Monday, April 3, 2017

Get On With It, Already!!!

I'm already tired of all the political foot-dragging in the Senate.  The Senate Judiciary Commitee is apparently congratulating themselves, for doing what everyone expected they would do, after a long. drawn out debate, that established nothing.   Hooray!  They passed a vote to send Gorsuch's nomination to the full Senate, along straight party lines (11 Republicans voting for, with 9 Democrats voting against). Gee! What a surprise!

 Why did it take so long for them to face the obvious, and do what everyone expected they would do?  What a bunch of foot-dragging buffoons!  And I'm not talking about the Democrats!  The Republican Leaders (aka.,the "Establishment Republicans"), are more concerned with appearances, than with getting things done.  Why was it necessary to debate Gorsuch's appointment so endlessly, only to end up voting the way everyone knew they were going to vote?  And, now the whole thing starts over again, with another endless debate, which will most likely end up in a Democratic filibuster, with the Republicans changing the procedure to allow the so-called "Nuclear Option" (nominating Gosuch with a "simple majority" vote, as opposed to the traditional 60 votes, which require 8 Democrats to break ranks, and vote with the Republican majority).  We all know there are not 8 Democrats with enough backbone to defy their party leaders, and actually vote for a good nominee to the Supreme Court.  It's possible there isn't even one, of all the Democratic Senators!  These people are so dogmatically blind, they can't recognize a decent, and honest man when they see him!

As far as I'm concerned, don't bother with the debate, which will simply reiterate what the Judiciary Committee has already used to flog the "dead horse" issues; move right on to the filibuster, and the "Nuclear Option" and get it over with, already!  Someone please tell the Republican Leaders to stop the Parliamentarian posturing, and actually get something done for a change!!!  Moving the nomination out of comitee after all this time, dorsn't qualify as much of an acomplishment, to me!

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