...Followed shortly thereafter by a wonderful realization!!!
At first, I was stewing over the depressing thought of America being overrun by people who believe the absurd, and outlandish thoughts spouted recently by the Leftist politicians within, and without the Democratic party. As I have written before, I believe many on the Left desperately want to control all levels of our government, so they can manipulate us into believing that our Constitution is too obsolete to run a modern government, and must be abolished, so we can join the "One-World" Socialist government that the European common market is trying to develop. Failing to take all forms of government control, I guess the next best plan is to allow the society, as a whole, to collapse for whomever is in power, in order to facilitate their rise to power afterwards. Perhaps this would explain their ridiculous resistance to support President Trump's plans to secure the southern border, which is tantamount to an open-door policy for murderous gang members, drug smugglers, and other criminals to come to America, and have free reign to create as much havoc as they can. They apparently feel that whichever party presides over all this, will naturally be blamed for it.
But, lately some of the most vocal members of the Left have been doing just that, waxing vocal, to their hearts content!!! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the darling of the Socialist wing of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, recently unveiled her utopian plan for re-establishing a "Green New Deal" to replace the European plan to regulate the lessening of air pollution world-wide, that President Trump recently dropped from American participation. The former plan was so one-sided against the U.S.A. while allowing some of the worst polluters, (like China, and India) to get a free pass, that the President could hardly allow us to continue with it.
But, "A.O.C." 's new deal was so absurd as to be ridiculous, and altogether impossible!!! It contained plans to eliminate all airplane traffic, and replace it with bullet trains (travelers to Europe, and over the Pacific, be damned!!!), and force us all to be vegetarians, so we could eliminate all flatulence-producing cows, and eliminate all gasoline powered vehicles (even though we are now the world's greatest producer of oil, and natural gas [and probably methane gas, from our cows; how long till she goes after our dogs, and cats, and watch out you horse lovers!!!]).
While I was digesting the absurdity of her ranting, and growing more, and more depressed at the lunacy that has become rampant in the U.S., today, I realized that a greater good could come out of all this!!! As I said, "A.O.C." has become the "darling" of the Left, with even the more moderate Democrats falling all over themselves to seem to agree with her. They do so because her surprising victory, in the last election seems to indicate that the Democratic voters are becoming more, and more radical in their socialist views. While this appears to bode poorly for the Republicans, it actually could have a rebound effect in their favor!!! The more outlandish the policies of the Left become, the more likely that some of their voters will actually become disillusioned by it all, and try the alternative (Republicans???).
As I have been encouraging my readers to pray urgently for Revival, in America, I realized that this could be the first step in that direction! If many of the Democratic voters who have been marching lockstep with their leaders' policies for years, finally get fed up with the impractical foolishness that keeps coming out of their mouths, they may become so disillusioned as to investigate alternatives; politically, first, and perhaps spiritually, later!!!
So, pour it on you Socialists!!! I can bite my lip, and cram my fingers into my ears while you make America fertile ground for the greatest revival America, and the world has ever seen!!!
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