Since when??????? The man is notorious for assigning outrageous lies to everything under the sun! When did he, all of a sudden, become interested in the truth???
Now, he claims to be interested in having the report from the Mueller Commission be released to the public, without redactions, which makes me suspicious of his motives. Since both the House of Representatives, and the Senate have stated that their respective investigations have uncovered no "Collusion" between the Trump campaign, and Russian meddling, it should be expected that the Mueller Commission would confirm the same. Apparently, Schiff feels that their is "ample evidence" of such collusion, and he fears that the Trump administration will try to keep that from becoming public. But, if the evidence collected by the commission's members is of a quality of their former investigations, it should be easily proven to be slanderously false. So why should we fear their made-up charges, which have no basis in reality!
Of greater concern is the fiasco that is taking place in Venezuela! I see some desperation on the part of Maduro, not in professing his innocence, but in desperately trying to force President Trump into sending American forces to Venezuela, to end the Humanitarian Crisis, so he can create another Viet Nam-esque endless war. He may have received verbal support for doing so, in the recent meetings he had with Russian, and Chinese officials.
I have long wondered why there is no mention of America coming to the aid of Israel, when they are attacked by Iranian forces, considering they are our best ally in the Middle-East! It makes no sense to me, that we should have thousands of troops there, and offer no support to Israel. But, if we were involved in a serious jungle war, like Viet Nam, only closer to home, perhaps we would be so seriously overextended that we might hesitate to commit to another "proxy war" with Russia; and perhaps Israel's prophesied victory would happen in such a short time (as did the "six day war), that American assistance would be deemed unnecessary. (As usual I continue to analyze current events as they might effect the Ezekiel prophecied invasion, which I am convinced may be "just around the corner" from being fulfilled! Please pardon my myopia!)
A quagmire in Venezuela might also serve as a basis for a total American troop withdrawal in the Middle-East, which I believe may be the only thing holding back the Russian/Iranian invasion of Israel, so far. In fact, Russia may have encouraged Maduro's belligerence in order to give America something to concern ourselves with, that will take our attention away from the Middle-East, until they feel they have an overwhelming foothold for their invasion forces! Trouble is, they won't ask for God's permission, nor is He planning to give it!!! He intends to use His miraculous deliverance of His chosen people (Israel) to show, "...the heathen that there is still a God in Israel!"
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