I have written extensively before that the so-called "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel will culminate in the near destruction of the Russian/Muslim Nations Confederation invasion force (to the tune of 83 1/3rd % of there armies), and that the retreating forces heading for Russia may precipitate a Nuclear strike against some nation described by God, in his prophecy to Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 39:6) as, "those who dwell carelessly in the coastlands" (which some biblical scholars believe to be a reference to America). This is further supported by the prophecy of Jesus, in Matthew 24: 29, which uses ancient terminology to describe a scene that sounds very similar to modern descriptions of possible nuclear exchanges between the two most powerful nuclear-capable nations on earth, today.
Previously, I speculated that the wording, "...the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give it's light" could mean a massive effect, similar to a camera flash temporarily blinding the subject even in broad daylight. Certainly, the flashbulb is not brighter than the sun, but it has a little advantage over the sun (as it is closer to ten feet away from the subject, than the roughly 93 million miles distance from the sun).
But, an alternative meaning for that prophecy could very well refer to the scientific theory known as a "Nuclear Winter" effect, in which the amount of smoke and dust kicked up into the atmosphere by a full scale nuclear war could significantly blot out the sunlight (in this hypothetical case, over the earth's northern hemisphere, between Russia and the U.S.) to somewhere around 30% of it's sunshine resulting in a massive climate change, for that region of the earth, not even considering the effect of the radiation in the dust particles.
I imagine the resulting lowering of the temperatures, worldwide, would have the effect of turning some arid countries into potential agricultural "breadbaskets of the world", certainly Israel would be one of them, considering that they are not far from that now, with a rather arid climate, today. It would be a typical way of God to turn the intended destruction of their enemies into a miraculous blessing, which would be unexpected.
Again, I'm not saying that all this will definitely happen, merely that it could be what the Lord is referring to. I will say that His prophecy will happen, that is certain! The only issue we speculate about is how the imagery will unfold, in reality. I've now offered two possible ways in which it may develope, and I guess there may be others.
The important issue is that I believe that the Lord will send His Angels to "rapture" the church (His body of believers, worldwide), immediately before the nuclear explosions touch down. For more on this, please refer to the archive list to the right of this column, for the posts dated: Aug.16, 2016, March 27, 2016. and April 12, 2016.
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