The legal profession holds to a standard that when a witness is caught in a lie, while under oath, not only is he guilty of perjury. but any further testimony is tainted by his reputation for lying under oath!!! Michael Cowen, President Trump's former personal attorney is testifying before Congress, even though he has been convicted of lying before Congress, previously, and is due to go to prison for that, in two months.
I wrote about my views of Attorneys who habitually lie, and otherwise distort the truth, in an attempt to "prove" their obviously guilty client's "innocence", about a week ago! I felt then. and still do, that there, "oughta' be a law" against such obvious attempts to distort the truth, to keep guilty clients from being convicted of their crimes. Many trials are probably dragged out far too long by such unscrupulous tactics, and I wonder how often the truly guilty go unpunished, because of the cleverness of their evil attorneys!
Presently, we have our "honest" Democratic Congressmen, and women, interrogating Mr. Cowen with vehement outrage, in a desperate attempt to "prove" President Trump's guilt of anything that can be misconstrued into seeming to be an impeachable offense, so much so that they are willing to accept the testimony of Mr. Cowen, on apparent face value, even though his credibility is already tainted by his conviction of lying under oath, previously! If his testimony would be considered worthless in a court of law, why are these Democrats so desperate to use his testimony to accuse the President, especially when we know that this habitual liar is desperate himself to tell these people what they want to hear, in the hope that his testimony might be used to grant him a reduction in his impending prison sentence! Talk about witness credibility,... come on!!! Give us a break!!! This Democratic charade of trying to determine the "truth" is so pathetically motivated by their obvious hatred of Trump, that they ought to be ashamed; assuming they have any personal, or collective conscience at all. Which I thoroughly doubt!!! America has never seen such blatant vitriol against a sitting President, simply because their candidate lost the election!!!
As I've written before, I truly believe that there is a strong spiritual basis for this collective hatred, and their desperation to try and impeach the President, and as quickly as possible! I believe that most of this hatred is because these Democrats, and (regrettably) also some establishment Republicans, believe that the last best "hope" for peace in the world, is for America to abolish the "obsolete" Constitution, and join with Europe in establishing a "One-World" Socialist system of government (which is condemned by the Bible, as eventually being the tool of Satan's Antichrist, to one day be used to commit horrible genocide against the remaining Christians, and Jews, before Jesus returns to set up His millennial Kingdom on earth!!!
I suspect that they trusted Hillary to do just that, until she lost, and the frustration is driving them mad (literally!!!). So much so that they really believe that such stupid concepts as "A.O.C.'s" "Green New Deal" will catapult them to victory, in 2020!!! The more absurd their platform principles become, the more likely that even the left-leaning independent voters will be offended, to the point of voting Republican!!! I wouldn't be surprised if this is God's way of answering our prayers, as He is described as delighting to use man's own "foolishness", "to confound the 'wisdom' of the 'wise'"!!! Trump's policies are considered foolishness by our "wise" Socialist politicians (those who openly profess it, and those who don't), and their outrage is so blatant that they are emboldened to profess their foolish values openly, which they previously did not do, for fear that they would offend the more moderate leftist voters. So God seems to be allowing them to politically "shoot themselves in the foot"!
Let's hope they continue to spout more and more ridiculous ideas, over the coming year, or so!!!
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