Now it begins, finally!!! Now we have a real Attorney General, who has a reputation for both honesty, and courage of conviction, and willingness to prosecute cases of gross illegality in our country, and especially in our own government! Yesterday, the Senate voted to confirm William Barr as the new Attorney General, a man whose reputation precedes him, as having both the experience, and willingness to do the job, as he did so faithfully in the early 1990's.
He succeeds former Senator Jeff Sessions, whose reputation was sullied after he was appointed Attorney General, and immediately recused himself from overseeing the "Mueller" investigation, effectively leaving oversight of this travesty of justice in the hands of "Deep State" conspirator, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who was himself appointed by Sen. Sessions; conspiracy???, I wonder!). I don't expect to see the entire Deep State to be fired from their jobs, and prosecuted for whatever treasonous activity they are guilty of, but I expect to see the beginning of such!!! There are so many examples of blatant illegal meddlings in official government business that have not been prosecuted, starting with the most obvious, the Hillary Clinton obstruction of justice, and illegal E-mail scandal, that have been blatantly ignored by the "Deep Staters" within the Department of Justice, and the F.B.I., that the resulting scandal has taken on the proportions of an attempted coup, much worse than any "banana republic" civil war!!!
At first I was as reluctant as any to see a former First Lady prosecuted for any reason, guilty or not. But, as this scandal has developed over the past two years, I've come to recognize that this is indeed a widespread conspiracy, that must be prosecuted into oblivion, and Hillary's complicity is symptomatic of the venomous snake, whose head must be chopped off, and buried before one can consider it to be safe. If she must be imprisoned in order to reestablish the Constitutional rule of law, then so be it!!!
As I've written extensively before, I believe this is not only a conspiracy to take control of our government, but eventually to dupe our country into believing that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can voluntarily join the European plan to create a "One-World" Socialist government system! This system is Prophecied to become one of the most evil governments of all time, far surpassing Nazi Germany!!! (For more on this, check out the Archive list to the right of this column.) Not to mention the loss of our freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights; you can bet that anything coming out of Europe will not protect individual rights, where Socialist values have taught people to believe that they own nothing, because it all belongs to the state, which lets the people use what they need to live on, out of their great "benevolence"! The sad thing about this is that their proponents honestly believe that doing this will be good for the whole world! They obviously don't believe in the Bible, and are probably ignorant of the prophesied doom of this system. This government will have it's evil reign for seven years, before Jesus returns to destroy it, and cast all it's supporters into Hell, for eternity! Therefore, the complete overthrow of the Deep State is not just a political convenience, but a spiritual necessity, in order to prevent the total duping of our country into participating in this evil system!!!
As always, I leave the readers with the encouragement to earnestly pray for God to help us overcome all Satanic deception, and break the Deep State power over our government! Only the most powerful force in the universe (God) can overcome the second most powerful force in the universe (Satan; who gets his power from God, for yet a little while). It's up to us to choose which side of this eternal conflict we are going to support, individually, and collectively, and the result will have eternal consequences!!! God is watching to see which choice we will make!!! He knows already, but will not interfere until we make our decision!
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