Saturday, February 16, 2019

"Manufactured Crisis", Or National Emergency?...

You decide...!

I'm so tired of  the Leftist propaganda, broadcast by the Mainstream Media, at the behest of the Democratic party, and the Socialists therein.   They have the unmitigated  gall to continue this farce, that President Trump has completely "manufactured a fake crisis" of the illegal immigration at our southern border with Mexico.   Implied within this ridiculous charge, is the necessary assumption that the "Angel Moms" the president has invited to his press conferences, must be liars; presumably paid by the President to say that their children were murdered by illegal immigrants to our country, including Mexican gang members, and raging alcoholics using their cars as weapons, sometimes of mass destruction!  I suppose that the President must have paid off all the coroners, and funeral directors to lie about the dead bodies of their children, and somehow only the lying Leftist journalists were able to find out the "truth" of this maniacal scam.  C.N.N. correspondent, Jim Acosta had the temerity to challenge the President on this very issue, at yesterday's press conference.  Acosta has built an infamous reputation for such lying confrontations, as if the Communist doctrine of, "repeating a lie often enough will eventually convince the idiot audience", was an absolute truth.  It shows the malicious denigration of the American television viewer, to think that they can be so easily brainwashed with such obvious lies!   This only works on those who prefer to believe the lie, for their own reasons.

The utter cynicism of their lies is intended to create enough resistance to the President's wall-building efforts, to allow for the continued stream of illegals across the border.  The only reason for this desperate effort on their part, rather than their "humanitarian concerns" for the welfare of the illegals, has to be their desire to use the hoards of people to vote illegally (for pay) for Democrats in future elections!  The Democrats have discovered that this is an easier way to win elections, than promoting candidates with better ideas than their opponents.    That's probably how they won the House, with all those lunatics, masquerading as legitimate candidates, in the last election!  If this is allowed to continue unchecked we will eventually have a nation controlled by Leftist lunatics, like Alexandria Otesio Cortez,, who will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the "One-World" Socialist government system, in Europe, which is Biblically prophecied to become the most evil  system the world has ever seen!!!

Let's pray that the case before the Supreme Court, concerning various States' efforts to require proof of citizenship for voting, will be decided in the States' favor!!!  If it is, you can bet the "humanitarian concerns" of the Democrats, for the illegals, will disappear instantly!!!

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