the simple bus driver that he was before. His greed has driven him to the point of relying on Cuban, and Russian troops to protect him, rather than step down for the welfare of his people, because he can't even trust his safety to his own Army! Obviously, there can only be one end for someone whose foolishness has driven him to this point of stupidity! He will either be imprisoned by his Army, or more than likely he will be killed, while his Cuban and Russian Protectors rush to get out of town!
The Cubans, and the Russians will only protect him as long as it is convenient for them! I have speculated that Russia finds this situation convenient to temp America away from the Middle-East, so they can invade Israel before we have enough time to react, and come to Israel's aid! What they don't expect is that God will help Israel to defeat this invasion force, before America can make up its mind to do so! This will probably happen quickly, just as did the "Six Day War", and it will be over, before America decides to come to Israel's aid! In the mean time, "there will be a great shaking in the land of Israel". as if describing a great earthquake! Perhaps this is how God makes it obvious that He is behind the help that Israel needs to defeat the invasion force. He has a history of causing the earth to open up and swallow the enemies of Israel!!! He has done it before, and Ezekiel 38: 19,and 20, suggests that he will do it again!!!This is how God will get all the glory, for helping Israel defeat the second most powerful force in the world! He will show, "the heathen that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
When this invasion is defeated, all Russian forces will abandon Maduro, and so will the Cubans, who are probably being paid by the Russians! Then Maduro will have a rude awakening, to find out just how reliable Socialism is when the economy has been fully plundered, and he is blamed for it!!!
UPDATE: 3/11/2019--
I didn't realize it, when I was thinking up a title for the above post, but I chose to unknowingly almost accurately paraphrase a quote made by former President Ronald Reagan! It seems the same thought must have occurred to him, though he expressed it a bit differently.
His quote, which I heard on the FOX NEWS morning show was, " Democrats are not ignorant...they just know too many facts that are not so!!!" For my title I chose to express it thusly: "Democrats And Socialists Are Fools, But They Are Not Stupid!" In our vernacular, the words "Fool", and "Stupid" are practically synonymous. But, one condition is a sad condition of birth, while the other is a pathetic matter of intellectual choice!!! (I use the word, "intellectual" rather loosely, here.)
I wonder how many of the Left really believe their spouted dogma, and how many are merely trying to get elected to positions of power, so they can rip off the rest of us, legally, at taxpayers' expense??? We already have charges that "Mr. Socialist America", Bernie Sanders, is so concerned about Socialist principles, that he chooses to fly around the country in private jets, at taxpayer expense, which are about as bad air polluters as they come, and much more expensive than even flying first class, commercially! And, "A.O.C." was recently charged with allowing her chief of staff to place almost a million dollars of a slush fund, into hedge funds that he personally controlled!!! I guess they want the rest of us to pay for all the expensive Socialist programs, while they live royally on taxpayer largess!!! Perhaps they are not stupid; just greedy, and corrupt!!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Turn-About Is Fair Play, Huh, "A.O.C."???
God frequently repays those who unfairly criticize others by exposing their own hypocrisy! I can't think of anyone more deserving of such exposing than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! Guilty, or not, she certainly deserves to squirm a bit, under legal charges of campaign finance abuse, though the real guilt is probably due her chief of staff. He apparently is accused of placing a million dollar "slush fund" into two hedge funds that just happen to be controlled by himself, and one might guess that the million dollars would be withdrawn at a later date, while the interest that accrued would probably be "forgotten"!
Anyway, the real charge apparently includes not reporting the transaction to the Federal Election Commission, which can result in "fines and even prison time", according to news reports. While "A.O.C." can probably claim ignorance of the situation, she does bare ultimate responsibility, which bodes poorly for her efforts to project herself as a responsible "steward of the public trust"! So, now she knows what it feels like to have someone charge you with commission of a crime, whether guilty, or innocent! Perhaps this will make her a bit more cautious about slinging around her unsubstantiated charges, to other people! But, probably not!!! Democrats are great at ignoring their own faults, while slandering others!!! This includes most, if not all, the Democratic candidates running for President in 2020! Don't be surprised if God allows them all to be charged with some kind of chicanery, over the next year, or so! They are all guilty of making President Trump look like a criminal, in their (so far) failed efforts to get him impeached. I would say they are all guilty of God's retribution for this! We'll see!
Anyway, the real charge apparently includes not reporting the transaction to the Federal Election Commission, which can result in "fines and even prison time", according to news reports. While "A.O.C." can probably claim ignorance of the situation, she does bare ultimate responsibility, which bodes poorly for her efforts to project herself as a responsible "steward of the public trust"! So, now she knows what it feels like to have someone charge you with commission of a crime, whether guilty, or innocent! Perhaps this will make her a bit more cautious about slinging around her unsubstantiated charges, to other people! But, probably not!!! Democrats are great at ignoring their own faults, while slandering others!!! This includes most, if not all, the Democratic candidates running for President in 2020! Don't be surprised if God allows them all to be charged with some kind of chicanery, over the next year, or so! They are all guilty of making President Trump look like a criminal, in their (so far) failed efforts to get him impeached. I would say they are all guilty of God's retribution for this! We'll see!
Monday, March 4, 2019
Democrats Proclaim, "Crisis In America"!!!
Well, they ought to know!!! They started it, they maintain it, and they refuse to let it go! They are obviously counting on it to help them win the election, in 2020! Not by proving that Trump is guilty of anything, but by investigating long enough, and talking about their suspicions long enough that those who don't examine the truth well will simply assume there must be some truth behind all the charges, and investigations! Never before has a sitting President been subjected to such endless persecution, simply because the opposing party lost the election to him. The media has kept up a shameless barrage of anti-Trump propaganda, that only someone like Heinrich Himmler would appreciate! He was the Propaganda Minister for Hitler's Nazi Germany, and I'm sure he would be proud of the performance of America's Mainstream Media, today. Someday, he'll congratulate them all, when they meet up, in the flames of Hell!!!
There has only been one person that I can think of who has endured more persecution than Trump (at least politically speaking)! I'm not saying that Trump is as innocent as He was, or that his mission is as important as Christ's was! But the similarities are rampant, otherwise! This is following the old Communist technique of brainwashing a population by charging someone often enough, loudly enough, to the attempted exclusion of all opposing views until the exhausted populace become easily brainwashed into believing it is true!!! This is otherwise referred to as, "conviction in the court of public opinion"! I don't remember any place in the Constitution where this is considered as a way to impeach a sitting President!
Oh, excuse me, I forgot that the Democrats only use the Constitution when they think they can misconstrue it's true meaning to seem to support some concept they approve of! Other than that, they really despise the restraints on there dictatorial intentions, which are contained in the Bill of Rights, and they obviously want us all to vote to abolish the Constitution, and join the "One -World" Socialist government effort that Europe is trying to develop! Whomever these people are who are behind this effort in Europe are probably the only people who hate our Constitutional government more than the Democrats do; not because it is bad, but because when it succeeds, it detracts from their ability to promote their Socialist agenda!!! That's the whole basis of their desperate desire to, "dump Trump". If they succeed, they will be just as vociferously against anyone else who stands for protecting our Constitutional freedoms as President Trump is now! He is not what they really hate, it's the ideas he promotes that they hate, and the fact that they work is driving them crazy!!!
The hypocritical gall of these Leftist politicians, and the vitriol of the "Deep State" bureaucrats who support them, is nauseating to behold! Do they really believe that it was only the Republican voters who elected Trump??? There is so much evidence that God allowed him to be elected. not because he was such a good person (we all know of his personal frailties), but because God knew he was pliable enough to recognize that America had been going terribly wrong for some time, and the he would help to right some of the wrongs we have endured at the hands of previous administrations. I see God's hand in this administration, whether the Democrats manage to impeach him, or not! I can't believe God would raise up a "deliverer" like him, and not find a similar successor, if they are successful. And you can bet the Democrats will be just as outraged at any successor, as they seem to be against Trump! It's really not the person that troubles them, as much as the ideology, and those of us who share the ideology can expect similar persecution, just as the guy wearing the "MAGA" hat, on the campus at Berkeley discovered, when he was punched-out for his beliefs!!!
Perhaps the threat to our Constitution is dire enough that we should not avoid such persecution, for just as the first century Christians discovered, the church grew fastest in the midst of unspeakable persecution!!! Perhaps this is part of God's plan to revive America, politically, first, and spiritually, later!!!
ADDENDUM: 12:00, p.m., 3/4/2019--
Speaking of a "crisis in America", consider the one in South America; Venezuela, to be precise! Today there are reports that the newly elected, and world-wide accepted President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, is determined to return to Venezuela, today.
The de-facto President, Nicholas Maduro. refuses to step down, and his belligerence has caused me to wonder if recent visits from Russian and Chinese officials has not emboldened him into thinking that a Viet Nam-like invasion of Venezuela, by the U.S., would be met by support from those two countries. I think that Russia is desperate to draw America's military interests away from the Middle-East, so the "Gog/Magog" invasion can "safely" (in their view) commence. (I said before that I will view every international development in terms of how they may, or may not, effect the invasion, that is prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39!)
Now, Guaido seems to be trying to provoke American interdiction, by provoking Maduro, whom he has to know will arrest him, at least, and throw him in jail, if not execute him!!! Maduro is just the sort of megalomaniac who would think he could end his troubles by killing him! He is certainly wrong, because Trump would immediately send American forces there, and that would bring about Maduro's demise, sooner, or later, depending on how much support the Russians and Chinese give him. But it might be the reason that the Bible is silent about America coming to Israel's aid when they are invaded. This could be Putin's plan to distract America, at , least long enough for Israel to complete a "blitz" defense, without any help from us! This may be God's way of reserving all the glory for Himself!!!
As far as Guaido is concerned, I am reminded of a story of some newly born-again Christians, whose faith was much greater than their wisdom, who determined to go camping in a state park. The Park Rangers warned them that there had been some recent reports of bear attacks in the area they determined to camp in! Undaunted, they said it would be alright, "God would protect them!" And, indeed, He did! I'm sure they are in Heaven, now, and the bear is thankful for his revelation of a Christian "Last Supper"!!!
There has only been one person that I can think of who has endured more persecution than Trump (at least politically speaking)! I'm not saying that Trump is as innocent as He was, or that his mission is as important as Christ's was! But the similarities are rampant, otherwise! This is following the old Communist technique of brainwashing a population by charging someone often enough, loudly enough, to the attempted exclusion of all opposing views until the exhausted populace become easily brainwashed into believing it is true!!! This is otherwise referred to as, "conviction in the court of public opinion"! I don't remember any place in the Constitution where this is considered as a way to impeach a sitting President!
Oh, excuse me, I forgot that the Democrats only use the Constitution when they think they can misconstrue it's true meaning to seem to support some concept they approve of! Other than that, they really despise the restraints on there dictatorial intentions, which are contained in the Bill of Rights, and they obviously want us all to vote to abolish the Constitution, and join the "One -World" Socialist government effort that Europe is trying to develop! Whomever these people are who are behind this effort in Europe are probably the only people who hate our Constitutional government more than the Democrats do; not because it is bad, but because when it succeeds, it detracts from their ability to promote their Socialist agenda!!! That's the whole basis of their desperate desire to, "dump Trump". If they succeed, they will be just as vociferously against anyone else who stands for protecting our Constitutional freedoms as President Trump is now! He is not what they really hate, it's the ideas he promotes that they hate, and the fact that they work is driving them crazy!!!
The hypocritical gall of these Leftist politicians, and the vitriol of the "Deep State" bureaucrats who support them, is nauseating to behold! Do they really believe that it was only the Republican voters who elected Trump??? There is so much evidence that God allowed him to be elected. not because he was such a good person (we all know of his personal frailties), but because God knew he was pliable enough to recognize that America had been going terribly wrong for some time, and the he would help to right some of the wrongs we have endured at the hands of previous administrations. I see God's hand in this administration, whether the Democrats manage to impeach him, or not! I can't believe God would raise up a "deliverer" like him, and not find a similar successor, if they are successful. And you can bet the Democrats will be just as outraged at any successor, as they seem to be against Trump! It's really not the person that troubles them, as much as the ideology, and those of us who share the ideology can expect similar persecution, just as the guy wearing the "MAGA" hat, on the campus at Berkeley discovered, when he was punched-out for his beliefs!!!
Perhaps the threat to our Constitution is dire enough that we should not avoid such persecution, for just as the first century Christians discovered, the church grew fastest in the midst of unspeakable persecution!!! Perhaps this is part of God's plan to revive America, politically, first, and spiritually, later!!!
ADDENDUM: 12:00, p.m., 3/4/2019--
Speaking of a "crisis in America", consider the one in South America; Venezuela, to be precise! Today there are reports that the newly elected, and world-wide accepted President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, is determined to return to Venezuela, today.
The de-facto President, Nicholas Maduro. refuses to step down, and his belligerence has caused me to wonder if recent visits from Russian and Chinese officials has not emboldened him into thinking that a Viet Nam-like invasion of Venezuela, by the U.S., would be met by support from those two countries. I think that Russia is desperate to draw America's military interests away from the Middle-East, so the "Gog/Magog" invasion can "safely" (in their view) commence. (I said before that I will view every international development in terms of how they may, or may not, effect the invasion, that is prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39!)
Now, Guaido seems to be trying to provoke American interdiction, by provoking Maduro, whom he has to know will arrest him, at least, and throw him in jail, if not execute him!!! Maduro is just the sort of megalomaniac who would think he could end his troubles by killing him! He is certainly wrong, because Trump would immediately send American forces there, and that would bring about Maduro's demise, sooner, or later, depending on how much support the Russians and Chinese give him. But it might be the reason that the Bible is silent about America coming to Israel's aid when they are invaded. This could be Putin's plan to distract America, at , least long enough for Israel to complete a "blitz" defense, without any help from us! This may be God's way of reserving all the glory for Himself!!!
As far as Guaido is concerned, I am reminded of a story of some newly born-again Christians, whose faith was much greater than their wisdom, who determined to go camping in a state park. The Park Rangers warned them that there had been some recent reports of bear attacks in the area they determined to camp in! Undaunted, they said it would be alright, "God would protect them!" And, indeed, He did! I'm sure they are in Heaven, now, and the bear is thankful for his revelation of a Christian "Last Supper"!!!
Sunday, March 3, 2019
More On, "Signs Of The Times"
I was wondering at the recent unusual boldness of the Democrats, especially the declared 2020 Presidential candidates, as they clamor to promote themselves as hard-core Socialists, as if that designation has become suddenly a badge of honor to be boasted of, rather than something to keep secret, as many politicians from the Left labored so to do throughout the last century. It occurred to me that perhaps even this is further evidence that we have either entered into the era God referred to as the "Last Days", or the "End Times", or are shortly to do so!!!
For the last half of the Twentieth Century, in America, politicians considered the admission of Socialist inclinations to be the political equivalent of, "the kiss of death"! I think the basis for this was the name of the most evil government in recent history, the National Socialist regime in Germany, which was shortened to "Nazi", as an abbreviation! Compounding this was the only slightly differing system in Russia, and China, and their various satellite nations, whose Communism stemmed from the same Socialist roots. The major difference between the two systems, was that Socialism endeavored to sway the minds of the voters to voluntarily accept Socialism, while Communism took control by the barrel of the gun, and forced the system upon the people!
The post-world war paranoia, for the world-wide spread of dictatorial Communism left Americans cringing at the thought of a Socialist dictator taking over control of America's government, which was openly intended by those dictators in power, in other countries. This paranoia expressed itself in patriotic fervor for those, things that most American's held dear, especially the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, which are rather scorned by the Leftists, in America today. Today we have a large following of openly professing Socialist politicians in the Democratic Party, who neither fear the title, but actively promote it as being superior to other forms of government, especially free market Capitalism! Most of them have grown up in the years after World War II, and been educated in our Public School system to believe that their parent's fear of Socialist, and Communist indoctrination was merely a foolish paranoia, that should be ignored as an "older generation" that couldn't understand the "truth"!!!
A long-standing principle of Socialism, and Communism, has been to indoctrinate the children of a country, through the Public School system, into believing that Socialism was good. This might take decades, but it eventually would be successful, and the "brainwashed" children would grow up to be enthusiastic Socialists, such as we see primarily in the supporters of the Socialist candidates, today! This was a primary doctrine of the "Fabian Socialist" movement, that gradually took over England, shortly after World War II. It has been widely accepted throughout Europe, and probably instigated the "One-World" Socialist movement that Europe has been trying to develop. It has been so surprisingly accepted, considering that Europe bore the brunt of the war against Nazi Germany. and the subsequent hegemony of Russian Communism, that one would expect them to be most averse to the dictatorial nature of those forms of government!
But, the spiritual nature of this acceptance, which frequently becomes religious in appearance, seems to me to be evidence of Satanic delusion, which fits well within the scope of Biblical prophecy, concerning the "End Times"! Both the readily accepted "One-World" Socialist government, and the corresponding slide into moral depravity, are thoroughly prophecied in the Bible, which is generally considered to be intellectually irrelevant, in those counties that have embraced Socialism, in whatever form. If this doesn't smack of the "End Times" era, I don't know what else would; except for the blatant acceptance of Satan's Antichrist being revealed, which may become obvious at any time! He is prophecied to take over the eventual "One-World" government, for seven disastrous years, before Jesus returns to set up His 1000-year Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and to destroy all those who willingly accepted the Antichrist's system!!!
By that time it will be too late for all those dedicated Socialists to repent, and to begin to believe what the Bible says about their concept of Socialism!!!
For the last half of the Twentieth Century, in America, politicians considered the admission of Socialist inclinations to be the political equivalent of, "the kiss of death"! I think the basis for this was the name of the most evil government in recent history, the National Socialist regime in Germany, which was shortened to "Nazi", as an abbreviation! Compounding this was the only slightly differing system in Russia, and China, and their various satellite nations, whose Communism stemmed from the same Socialist roots. The major difference between the two systems, was that Socialism endeavored to sway the minds of the voters to voluntarily accept Socialism, while Communism took control by the barrel of the gun, and forced the system upon the people!
The post-world war paranoia, for the world-wide spread of dictatorial Communism left Americans cringing at the thought of a Socialist dictator taking over control of America's government, which was openly intended by those dictators in power, in other countries. This paranoia expressed itself in patriotic fervor for those, things that most American's held dear, especially the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, which are rather scorned by the Leftists, in America today. Today we have a large following of openly professing Socialist politicians in the Democratic Party, who neither fear the title, but actively promote it as being superior to other forms of government, especially free market Capitalism! Most of them have grown up in the years after World War II, and been educated in our Public School system to believe that their parent's fear of Socialist, and Communist indoctrination was merely a foolish paranoia, that should be ignored as an "older generation" that couldn't understand the "truth"!!!
A long-standing principle of Socialism, and Communism, has been to indoctrinate the children of a country, through the Public School system, into believing that Socialism was good. This might take decades, but it eventually would be successful, and the "brainwashed" children would grow up to be enthusiastic Socialists, such as we see primarily in the supporters of the Socialist candidates, today! This was a primary doctrine of the "Fabian Socialist" movement, that gradually took over England, shortly after World War II. It has been widely accepted throughout Europe, and probably instigated the "One-World" Socialist movement that Europe has been trying to develop. It has been so surprisingly accepted, considering that Europe bore the brunt of the war against Nazi Germany. and the subsequent hegemony of Russian Communism, that one would expect them to be most averse to the dictatorial nature of those forms of government!
But, the spiritual nature of this acceptance, which frequently becomes religious in appearance, seems to me to be evidence of Satanic delusion, which fits well within the scope of Biblical prophecy, concerning the "End Times"! Both the readily accepted "One-World" Socialist government, and the corresponding slide into moral depravity, are thoroughly prophecied in the Bible, which is generally considered to be intellectually irrelevant, in those counties that have embraced Socialism, in whatever form. If this doesn't smack of the "End Times" era, I don't know what else would; except for the blatant acceptance of Satan's Antichrist being revealed, which may become obvious at any time! He is prophecied to take over the eventual "One-World" government, for seven disastrous years, before Jesus returns to set up His 1000-year Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and to destroy all those who willingly accepted the Antichrist's system!!!
By that time it will be too late for all those dedicated Socialists to repent, and to begin to believe what the Bible says about their concept of Socialism!!!
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Democrats Are Campaigning For Republicans, In 2020!
I do not refer to some crossover voters, who have decided to rebel against their party leaders. The main Democrats who are making the best cases for President Trump's re-election, and Republican recovery of control of the House of Representatives, are Nancy Pelosi, and "A.O.C.", the freshman, and I suspect the soon-to-be one-term Congresswoman from New York!!! Yet, this may be the beginning of the, "falling away" of the "Last Days", prophesied by the apostle Paul, in II Thessalonians: 2-4, which was referring to an apostacy from true belief, but would surely effect the beliefs in over-all morality, within, and without the Body of Christ, and therefore society as a whole! I can't otherwise explain the rampant willingness of the Left to openly express such evil values, unless they were convinced that the majority of Christian believers in America was either dwindling, or was muted by timidity, to the point of political irrelevance!
I see God's hand all over the recent trends of semi-"mass hysteria" over all the hard core Socialist platform ideals that have been spouted (or should I say, regurgitated) over the media, lately. I strongly suspect that this is part of God's way of answering our prayers to return this country to the more unified values of the recent past! Neither Democrats, nor Republicans, tend to win elections by themselves in this country. The victory is usually given to the party that can win over the majority of the Left-leaning independent voters! These are generally people that like the sound of Socialist promises, without really very closely considering the true implications of what it stands for. But, thanks to idiots like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the desperate attempt by Nancy Pelosi to hang on to control of the House, by seeming to embrace pure Socialist values, I suspect that God is giving a wake-up call education to those who thought they were Socialists, but didn't realize what that really meant!
The old adage, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely!" certainly applies here!!! Nancy Pelosi holds the power in the House, and she is so desperate to maintain it that she recently lectured the Democrats who represent Republican-majority states, that any further joining with Republicans in voting for any bills that most Democrats oppose, will result in official efforts to oppose their re-election, in 2020 (which implies that any money they expect to receive from the D.N.C., towards their re-election, would go instead to their primary opponents)! I guess she was referring to the three Democrats who voted for the bill that would have criminalized infanticide, which was voted down in the Senate! But, pressure like this will not only force those Senators to realize they must jump to the Republican Party, if they expect to be re-elected, but it will also offend a lot of independent voters, who think the Democrats are out of touch with reality, and also oppose some of their values, like legalizing infanticide!
"A.O.C." has become so "drunk" with the fame that has surrounded her unexpected victory, in 2016, that she is promoting ridiculous Socialist values, as if she feels her victory means that all Americans have been waiting for someone to profess these ideals. Instead I think she is going to offend those independents who thought they were Socialists, but do not agree with her outrageous "Green New Deal"!!! She may be setting herself up for the one-term political career that is far more than she deserves!!! She may be back working as a bartender real soon! I don't think those semi-serious independent "Socialists" will like the ideas of banning air travel, (which means all trans-oceanic travel, will take days, by ship, rather than hours), and the forced vegan diet that stems from her proposal to ban all beef cattle, because of their air-polluting flatulence ( can all dogs, cats and horses be long behind, in her judgement?, and how long until forced euthanasia becomes desirable, especially because the Democrats will decide the Republicans emit too much "hot air" for their liking!!!) Her plan is thought to be about 93 trillion dollars in expense, over ten years, and I wonder who will pay for this, considering that she feels that young people should decide against having children, so that soon there will be no generation to pay off their parents' humongous debt!!! I wonder how she will convince independents that these are good ideas, deserving of her re-election, let alone the Democrats who originally voted for her!
So it seems that the Democrats' rush to show their true colors, with their absurdly impractical values, is likely to offend a lot of independents, and even some Democratic voters, which would bode well for Republicans, in 2020, either by tempting them to vote for Republican candidates, or not to vote at all! So, keep it up, Democrats! You are demonstrating how God, "delights in confounding the "wisdom" of the "wise", to affect His purposes !!!
I see God's hand all over the recent trends of semi-"mass hysteria" over all the hard core Socialist platform ideals that have been spouted (or should I say, regurgitated) over the media, lately. I strongly suspect that this is part of God's way of answering our prayers to return this country to the more unified values of the recent past! Neither Democrats, nor Republicans, tend to win elections by themselves in this country. The victory is usually given to the party that can win over the majority of the Left-leaning independent voters! These are generally people that like the sound of Socialist promises, without really very closely considering the true implications of what it stands for. But, thanks to idiots like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the desperate attempt by Nancy Pelosi to hang on to control of the House, by seeming to embrace pure Socialist values, I suspect that God is giving a wake-up call education to those who thought they were Socialists, but didn't realize what that really meant!
The old adage, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely!" certainly applies here!!! Nancy Pelosi holds the power in the House, and she is so desperate to maintain it that she recently lectured the Democrats who represent Republican-majority states, that any further joining with Republicans in voting for any bills that most Democrats oppose, will result in official efforts to oppose their re-election, in 2020 (which implies that any money they expect to receive from the D.N.C., towards their re-election, would go instead to their primary opponents)! I guess she was referring to the three Democrats who voted for the bill that would have criminalized infanticide, which was voted down in the Senate! But, pressure like this will not only force those Senators to realize they must jump to the Republican Party, if they expect to be re-elected, but it will also offend a lot of independent voters, who think the Democrats are out of touch with reality, and also oppose some of their values, like legalizing infanticide!
"A.O.C." has become so "drunk" with the fame that has surrounded her unexpected victory, in 2016, that she is promoting ridiculous Socialist values, as if she feels her victory means that all Americans have been waiting for someone to profess these ideals. Instead I think she is going to offend those independents who thought they were Socialists, but do not agree with her outrageous "Green New Deal"!!! She may be setting herself up for the one-term political career that is far more than she deserves!!! She may be back working as a bartender real soon! I don't think those semi-serious independent "Socialists" will like the ideas of banning air travel, (which means all trans-oceanic travel, will take days, by ship, rather than hours), and the forced vegan diet that stems from her proposal to ban all beef cattle, because of their air-polluting flatulence ( can all dogs, cats and horses be long behind, in her judgement?, and how long until forced euthanasia becomes desirable, especially because the Democrats will decide the Republicans emit too much "hot air" for their liking!!!) Her plan is thought to be about 93 trillion dollars in expense, over ten years, and I wonder who will pay for this, considering that she feels that young people should decide against having children, so that soon there will be no generation to pay off their parents' humongous debt!!! I wonder how she will convince independents that these are good ideas, deserving of her re-election, let alone the Democrats who originally voted for her!
So it seems that the Democrats' rush to show their true colors, with their absurdly impractical values, is likely to offend a lot of independents, and even some Democratic voters, which would bode well for Republicans, in 2020, either by tempting them to vote for Republican candidates, or not to vote at all! So, keep it up, Democrats! You are demonstrating how God, "delights in confounding the "wisdom" of the "wise", to affect His purposes !!!
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