Sunday, March 12, 2017

So, When Is the Gog/Magog Invasion Going to Start?

The definitive answer to that question is, "I don't have a clue!"  I've been writing about that topic, more than any other, for the past several years.  I am just as convinced as always (and maybe more so, even) that it could break out at any time.  All the key players are just about in place, with a few exceptions.  America is the most confusing player in the Middle-East, right now.

America doesn't seem to play any significant part in the fighting, once Israel gets drawn into it.  It would seem to me that I.S.I.S. will probably get driven out of Iraq, and Syria, which looks as though it is about to happen soon.  In order to prevent the appearance of  another allied occupation like those of Germany, and Japan' after World War II, I guess America will withdraw it's troops.  But, don't expect Russia to do the same.  They'll probably claim they have to stabilize their "ally", Syria, and Iran will probably say the same about Iraq, their neighbor.  Other future members of the "Gog/Magog" confederation will probably just hang around, offering no explanation as to why.  Turkey is right next door, so they don't need much excuse, but watch for signs of  future allegiance between them and their new Russian "neighbors", who have finally gotten their warm-water port of entry, in Syria, and I'm sure they have every intention of holding on to it.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Turkey drop out of N.A.T.O., and form a new alliance with Russia, but I don't think they'll return all the weapons they got from N.A.T.O.,( much of it American made, which I'm sure the Russians would love to get a look at).

I don't think Libya has any formal troops in Syria, yet, but they probably have many volunteers there, being so close to Israel, which I'm sure they would just love to invade.  The most puzzling member of the "Gog/Magog" invasion force is Ethiopia.  They don't seem likely to join in an invasion of Israel, with their long history of both Jewish, and, later Christian believers.  But, perhaps neighboring countries like Somalia, and Sudan, and Yemen were considered to be part of Ethiopia at the time when God gave his prophecy to Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago.  These countries have many Al Quaida fighters that would just love to join in with any invasion force that intends to invade Israel.  I'll bet that they would all be in place within 24 hours of a move by Russia to invade Israel.

So, when you see the war against I.S.I.S. brought to a conclusion, and America withdrawing our troops from Syria, and Iraq, you can bet the Russians will be talking up the Israel Invasion with their new Muslim allies, to create a diversion, so Russia can go after their real "prize", which I suspect will be Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf Oil Emirates.  But, they won't get very far before God causes Israel to thoroughly defeat the Invasion force, probably by introducing neutron nuclear bombs, and artillery to the conflict (destroying 83 1/3rd % of their forces), and sending Russia scurrying back to their frozen wastelands!

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