Wednesday, March 8, 2017

In the Antichrist's Shadow???

My last post documented my concern that America's so-called "Progressives", of the Democratic Party, and the quasi-"Democrats", who are really Socialists, but vote for Democratic candidates, because Bernie Sanders can't get elected, are not really representative of an American political party, any more.  The presumption of being a member of an American political party is that you want your vote to help shape the party that "protects and defends the Constitution of the United States",  (so help you God).

I submit that if you want to subvert that very Constitution, and turn our nation's government over to some crazy Euro-based, Socialist, One-World Government, which will have no interest in upholding the very principles of the American Constitution (and will evolve into the eventual Antichrist"s system [that God has already condemned, and Jesus has already prophecied  there will be no forgiveness for those who willingly participate in the system]), that you are no longer a member of an American political party, but are a SUBVERSIVE!!!.  All those who fit the above description would only be honest by leaving America, formally renouncing their American citizenship, and moving permanently to Brussels, or some other country, in Europe that shares in their perverse Socialist utopian dream!

Even forgetting about God's condemnation of the eventual state of the system, if it were to be examined realistically against what we have in America today, versus what Socialism traditionally developes into, anyone who really looks at Socialism would have to admit that it is not a system that tends to draw all of it's members up to the highest standards of it's wealthiest members, but causes the wealthier members to "bail out" the lesser members, who simply choose not to "pay their fair share" of the expense of membership.  That is why the Trump administration is having such a hard time getting some of the N.A.T.O. alliance members to "pony up", with their "fair share" of the costs of their alliance membership (leaving the U.S. to cover around 22% of the bill).  It is also why Germany has to pay so much of the European Common Market's bill, and why Britain recently voted to "Brexit" the Market, altogether.

Even if God had not already condemned the system, guess why the so-called "Progressives" want America to unite in this quagmire of Socialist lunacy.   They want America to join, so that our tax dollars will pay off the European indebtedness.   Then after they have bankrupted America, I wonder where they expect to turn to "bail out" their future debts?   Nazi Germany decide the easiest way to pay for their brand of Socialism was to simply conquer other nations, and then systematically rape the wealth of those nations.  Fortunately, we destroyed Nazi Germany before they could run out of other nations to rape, and pillage.  Talk about a plan that was destined to eventually fail in it's own concept... and then what a mess the world would have been in, then!  Perhaps that might have something to do with why God has already condemned participation in that system, even before it is set to begin.  Since He alone can see the future of crazy ideas like this, He condemns the concept, on it's merits (or rather, the lack thereof) to spare the world of the suffering it would bring.  I suspect that today's so-called "Progressives" are not ignorant of this eventual quagmire, they just figure they can live like kings while someone else fits the bill, and by the time all the money runs out, they'll be dead (so who cares?  Try asking if God cares!!!  I'd hate to be in their shoes, when they have to give account for their lives, at "The Great White Throne Judgement").  That's the "wisdom" of  all Keynesian Socialists, who believe in short-term solutions to their inflationary schemes, that plan on someone else paying for their profligacy, after their death. They really think they will get away with it by dying.  Surprise!!!  God settles all accounts even after they're dead!!!

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