Senate Minority Leader Nunes has threatened a Democratic filibuster on the appointment of Judge Gorsuch, which was only expected in our most cynical moments. The Democrats could not allow such a qualified nominee to actually sit next to their pathetic Obama appointments. Righteousness can be very contagious, and they wouldn't want to risk some of it rubbing off on the rest of the Supreme Court.
However, the "simple majority" rule, that I wrote about the past two days, also applies to any vote to end a filibuster in the senate. If the Republicans can muster enough "moxy" to actually do the right thing, they should put it down immediately.
The real squabbling in there is between the so-called "Establishment Republicans", and the Conservative Republican Senators. The Conservatives are afraid that the Party leaders will scuttle Trumps campaign promise to "repeal, and replace" Obamacare, with what they consider to be a "warmed-over" version of the same thing, or as they call it, "Obamacare Light". They had their first meeting with Trump at the White House about this very thing, today, though apparently nothing was fully resolved. Further meetings, and similar meetings between Trump, and the Party leaders can be expected, and we will see if President Trump can live up to his reputation as a deal-maker, as he was in the business world. A discussion on C.B.S.N. cable suggested that Trump might simply promise to donate the equivalent re-election money to any Senator, who loses campaign contributions, because of their vote on this bill. Would that be included in the Federal Deficit, or would it come out of Trump's pocket???
However it is accomplished, most conservative pundits agree that a true "repeal, and replace" bill must soon be passed, so the really important task of overhauling the tax laws, and debunking all the silly regulations of hostile bureaucracies, like the E.P.A.,can be speedily gotten to. The true poison of the Obama Administration must be dealt with as speedily as possible!!!
UPDATE: 3/28/'17--
With apologies to my readers, I must admit to an inaccuracy I made in the above, second paragraph. I explained how the so-called "Nuclear Option" was available to shut down a filibuster that was obviously intended to merely delay the vote to appoint a candidate to the Supreme Court. I have recently discovered my error: The "Nuclear Option" is legally limited to be used only for lower court nomiees, not for Supreme Court nominees. I apologize for the error, but not for the sentiment! To filibuster at this point is malicious in it's intent, and ought to be stopped, even if the Reublicans are forced to add an amendment to the original law, applying it to Supreme Court nominees, as well. This is admittedly dangerous because a future Democratic majority can use it to cut off Republican filibustering. But, these evil Democrats must be stopped, one way, or another!
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