According to the Bible, "Sin blinds...", though I don't mean to judge all Democrats, just the ones who support these foolish values! The rest??? Well, why are they still Democrats???
There are basically two reasons, as I see it, why the Democratic politicians support absurdly idiotic policies. One is money, and the other is political power. The presence of the one is easily projected, and the anticipation of the other is prophecied to be obtainable, if only briefly! But, it has been said, "What does it profit if you gain the whole world, and lose your own soul!" I frankly believe that many of our Democratic politicians, especially in Congress, are treading on very dangerous ground, with the policies they support, as well as the ones they resist!
But, the question is why, since it is obvious that these people are not stupid! There has to be some reason for so many of them to support such foolish policies, which can only bring eventual disaster to the country, with the obvious blame for that resting on their shoulders!
In the short term, they must be getting plenty of money "under the table". This can come from one of two probable sources. One, from the drug cartels of Mexico, and other Latin American countries. Or, more likely, from the rich billionaires that support the Democratic party, probably more for financial gain than from philosophical persuasion! Take George Soros, for example. He has enriched himself for years by betting on the stock market crashes that he has helped to produce by funding insurrections, which creates the kind of financial chaos, that encourages those crashes. I wonder if the money, attributed to the Mexican government, to provide food, water and buses to transport the migrant caravans to our southern borders, doesn't originate from someone like Soros, or perhaps himself, indeed!!! If he can create an American stock market crash, I'll bet he is heavily invested in short stock of some of the most vulnerable companies! A crash like that should reap millions, if not more, which I'm sure would more than pay for the illegal immigrant "investments!"
Perhaps this kind of "financing" is the underlying reason for all the absurd political moves to declare so-called "sanctuary" cities, and states, as well!!! Take Los Angeles, for example! Their welcoming of all those illegal immigrants, and the implied protection from arrest and deportation has created tent cities along the sidewalks of their city, with reports of used syringes littering the areas, plus, the common use of sewer drains for emergency toilettes has developed into an area ripe for an outbreak of Typhus, which is a contagious disease, associated with rats, and the fleas they carry, while they infest areas of high garbage, and filth content, similar to the Bubonic Plagues, of the Middle Ages!!! Politically supporting trends of this kind is so stupid that no intelligent person would do so, unless they felt, one, they were well insulated from suffering the same consequences, and, two, they felt the profitability of doing so was great!!! So much for their feigned humanitarian motives for doing so!!!
Another possible "profitability" for their support of these policies is political power! I have speculated before that many of these Democrats may be absolute believers in the utopian view of the One-World socialist government, that Europe is struggling to establish. It makes sense that their plan can not succeed if their is a better way, else ware. Like America , today. As President Trump proclaimed in his State Of The Union address, America is now the world's largest producer of Oil, and Natural Gas, and our unemployment statistics are the envy of the world. Why would other countries wish to join the European system, when they can copy what we've done here? So, a conspiracy to ruin our economy would make them look better. Perhaps they have offered sympathetic Leftist American politicians powerful positions in their future government, as payment for their efforts to corrupt our society, and destroy our Constitutional government! This could explain their absurd support for immigration policies that do little but endanger the lives of all of us! Except, of course, those who are wealthy enough to live in high security areas, like Congressmen, and women!!!
While I admittedly can not offer any proof of my suspicions, there has to be a reason for so many apparently intelligent people to support such stupid policies!!! Only their own greed can explain it! Greed for money, or power, which amounts to the same thing!!! But, eventually, they will come face to face with the same conclusion that Jesus pronounced when He said, "What does it profit...???"
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