I know that Jesus is the Rock, but president Trump's brain must be the hard place, in this adage. Who can figure this guy out? He rallies the Conservative voters to get elected, then castigates them for wanting him to honor his campaign promises.
On March 22nd (check out the Archives list to the right of this column), I wrote that the adage Jesus spoke about a Kingdom, or a House divided against itself not being able to stand was very appropriate for America, today. We are politically a very divided nation, and the most obvious example of that resides in the U.S. Congress. But, while Unity of political purpose is the necessary goal for our lawmakers, it is important to understand that that Unity must itself be righteous, or we will descend into chaos even in our attempt at Unity.
The traditional role of Congress has been to seek compromise, in order to pass laws that the country can live with. But, apparently, the Republican leadership (the so-called Establishment Republicans) have become so used to compromising, that they either can't distinguish between a good bill, and a bad bill, or don't care as long as they can get enough votes to pass it. Apparently, it's not about what's good for the country, to them, it's about what will make their constituents think they are doing their job. Their own re-election is paramount to them, and what helps the country is not only secondary, it's way down the list of priorities, as far as they are concerned.
Unfortunately, President Trump has chosen to side with the Establishment Leaders on the Repeal and Replace initiative, to overturn Obamacare, and he has alienated himself from the very Conservatives that are the main force that got him elected. As I understand it, the Conserrvatives in the House were not about to vote into law a bill that was only slightly better than Obamacare, and was projected to double the premiums, with only a vague hint that the charges would come down slightly, in a few years. For the people that are hurting now, from Obamacare's premium rises in cost, that's not what Trump's campaign promises were all about. Trump is apparently despondant that the consrvatives will not unify with the leaders to pass his bill. He just doesn't seem to get it! Unifying on an evil initiative is Evil! Plain, and simple! Instead of getting mad at the Conservatives, he should be mad at the leaders for not allowing a vote on a truly effective alternative to Obamacare. The truely important division in this House is not between the Republicans, and the Democrats; it's between the Establishment Republicans, and the Conservatives. And they have less than two years to come to an effective area of agreement, or they will lose their House again, and maybe the Senate, as well!!!
If that happens, Trump stands little chance of being re-elected, especially if he keeps alienating himself from the Conservatives!!!
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