In my post, yesterday, I wrote that Leftist billionaires have effectively taken control of the Democratic party. It seems that George Soros is the major player in this game. He is on record as saying that his primary goal is to rid the world of all the "Closed Societies", and bring about governments of "Open Societies". Further investigation leads to the conclusion that his definition may well be characterized as any society that thinks they know what is right is "closed", and the "open" society is willing to admit that an opponent's view may be just as likely correct as yours. In that context, Christians are deemed absolutely "closed", since they believe in a God who has given them laws (such as the Ten Commandments), and principles, to live by, that automatically exclude opposing behavior. If "Thou shalt not kill" is no more correct than the Muslim beheadings of people who would rather die than renounce their Christian faith, then Christianity is doomed,according to people like Soros. [Put another way, Soros' concept of an "Open Society" might more accurately be called the "Clueless Society", since they choose not to distinguish between right, and wrong! The Bible talks about people like him, and you can probably put the Clintons in this category, too, when it says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools." (I think that's from Romans chapter 1, but I'm not sure.) I wonder if Obama is also duped into this lunacy; that might explain his obsessive immigration policy, which allowed desperate immigrants to flee to our country, with no plan to weed out the murderous terrorists who might be using them to hide behind.]
Also doomed in their judgement is the basis of our "closed society" principles, a document that we call the "Constitution of the United States". I was shocked to learn that his non-profit groups conducted a seminar for the students at Yale University, in 2005, concerned with changing the Constitution, by 2020. I recognize that most colleges say they attempt to expose their students to many different political views, but Soros' concepts are so rediculously stupid, that it's clear the only way his people arranged the seminar was with some of Soros' billions. I'm shocked that a school with Yale's reputation would think that this constituted "academic diversity". Diversity, perhaps...but, there is nothing remotely "academic" about it! My research has further convinced me that some of Soros' most ardent admirers are the Clintons, and many members of Bill's administration, and Hillary's election campaign. If this does't scare the "beejeebers" out of you, just imagine what America would be like if Hillary had actually won! Would she have personally called for a new Constitutional Convention, by 2020, and were Soros' people counting on a Democratic sweep of the 2016 election to give them the votes in Congress to bring this about???
This gives me all the more reason to suggest that Soros and his people are setting us up, not only for the decline of American economic, millitary, and political prominence in the world, but, also to willingly accept the Antichrist's One World Government. Not that they realize this; they probably think they're promoting their concept of a "Utopian Government", but they are leaving the door wide open for whomever the Antichrist will be, to swoop in and establish his "Utopian Government". You can read more about that in the Book of Revelation! Anyone who falls for that system will have a long time to regret their mistake,'s called eternity!!! And guess where they'll spend it!!!
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