The legal profession holds to a standard that when a witness is caught in a lie, while under oath, not only is he guilty of perjury. but any further testimony is tainted by his reputation for lying under oath!!! Michael Cowen, President Trump's former personal attorney is testifying before Congress, even though he has been convicted of lying before Congress, previously, and is due to go to prison for that, in two months.
I wrote about my views of Attorneys who habitually lie, and otherwise distort the truth, in an attempt to "prove" their obviously guilty client's "innocence", about a week ago! I felt then. and still do, that there, "oughta' be a law" against such obvious attempts to distort the truth, to keep guilty clients from being convicted of their crimes. Many trials are probably dragged out far too long by such unscrupulous tactics, and I wonder how often the truly guilty go unpunished, because of the cleverness of their evil attorneys!
Presently, we have our "honest" Democratic Congressmen, and women, interrogating Mr. Cowen with vehement outrage, in a desperate attempt to "prove" President Trump's guilt of anything that can be misconstrued into seeming to be an impeachable offense, so much so that they are willing to accept the testimony of Mr. Cowen, on apparent face value, even though his credibility is already tainted by his conviction of lying under oath, previously! If his testimony would be considered worthless in a court of law, why are these Democrats so desperate to use his testimony to accuse the President, especially when we know that this habitual liar is desperate himself to tell these people what they want to hear, in the hope that his testimony might be used to grant him a reduction in his impending prison sentence! Talk about witness credibility,... come on!!! Give us a break!!! This Democratic charade of trying to determine the "truth" is so pathetically motivated by their obvious hatred of Trump, that they ought to be ashamed; assuming they have any personal, or collective conscience at all. Which I thoroughly doubt!!! America has never seen such blatant vitriol against a sitting President, simply because their candidate lost the election!!!
As I've written before, I truly believe that there is a strong spiritual basis for this collective hatred, and their desperation to try and impeach the President, and as quickly as possible! I believe that most of this hatred is because these Democrats, and (regrettably) also some establishment Republicans, believe that the last best "hope" for peace in the world, is for America to abolish the "obsolete" Constitution, and join with Europe in establishing a "One-World" Socialist system of government (which is condemned by the Bible, as eventually being the tool of Satan's Antichrist, to one day be used to commit horrible genocide against the remaining Christians, and Jews, before Jesus returns to set up His millennial Kingdom on earth!!!
I suspect that they trusted Hillary to do just that, until she lost, and the frustration is driving them mad (literally!!!). So much so that they really believe that such stupid concepts as "A.O.C.'s" "Green New Deal" will catapult them to victory, in 2020!!! The more absurd their platform principles become, the more likely that even the left-leaning independent voters will be offended, to the point of voting Republican!!! I wouldn't be surprised if this is God's way of answering our prayers, as He is described as delighting to use man's own "foolishness", "to confound the 'wisdom' of the 'wise'"!!! Trump's policies are considered foolishness by our "wise" Socialist politicians (those who openly profess it, and those who don't), and their outrage is so blatant that they are emboldened to profess their foolish values openly, which they previously did not do, for fear that they would offend the more moderate leftist voters. So God seems to be allowing them to politically "shoot themselves in the foot"!
Let's hope they continue to spout more and more ridiculous ideas, over the coming year, or so!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Have We Become Nazi Germany, Already???
It was bad enough to realize we were headed in that direction, but at some point we have to acknowledge the obvious!!! We have now become the second coming of Nazi Germany!!!
When a nation's governing body is so indifferent to the care of helpless humanity that it simply discards them as refuse, with no concern for the morality of what they are doing, then it's time for all Jews. and Christians, to pack up and head for the hills; the next holocaust can't be long in coming!!!
The news today is that a Senate proposal, sponsored by Sen. Ben Sasse, of Nebraska, was defeated that would have made infanticide illegal, if it passed both houses of Congress. Specifically, it would have mandated the proper care for those babies that are born alive, in spite of an attempted abortion procedure. This is supposed to occur in, "less than one per cent of the cases", yet a botched abortion is no reason for the murder of the surviving child! In an unusually cowardly twisting of the facts, FOX NEWS described it as a Democratic mustered defeat (please read the "UPDATE" below, for my correction)! But this was the Republican controlled Senate!!! It is obvious that the Democratic controlled House of Representatives would never pass a similar bill, nor would a Democratic controlled Senate! But, the Republicans are supposed to be more "Pro Life", than the Democrats, and this bill could not have been voted down without some Republicans cooperating with the Democrats to do so (Ibid...please see "UPDATE" below)! I don't yet know who, or what twisted reasoning they may foster to try and justify their votes; but I'm sure we will hear about all that shortly! And, once we know who, we will know whom we should vote out of Congress as soon as possible, regardless of their rationale!!! This kind of cowardly behavior should at least be banned from a supposedly Pro Life Republican Senate!!!
UPDATE: (One hour later)--
As usual, when someone writes something without waiting for all the facts to come out, I got it wrong!!! I should apologize to all the Fake News journalists, who do likewise, on a regular basis! The only difference between us, is I did so accidentally, because my blood ran so hot that my outrage caused me to jump to the journalistic false conclusion that this bill was voted down with Republican help! My outrage would have been deserved, had this been so, but I was in error!
I assumed that it only required a majority vote to pass, which the Republicans should be able to muster easily. But, it actually needed a 60 vote majority to end the filibuster, which it did not get, even with 50 Republicans, and 3 Democrats voting for it! So the FOX NEWS report blaming this on the Democrats was indeed accurate, and I must excuse myself, to eat my "Humble Pie" in private!!! It's especially difficult, as I have been so vociferous in condemning the Mainstream Media for their frequent jumps to false conclusions, which they easily do, and one suspects they do so intentionally! I guess that makes me different from them, but I still am ashamed for what I did!
UPDATE II: (minutes later!)--
Look out below!!! My blood is running hot again, but this time I've waited for verification of the facts!
The intellectually vacuous high priestess of the Left, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is at it again!!! After amazing us with her insipid "Green New Deal" plan to "save" the planet from the imagined pollution that is supposedly destroying our atmosphere, which plan has been estimated to cost us over 90 TRILLION dollars, if it were implemented today, over a period of ten years; she continues to amaze with her stupidity by suggesting that today's children ought to consider if it is "wise" for them to have children when they grow up!!! "Wise", as if she even understood the meaning of the word!!!
A budget that would pay for that would necessitate the borrowing of light years increased amounts, presuming that future generations could pay it back! But, if none of our children have children of their own, exactly who does she think is going to pay for what we borrow today??? The Japanese are already feeling the pinch of an economic debt that has outgrown the reproductive performance of their population. But, this plan would be light years far worse than that!
But, she studied at the intellectual feet of that brilliant hypocrite, Bernie Sanders, whose Socialist obsession has no problem with his spending 350 some odd thousands of dollars, of taxpayers' money, on the private jets he uses to fly around the country! Which demonstrates that Socialists intend for us to sacrifice financially, while they plan to live lavishly, off of taxpayers' largess!!! Now you see where she gets her brilliant ideas from!!!
When a nation's governing body is so indifferent to the care of helpless humanity that it simply discards them as refuse, with no concern for the morality of what they are doing, then it's time for all Jews. and Christians, to pack up and head for the hills; the next holocaust can't be long in coming!!!
The news today is that a Senate proposal, sponsored by Sen. Ben Sasse, of Nebraska, was defeated that would have made infanticide illegal, if it passed both houses of Congress. Specifically, it would have mandated the proper care for those babies that are born alive, in spite of an attempted abortion procedure. This is supposed to occur in, "less than one per cent of the cases", yet a botched abortion is no reason for the murder of the surviving child! In an unusually cowardly twisting of the facts, FOX NEWS described it as a Democratic mustered defeat (please read the "UPDATE" below, for my correction)! But this was the Republican controlled Senate!!! It is obvious that the Democratic controlled House of Representatives would never pass a similar bill, nor would a Democratic controlled Senate! But, the Republicans are supposed to be more "Pro Life", than the Democrats, and this bill could not have been voted down without some Republicans cooperating with the Democrats to do so (Ibid...please see "UPDATE" below)! I don't yet know who, or what twisted reasoning they may foster to try and justify their votes; but I'm sure we will hear about all that shortly! And, once we know who, we will know whom we should vote out of Congress as soon as possible, regardless of their rationale!!! This kind of cowardly behavior should at least be banned from a supposedly Pro Life Republican Senate!!!
UPDATE: (One hour later)--
As usual, when someone writes something without waiting for all the facts to come out, I got it wrong!!! I should apologize to all the Fake News journalists, who do likewise, on a regular basis! The only difference between us, is I did so accidentally, because my blood ran so hot that my outrage caused me to jump to the journalistic false conclusion that this bill was voted down with Republican help! My outrage would have been deserved, had this been so, but I was in error!
I assumed that it only required a majority vote to pass, which the Republicans should be able to muster easily. But, it actually needed a 60 vote majority to end the filibuster, which it did not get, even with 50 Republicans, and 3 Democrats voting for it! So the FOX NEWS report blaming this on the Democrats was indeed accurate, and I must excuse myself, to eat my "Humble Pie" in private!!! It's especially difficult, as I have been so vociferous in condemning the Mainstream Media for their frequent jumps to false conclusions, which they easily do, and one suspects they do so intentionally! I guess that makes me different from them, but I still am ashamed for what I did!
UPDATE II: (minutes later!)--
Look out below!!! My blood is running hot again, but this time I've waited for verification of the facts!
The intellectually vacuous high priestess of the Left, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is at it again!!! After amazing us with her insipid "Green New Deal" plan to "save" the planet from the imagined pollution that is supposedly destroying our atmosphere, which plan has been estimated to cost us over 90 TRILLION dollars, if it were implemented today, over a period of ten years; she continues to amaze with her stupidity by suggesting that today's children ought to consider if it is "wise" for them to have children when they grow up!!! "Wise", as if she even understood the meaning of the word!!!
A budget that would pay for that would necessitate the borrowing of light years increased amounts, presuming that future generations could pay it back! But, if none of our children have children of their own, exactly who does she think is going to pay for what we borrow today??? The Japanese are already feeling the pinch of an economic debt that has outgrown the reproductive performance of their population. But, this plan would be light years far worse than that!
But, she studied at the intellectual feet of that brilliant hypocrite, Bernie Sanders, whose Socialist obsession has no problem with his spending 350 some odd thousands of dollars, of taxpayers' money, on the private jets he uses to fly around the country! Which demonstrates that Socialists intend for us to sacrifice financially, while they plan to live lavishly, off of taxpayers' largess!!! Now you see where she gets her brilliant ideas from!!!
Monday, February 25, 2019
The Truth Is "Safeguarded" By Adam Schiff???
Since when??????? The man is notorious for assigning outrageous lies to everything under the sun! When did he, all of a sudden, become interested in the truth???
Now, he claims to be interested in having the report from the Mueller Commission be released to the public, without redactions, which makes me suspicious of his motives. Since both the House of Representatives, and the Senate have stated that their respective investigations have uncovered no "Collusion" between the Trump campaign, and Russian meddling, it should be expected that the Mueller Commission would confirm the same. Apparently, Schiff feels that their is "ample evidence" of such collusion, and he fears that the Trump administration will try to keep that from becoming public. But, if the evidence collected by the commission's members is of a quality of their former investigations, it should be easily proven to be slanderously false. So why should we fear their made-up charges, which have no basis in reality!
Of greater concern is the fiasco that is taking place in Venezuela! I see some desperation on the part of Maduro, not in professing his innocence, but in desperately trying to force President Trump into sending American forces to Venezuela, to end the Humanitarian Crisis, so he can create another Viet Nam-esque endless war. He may have received verbal support for doing so, in the recent meetings he had with Russian, and Chinese officials.
I have long wondered why there is no mention of America coming to the aid of Israel, when they are attacked by Iranian forces, considering they are our best ally in the Middle-East! It makes no sense to me, that we should have thousands of troops there, and offer no support to Israel. But, if we were involved in a serious jungle war, like Viet Nam, only closer to home, perhaps we would be so seriously overextended that we might hesitate to commit to another "proxy war" with Russia; and perhaps Israel's prophesied victory would happen in such a short time (as did the "six day war), that American assistance would be deemed unnecessary. (As usual I continue to analyze current events as they might effect the Ezekiel prophecied invasion, which I am convinced may be "just around the corner" from being fulfilled! Please pardon my myopia!)
A quagmire in Venezuela might also serve as a basis for a total American troop withdrawal in the Middle-East, which I believe may be the only thing holding back the Russian/Iranian invasion of Israel, so far. In fact, Russia may have encouraged Maduro's belligerence in order to give America something to concern ourselves with, that will take our attention away from the Middle-East, until they feel they have an overwhelming foothold for their invasion forces! Trouble is, they won't ask for God's permission, nor is He planning to give it!!! He intends to use His miraculous deliverance of His chosen people (Israel) to show, "...the heathen that there is still a God in Israel!"
Now, he claims to be interested in having the report from the Mueller Commission be released to the public, without redactions, which makes me suspicious of his motives. Since both the House of Representatives, and the Senate have stated that their respective investigations have uncovered no "Collusion" between the Trump campaign, and Russian meddling, it should be expected that the Mueller Commission would confirm the same. Apparently, Schiff feels that their is "ample evidence" of such collusion, and he fears that the Trump administration will try to keep that from becoming public. But, if the evidence collected by the commission's members is of a quality of their former investigations, it should be easily proven to be slanderously false. So why should we fear their made-up charges, which have no basis in reality!
Of greater concern is the fiasco that is taking place in Venezuela! I see some desperation on the part of Maduro, not in professing his innocence, but in desperately trying to force President Trump into sending American forces to Venezuela, to end the Humanitarian Crisis, so he can create another Viet Nam-esque endless war. He may have received verbal support for doing so, in the recent meetings he had with Russian, and Chinese officials.
I have long wondered why there is no mention of America coming to the aid of Israel, when they are attacked by Iranian forces, considering they are our best ally in the Middle-East! It makes no sense to me, that we should have thousands of troops there, and offer no support to Israel. But, if we were involved in a serious jungle war, like Viet Nam, only closer to home, perhaps we would be so seriously overextended that we might hesitate to commit to another "proxy war" with Russia; and perhaps Israel's prophesied victory would happen in such a short time (as did the "six day war), that American assistance would be deemed unnecessary. (As usual I continue to analyze current events as they might effect the Ezekiel prophecied invasion, which I am convinced may be "just around the corner" from being fulfilled! Please pardon my myopia!)
A quagmire in Venezuela might also serve as a basis for a total American troop withdrawal in the Middle-East, which I believe may be the only thing holding back the Russian/Iranian invasion of Israel, so far. In fact, Russia may have encouraged Maduro's belligerence in order to give America something to concern ourselves with, that will take our attention away from the Middle-East, until they feel they have an overwhelming foothold for their invasion forces! Trouble is, they won't ask for God's permission, nor is He planning to give it!!! He intends to use His miraculous deliverance of His chosen people (Israel) to show, "...the heathen that there is still a God in Israel!"
Friday, February 22, 2019
When Attorneys Can't, Or Won't, Spell Correctly!!!
I make no judgement in the case of Jussie Smollett. I am no judge of any man, even when the evidence seems to mount so high against the defendant, as it seems to be against him. And I refuse to jump to absurd conclusions, as so many reporters of the Main Stream media are so quick to do lately!
But, if he is guilty of even a portion of the charges against him, then his attorneys ought to be jailed for their lies to try and profess his innocence, when they must certainly know the truth, whatever it is! It is inconceivable to me that they would not interrogate their own client thoroughly, after all the charges against him, considering that, by law, they could not share their client's confession because of the "Attorney/Client Privilege" clause!
However, to know the truth, and to profess outrage at the Police, and Prosecutors who dared to charge Smollett so, is so inscrutable as to be nauseous to even contemplate. I know a press conference does not require an attorney to be sworn in against perjury, but the standard ought to be applied voluntarily, and for the attending journalists, as well!
I don't claim that Smollett's attorney is lying now, but my suspicion grows daily!!! If it is so, it's another in a series of endless unscrupulous attorneys who seem to think their job description is spelled "liars", rather than "lawyers", and the old adage of, "there ought to be a law against it!", certainly applies!!! It should not always be left up to the Judges to determine the defendant's guilt, or innocence, but when a client is so overwhelmingly guilty, that it is obvious to the attorneys he tries to hire, they should refuse his offer, for fear of being charged, after the fact of knowingly trying to deceive the courts with their clever manipulation of the truth, to "prove" his innocence! Perhaps we would not have such a backlog of trials waiting to be heard, if the obviously guilty had more difficulty in obtaining counsel! With the possible exception being when an inexperienced attorney is assigned to defend a client, by the judge, allowance should be made for inept defense, but the likelihood of the same should be expected, as well.
I suppose the concept of ignoring the obvious attorneys' attempt at trying to cloud the issues in court, to manipulate their client's guilt into a seeming innocence, whether through manipulation of the apparent facts, or excusing their guilt, because of technicalities, ought to be rendrered illegal! The same should apply to their trying to manipulate public opinion, through lying in a press release, or conference! It is not illegal but it, " ought'a be!!!"
I suppose my opinions seem so outlandish, that my objections will be ignored by anyone in authority! This seems to be a way for the legal profession to protect their own, and maximize their opportunities for employment (perhaps "enrichment" would be a more appropriate term)! After all, most Judges were attorneys, first, and probably sympathize with others who try to "make a living", even at the expense of determining the truth! And most politicians, who can change legal standards, were lawyers first, as well. Perhaps that's why they have such a hard time recognizing the truth, themselves!!! (Or at least admitting it!!!)
But, if he is guilty of even a portion of the charges against him, then his attorneys ought to be jailed for their lies to try and profess his innocence, when they must certainly know the truth, whatever it is! It is inconceivable to me that they would not interrogate their own client thoroughly, after all the charges against him, considering that, by law, they could not share their client's confession because of the "Attorney/Client Privilege" clause!
However, to know the truth, and to profess outrage at the Police, and Prosecutors who dared to charge Smollett so, is so inscrutable as to be nauseous to even contemplate. I know a press conference does not require an attorney to be sworn in against perjury, but the standard ought to be applied voluntarily, and for the attending journalists, as well!
I don't claim that Smollett's attorney is lying now, but my suspicion grows daily!!! If it is so, it's another in a series of endless unscrupulous attorneys who seem to think their job description is spelled "liars", rather than "lawyers", and the old adage of, "there ought to be a law against it!", certainly applies!!! It should not always be left up to the Judges to determine the defendant's guilt, or innocence, but when a client is so overwhelmingly guilty, that it is obvious to the attorneys he tries to hire, they should refuse his offer, for fear of being charged, after the fact of knowingly trying to deceive the courts with their clever manipulation of the truth, to "prove" his innocence! Perhaps we would not have such a backlog of trials waiting to be heard, if the obviously guilty had more difficulty in obtaining counsel! With the possible exception being when an inexperienced attorney is assigned to defend a client, by the judge, allowance should be made for inept defense, but the likelihood of the same should be expected, as well.
I suppose the concept of ignoring the obvious attorneys' attempt at trying to cloud the issues in court, to manipulate their client's guilt into a seeming innocence, whether through manipulation of the apparent facts, or excusing their guilt, because of technicalities, ought to be rendrered illegal! The same should apply to their trying to manipulate public opinion, through lying in a press release, or conference! It is not illegal but it, " ought'a be!!!"
I suppose my opinions seem so outlandish, that my objections will be ignored by anyone in authority! This seems to be a way for the legal profession to protect their own, and maximize their opportunities for employment (perhaps "enrichment" would be a more appropriate term)! After all, most Judges were attorneys, first, and probably sympathize with others who try to "make a living", even at the expense of determining the truth! And most politicians, who can change legal standards, were lawyers first, as well. Perhaps that's why they have such a hard time recognizing the truth, themselves!!! (Or at least admitting it!!!)
Saturday, February 16, 2019
"Manufactured Crisis", Or National Emergency?...
You decide...!
I'm so tired of the Leftist propaganda, broadcast by the Mainstream Media, at the behest of the Democratic party, and the Socialists therein. They have the unmitigated gall to continue this farce, that President Trump has completely "manufactured a fake crisis" of the illegal immigration at our southern border with Mexico. Implied within this ridiculous charge, is the necessary assumption that the "Angel Moms" the president has invited to his press conferences, must be liars; presumably paid by the President to say that their children were murdered by illegal immigrants to our country, including Mexican gang members, and raging alcoholics using their cars as weapons, sometimes of mass destruction! I suppose that the President must have paid off all the coroners, and funeral directors to lie about the dead bodies of their children, and somehow only the lying Leftist journalists were able to find out the "truth" of this maniacal scam. C.N.N. correspondent, Jim Acosta had the temerity to challenge the President on this very issue, at yesterday's press conference. Acosta has built an infamous reputation for such lying confrontations, as if the Communist doctrine of, "repeating a lie often enough will eventually convince the idiot audience", was an absolute truth. It shows the malicious denigration of the American television viewer, to think that they can be so easily brainwashed with such obvious lies! This only works on those who prefer to believe the lie, for their own reasons.
The utter cynicism of their lies is intended to create enough resistance to the President's wall-building efforts, to allow for the continued stream of illegals across the border. The only reason for this desperate effort on their part, rather than their "humanitarian concerns" for the welfare of the illegals, has to be their desire to use the hoards of people to vote illegally (for pay) for Democrats in future elections! The Democrats have discovered that this is an easier way to win elections, than promoting candidates with better ideas than their opponents. That's probably how they won the House, with all those lunatics, masquerading as legitimate candidates, in the last election! If this is allowed to continue unchecked we will eventually have a nation controlled by Leftist lunatics, like Alexandria Otesio Cortez,, who will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the "One-World" Socialist government system, in Europe, which is Biblically prophecied to become the most evil system the world has ever seen!!!
Let's pray that the case before the Supreme Court, concerning various States' efforts to require proof of citizenship for voting, will be decided in the States' favor!!! If it is, you can bet the "humanitarian concerns" of the Democrats, for the illegals, will disappear instantly!!!
I'm so tired of the Leftist propaganda, broadcast by the Mainstream Media, at the behest of the Democratic party, and the Socialists therein. They have the unmitigated gall to continue this farce, that President Trump has completely "manufactured a fake crisis" of the illegal immigration at our southern border with Mexico. Implied within this ridiculous charge, is the necessary assumption that the "Angel Moms" the president has invited to his press conferences, must be liars; presumably paid by the President to say that their children were murdered by illegal immigrants to our country, including Mexican gang members, and raging alcoholics using their cars as weapons, sometimes of mass destruction! I suppose that the President must have paid off all the coroners, and funeral directors to lie about the dead bodies of their children, and somehow only the lying Leftist journalists were able to find out the "truth" of this maniacal scam. C.N.N. correspondent, Jim Acosta had the temerity to challenge the President on this very issue, at yesterday's press conference. Acosta has built an infamous reputation for such lying confrontations, as if the Communist doctrine of, "repeating a lie often enough will eventually convince the idiot audience", was an absolute truth. It shows the malicious denigration of the American television viewer, to think that they can be so easily brainwashed with such obvious lies! This only works on those who prefer to believe the lie, for their own reasons.
The utter cynicism of their lies is intended to create enough resistance to the President's wall-building efforts, to allow for the continued stream of illegals across the border. The only reason for this desperate effort on their part, rather than their "humanitarian concerns" for the welfare of the illegals, has to be their desire to use the hoards of people to vote illegally (for pay) for Democrats in future elections! The Democrats have discovered that this is an easier way to win elections, than promoting candidates with better ideas than their opponents. That's probably how they won the House, with all those lunatics, masquerading as legitimate candidates, in the last election! If this is allowed to continue unchecked we will eventually have a nation controlled by Leftist lunatics, like Alexandria Otesio Cortez,, who will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the "One-World" Socialist government system, in Europe, which is Biblically prophecied to become the most evil system the world has ever seen!!!
Let's pray that the case before the Supreme Court, concerning various States' efforts to require proof of citizenship for voting, will be decided in the States' favor!!! If it is, you can bet the "humanitarian concerns" of the Democrats, for the illegals, will disappear instantly!!!
Friday, February 15, 2019
Trump, "Raises The Barr" For Deep State Prosecution!!!
Now it begins, finally!!! Now we have a real Attorney General, who has a reputation for both honesty, and courage of conviction, and willingness to prosecute cases of gross illegality in our country, and especially in our own government! Yesterday, the Senate voted to confirm William Barr as the new Attorney General, a man whose reputation precedes him, as having both the experience, and willingness to do the job, as he did so faithfully in the early 1990's.
He succeeds former Senator Jeff Sessions, whose reputation was sullied after he was appointed Attorney General, and immediately recused himself from overseeing the "Mueller" investigation, effectively leaving oversight of this travesty of justice in the hands of "Deep State" conspirator, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who was himself appointed by Sen. Sessions; conspiracy???, I wonder!). I don't expect to see the entire Deep State to be fired from their jobs, and prosecuted for whatever treasonous activity they are guilty of, but I expect to see the beginning of such!!! There are so many examples of blatant illegal meddlings in official government business that have not been prosecuted, starting with the most obvious, the Hillary Clinton obstruction of justice, and illegal E-mail scandal, that have been blatantly ignored by the "Deep Staters" within the Department of Justice, and the F.B.I., that the resulting scandal has taken on the proportions of an attempted coup, much worse than any "banana republic" civil war!!!
At first I was as reluctant as any to see a former First Lady prosecuted for any reason, guilty or not. But, as this scandal has developed over the past two years, I've come to recognize that this is indeed a widespread conspiracy, that must be prosecuted into oblivion, and Hillary's complicity is symptomatic of the venomous snake, whose head must be chopped off, and buried before one can consider it to be safe. If she must be imprisoned in order to reestablish the Constitutional rule of law, then so be it!!!
As I've written extensively before, I believe this is not only a conspiracy to take control of our government, but eventually to dupe our country into believing that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can voluntarily join the European plan to create a "One-World" Socialist government system! This system is Prophecied to become one of the most evil governments of all time, far surpassing Nazi Germany!!! (For more on this, check out the Archive list to the right of this column.) Not to mention the loss of our freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights; you can bet that anything coming out of Europe will not protect individual rights, where Socialist values have taught people to believe that they own nothing, because it all belongs to the state, which lets the people use what they need to live on, out of their great "benevolence"! The sad thing about this is that their proponents honestly believe that doing this will be good for the whole world! They obviously don't believe in the Bible, and are probably ignorant of the prophesied doom of this system. This government will have it's evil reign for seven years, before Jesus returns to destroy it, and cast all it's supporters into Hell, for eternity! Therefore, the complete overthrow of the Deep State is not just a political convenience, but a spiritual necessity, in order to prevent the total duping of our country into participating in this evil system!!!
As always, I leave the readers with the encouragement to earnestly pray for God to help us overcome all Satanic deception, and break the Deep State power over our government! Only the most powerful force in the universe (God) can overcome the second most powerful force in the universe (Satan; who gets his power from God, for yet a little while). It's up to us to choose which side of this eternal conflict we are going to support, individually, and collectively, and the result will have eternal consequences!!! God is watching to see which choice we will make!!! He knows already, but will not interfere until we make our decision!
He succeeds former Senator Jeff Sessions, whose reputation was sullied after he was appointed Attorney General, and immediately recused himself from overseeing the "Mueller" investigation, effectively leaving oversight of this travesty of justice in the hands of "Deep State" conspirator, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who was himself appointed by Sen. Sessions; conspiracy???, I wonder!). I don't expect to see the entire Deep State to be fired from their jobs, and prosecuted for whatever treasonous activity they are guilty of, but I expect to see the beginning of such!!! There are so many examples of blatant illegal meddlings in official government business that have not been prosecuted, starting with the most obvious, the Hillary Clinton obstruction of justice, and illegal E-mail scandal, that have been blatantly ignored by the "Deep Staters" within the Department of Justice, and the F.B.I., that the resulting scandal has taken on the proportions of an attempted coup, much worse than any "banana republic" civil war!!!
At first I was as reluctant as any to see a former First Lady prosecuted for any reason, guilty or not. But, as this scandal has developed over the past two years, I've come to recognize that this is indeed a widespread conspiracy, that must be prosecuted into oblivion, and Hillary's complicity is symptomatic of the venomous snake, whose head must be chopped off, and buried before one can consider it to be safe. If she must be imprisoned in order to reestablish the Constitutional rule of law, then so be it!!!
As I've written extensively before, I believe this is not only a conspiracy to take control of our government, but eventually to dupe our country into believing that our Constitution is obsolete, and must be abolished, so we can voluntarily join the European plan to create a "One-World" Socialist government system! This system is Prophecied to become one of the most evil governments of all time, far surpassing Nazi Germany!!! (For more on this, check out the Archive list to the right of this column.) Not to mention the loss of our freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights; you can bet that anything coming out of Europe will not protect individual rights, where Socialist values have taught people to believe that they own nothing, because it all belongs to the state, which lets the people use what they need to live on, out of their great "benevolence"! The sad thing about this is that their proponents honestly believe that doing this will be good for the whole world! They obviously don't believe in the Bible, and are probably ignorant of the prophesied doom of this system. This government will have it's evil reign for seven years, before Jesus returns to destroy it, and cast all it's supporters into Hell, for eternity! Therefore, the complete overthrow of the Deep State is not just a political convenience, but a spiritual necessity, in order to prevent the total duping of our country into participating in this evil system!!!
As always, I leave the readers with the encouragement to earnestly pray for God to help us overcome all Satanic deception, and break the Deep State power over our government! Only the most powerful force in the universe (God) can overcome the second most powerful force in the universe (Satan; who gets his power from God, for yet a little while). It's up to us to choose which side of this eternal conflict we are going to support, individually, and collectively, and the result will have eternal consequences!!! God is watching to see which choice we will make!!! He knows already, but will not interfere until we make our decision!
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
I Have The Temerity To Think I'm Right
Admittedly, the odds are against me! But, all one needs to understand the Bible is the ability to read, and to speak the language that it is written in. I don't claim anything more than adequate skill, in either category, so I rely upon God to add to it with His Understanding, to make up the difference. Hopefully, my well-deserved humility allows me to see things in the Bible that perhaps famous Biblical scholars are too proud of their academic accomplishments to recognize, or concern for peer criticism might cause them to not consider alternatives.
I do not wish to slander, or in any way denigrate scholarly work that precedes our time. But, I believe one must consider the circumstances of the scholar's time, to understand if their interpretation is really accurate, or not.
Likewise, those students of these scholars, of years, and even centuries past, must consider the circumstances of their scholarly work in relation to the era in which it was written. While the Word of God is unchangeable, the recognition of Prophecy may vary according to the circumstances one finds themselves in.
That is why I discount the opinions of scholars of past centuries, who could not accept that Prophecies, like the "Gog/Magog" Prophecy, found in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, could possibly come to pass, since the countries written about were not capable of an invasion as described, during their life times. The Prophecy was clearly written for the era God called the "Last Days", and since the description did not match their own era, they considered the Prophecy to be in error, rather than their assumption that they were living in the Last Days.
Other Prophecies also have been somewhat discounted, as relating to the era when Rome was about to "fall", while other aspects of the Prophecy are recognized as being "for the future", when all is clearly referred to as being set in the same "Last Days", (except for the first few chapters of Revelation). So, when the circumstances seem to be setting themselves up in line with the circumstances of the Prophecy of the Last Days, (as is presently shaping up in the Middle-East, according to the Ezekiel Prophecies), I have no trouble in assuming that we are entering, or are about to enter, those very Last Days!!! The chronology of those Prophecies' fulfillments, is established by God, and is not a matter of established academic acceptance!
Forgive me, if I seem a bit arrogant in discounting the academic studies of those who are far wiser than I, but the wisdom of the Prophecies are not mine, or theirs, but God's. If they disagree with me, talk to "the Boss", who spoke it in the first place! It is not I that discounts the wisdom of "the wise", but God, who delights in confounding their wisdom. After all, the prophecies are meant for the simple people, who live in the time of their fulfillment, who merely read, and believe, and take warning! No academic success will exempt one from the fulfillment!!!
I do not wish to slander, or in any way denigrate scholarly work that precedes our time. But, I believe one must consider the circumstances of the scholar's time, to understand if their interpretation is really accurate, or not.
Likewise, those students of these scholars, of years, and even centuries past, must consider the circumstances of their scholarly work in relation to the era in which it was written. While the Word of God is unchangeable, the recognition of Prophecy may vary according to the circumstances one finds themselves in.
That is why I discount the opinions of scholars of past centuries, who could not accept that Prophecies, like the "Gog/Magog" Prophecy, found in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, could possibly come to pass, since the countries written about were not capable of an invasion as described, during their life times. The Prophecy was clearly written for the era God called the "Last Days", and since the description did not match their own era, they considered the Prophecy to be in error, rather than their assumption that they were living in the Last Days.
Other Prophecies also have been somewhat discounted, as relating to the era when Rome was about to "fall", while other aspects of the Prophecy are recognized as being "for the future", when all is clearly referred to as being set in the same "Last Days", (except for the first few chapters of Revelation). So, when the circumstances seem to be setting themselves up in line with the circumstances of the Prophecy of the Last Days, (as is presently shaping up in the Middle-East, according to the Ezekiel Prophecies), I have no trouble in assuming that we are entering, or are about to enter, those very Last Days!!! The chronology of those Prophecies' fulfillments, is established by God, and is not a matter of established academic acceptance!
Forgive me, if I seem a bit arrogant in discounting the academic studies of those who are far wiser than I, but the wisdom of the Prophecies are not mine, or theirs, but God's. If they disagree with me, talk to "the Boss", who spoke it in the first place! It is not I that discounts the wisdom of "the wise", but God, who delights in confounding their wisdom. After all, the prophecies are meant for the simple people, who live in the time of their fulfillment, who merely read, and believe, and take warning! No academic success will exempt one from the fulfillment!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
I Just Had A Horrible Thought!!!...
...Followed shortly thereafter by a wonderful realization!!!
At first, I was stewing over the depressing thought of America being overrun by people who believe the absurd, and outlandish thoughts spouted recently by the Leftist politicians within, and without the Democratic party. As I have written before, I believe many on the Left desperately want to control all levels of our government, so they can manipulate us into believing that our Constitution is too obsolete to run a modern government, and must be abolished, so we can join the "One-World" Socialist government that the European common market is trying to develop. Failing to take all forms of government control, I guess the next best plan is to allow the society, as a whole, to collapse for whomever is in power, in order to facilitate their rise to power afterwards. Perhaps this would explain their ridiculous resistance to support President Trump's plans to secure the southern border, which is tantamount to an open-door policy for murderous gang members, drug smugglers, and other criminals to come to America, and have free reign to create as much havoc as they can. They apparently feel that whichever party presides over all this, will naturally be blamed for it.
But, lately some of the most vocal members of the Left have been doing just that, waxing vocal, to their hearts content!!! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the darling of the Socialist wing of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, recently unveiled her utopian plan for re-establishing a "Green New Deal" to replace the European plan to regulate the lessening of air pollution world-wide, that President Trump recently dropped from American participation. The former plan was so one-sided against the U.S.A. while allowing some of the worst polluters, (like China, and India) to get a free pass, that the President could hardly allow us to continue with it.
But, "A.O.C." 's new deal was so absurd as to be ridiculous, and altogether impossible!!! It contained plans to eliminate all airplane traffic, and replace it with bullet trains (travelers to Europe, and over the Pacific, be damned!!!), and force us all to be vegetarians, so we could eliminate all flatulence-producing cows, and eliminate all gasoline powered vehicles (even though we are now the world's greatest producer of oil, and natural gas [and probably methane gas, from our cows; how long till she goes after our dogs, and cats, and watch out you horse lovers!!!]).
While I was digesting the absurdity of her ranting, and growing more, and more depressed at the lunacy that has become rampant in the U.S., today, I realized that a greater good could come out of all this!!! As I said, "A.O.C." has become the "darling" of the Left, with even the more moderate Democrats falling all over themselves to seem to agree with her. They do so because her surprising victory, in the last election seems to indicate that the Democratic voters are becoming more, and more radical in their socialist views. While this appears to bode poorly for the Republicans, it actually could have a rebound effect in their favor!!! The more outlandish the policies of the Left become, the more likely that some of their voters will actually become disillusioned by it all, and try the alternative (Republicans???).
As I have been encouraging my readers to pray urgently for Revival, in America, I realized that this could be the first step in that direction! If many of the Democratic voters who have been marching lockstep with their leaders' policies for years, finally get fed up with the impractical foolishness that keeps coming out of their mouths, they may become so disillusioned as to investigate alternatives; politically, first, and perhaps spiritually, later!!!
So, pour it on you Socialists!!! I can bite my lip, and cram my fingers into my ears while you make America fertile ground for the greatest revival America, and the world has ever seen!!!
At first, I was stewing over the depressing thought of America being overrun by people who believe the absurd, and outlandish thoughts spouted recently by the Leftist politicians within, and without the Democratic party. As I have written before, I believe many on the Left desperately want to control all levels of our government, so they can manipulate us into believing that our Constitution is too obsolete to run a modern government, and must be abolished, so we can join the "One-World" Socialist government that the European common market is trying to develop. Failing to take all forms of government control, I guess the next best plan is to allow the society, as a whole, to collapse for whomever is in power, in order to facilitate their rise to power afterwards. Perhaps this would explain their ridiculous resistance to support President Trump's plans to secure the southern border, which is tantamount to an open-door policy for murderous gang members, drug smugglers, and other criminals to come to America, and have free reign to create as much havoc as they can. They apparently feel that whichever party presides over all this, will naturally be blamed for it.
But, lately some of the most vocal members of the Left have been doing just that, waxing vocal, to their hearts content!!! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the darling of the Socialist wing of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, recently unveiled her utopian plan for re-establishing a "Green New Deal" to replace the European plan to regulate the lessening of air pollution world-wide, that President Trump recently dropped from American participation. The former plan was so one-sided against the U.S.A. while allowing some of the worst polluters, (like China, and India) to get a free pass, that the President could hardly allow us to continue with it.
But, "A.O.C." 's new deal was so absurd as to be ridiculous, and altogether impossible!!! It contained plans to eliminate all airplane traffic, and replace it with bullet trains (travelers to Europe, and over the Pacific, be damned!!!), and force us all to be vegetarians, so we could eliminate all flatulence-producing cows, and eliminate all gasoline powered vehicles (even though we are now the world's greatest producer of oil, and natural gas [and probably methane gas, from our cows; how long till she goes after our dogs, and cats, and watch out you horse lovers!!!]).
While I was digesting the absurdity of her ranting, and growing more, and more depressed at the lunacy that has become rampant in the U.S., today, I realized that a greater good could come out of all this!!! As I said, "A.O.C." has become the "darling" of the Left, with even the more moderate Democrats falling all over themselves to seem to agree with her. They do so because her surprising victory, in the last election seems to indicate that the Democratic voters are becoming more, and more radical in their socialist views. While this appears to bode poorly for the Republicans, it actually could have a rebound effect in their favor!!! The more outlandish the policies of the Left become, the more likely that some of their voters will actually become disillusioned by it all, and try the alternative (Republicans???).
As I have been encouraging my readers to pray urgently for Revival, in America, I realized that this could be the first step in that direction! If many of the Democratic voters who have been marching lockstep with their leaders' policies for years, finally get fed up with the impractical foolishness that keeps coming out of their mouths, they may become so disillusioned as to investigate alternatives; politically, first, and perhaps spiritually, later!!!
So, pour it on you Socialists!!! I can bite my lip, and cram my fingers into my ears while you make America fertile ground for the greatest revival America, and the world has ever seen!!!
Friday, February 8, 2019
Wow!!! The Democrats Have Really Outdone Themselves, Now!!!
The new spokesperson for Socialism, of the Congressional Democrats, Rep. Alexandria Ortesio Cortez, has just released her brilliant plan for making America "clean"-energy independent, in roughly ten years!!! If we were not aware of her overwhelming brilliance, before, we must certainly admit it now!
Imagine!!! No more airplanes flying overhead, banned by her Utopian Socialist government! Instead, people would travel across the country by High Speed Trains, though this would present some problems, as Senator Hironomo pointed out, especially for her constituents, in Hawaii! (Not to mention our other Pacific territories, and Caribbean territories, as well.) But, I guess Rep. "A.O.C." would commission a train trestle bridge from L.A., or San Francisco. Can you imagine a bridge, supported by thousands of pillars, miles deep across the Pacific? (I guess the other territories would have to survive on lobsters, and seaweed, until we could afford their bridges.) And, of course they would need to extend several stories above the surface to facilitate the safe passage of sea-going cruise ships, and transports of international trade shipments. Maybe higher still, because the ships could no longer be powered by diesel fuel, and the solar panels, needed to power them would extend their height by several stories. Or, perhaps, they might be powered by wind turbines, which would extend their height even more! Each pillar would need lighthouse quality spotlights to warn away passing ships, and God help them during heavy fog blankets (but, does that happen much on the Pacific Ocean???).
Naturally, we would all have to become Vegetarians, because beef cattle would necessarily be banned, as they have been estimated to produce Methane flatulence, which accounts for as much as 20% of the air pollution in the U.S. Or perhaps they could be fixed with large corks, cemented with Epoxy glue, up their you-know-what's! I suppose the ranchers would have to herd them by helicopter, to keep them from floating away with all that gas buildup! And, the Slaughterhouses of the Midwest would become disaster zones, as soon as they tried to butcher one of those gas-impacted steers! Can you imagine all the manure that would explode over multiple square miles!!! That would be a disaster in itself!!! So, I guess imposed Vegetarianism, by government edict, would be the simplest way of supporting the Socialist agenda of our brilliant young Congresswoman! Can you imagine all the wonderful ideas she has for America, as soon as she becomes old enough to run for President?!!
All these wonderful "Green Dream" concepts would need to be funded by our government, of course. But, not to worry, we would simply take half the annual military budget to pay for it, because we wouldn't need a military, since we would all be members of the same "One-World" Socialist government!!! I'm sure that Russia, and China, would like that idea as well!!! But, who needs a military in a "Utopian World"??? Everyone would live peacefully with everyone else! Just ask Rep. Alexandria Otesio Cortez!!! Her Socialist government would declare it by law!!!
Peace, ordained by the barrel of the gun! But, wait who's got the guns, anyway???
Imagine!!! No more airplanes flying overhead, banned by her Utopian Socialist government! Instead, people would travel across the country by High Speed Trains, though this would present some problems, as Senator Hironomo pointed out, especially for her constituents, in Hawaii! (Not to mention our other Pacific territories, and Caribbean territories, as well.) But, I guess Rep. "A.O.C." would commission a train trestle bridge from L.A., or San Francisco. Can you imagine a bridge, supported by thousands of pillars, miles deep across the Pacific? (I guess the other territories would have to survive on lobsters, and seaweed, until we could afford their bridges.) And, of course they would need to extend several stories above the surface to facilitate the safe passage of sea-going cruise ships, and transports of international trade shipments. Maybe higher still, because the ships could no longer be powered by diesel fuel, and the solar panels, needed to power them would extend their height by several stories. Or, perhaps, they might be powered by wind turbines, which would extend their height even more! Each pillar would need lighthouse quality spotlights to warn away passing ships, and God help them during heavy fog blankets (but, does that happen much on the Pacific Ocean???).
Naturally, we would all have to become Vegetarians, because beef cattle would necessarily be banned, as they have been estimated to produce Methane flatulence, which accounts for as much as 20% of the air pollution in the U.S. Or perhaps they could be fixed with large corks, cemented with Epoxy glue, up their you-know-what's! I suppose the ranchers would have to herd them by helicopter, to keep them from floating away with all that gas buildup! And, the Slaughterhouses of the Midwest would become disaster zones, as soon as they tried to butcher one of those gas-impacted steers! Can you imagine all the manure that would explode over multiple square miles!!! That would be a disaster in itself!!! So, I guess imposed Vegetarianism, by government edict, would be the simplest way of supporting the Socialist agenda of our brilliant young Congresswoman! Can you imagine all the wonderful ideas she has for America, as soon as she becomes old enough to run for President?!!
All these wonderful "Green Dream" concepts would need to be funded by our government, of course. But, not to worry, we would simply take half the annual military budget to pay for it, because we wouldn't need a military, since we would all be members of the same "One-World" Socialist government!!! I'm sure that Russia, and China, would like that idea as well!!! But, who needs a military in a "Utopian World"??? Everyone would live peacefully with everyone else! Just ask Rep. Alexandria Otesio Cortez!!! Her Socialist government would declare it by law!!!
Peace, ordained by the barrel of the gun! But, wait who's got the guns, anyway???
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Democrats Are Not Stupid, So Why Do They Support Foolish Policies???
According to the Bible, "Sin blinds...", though I don't mean to judge all Democrats, just the ones who support these foolish values! The rest??? Well, why are they still Democrats???
There are basically two reasons, as I see it, why the Democratic politicians support absurdly idiotic policies. One is money, and the other is political power. The presence of the one is easily projected, and the anticipation of the other is prophecied to be obtainable, if only briefly! But, it has been said, "What does it profit if you gain the whole world, and lose your own soul!" I frankly believe that many of our Democratic politicians, especially in Congress, are treading on very dangerous ground, with the policies they support, as well as the ones they resist!
But, the question is why, since it is obvious that these people are not stupid! There has to be some reason for so many of them to support such foolish policies, which can only bring eventual disaster to the country, with the obvious blame for that resting on their shoulders!
In the short term, they must be getting plenty of money "under the table". This can come from one of two probable sources. One, from the drug cartels of Mexico, and other Latin American countries. Or, more likely, from the rich billionaires that support the Democratic party, probably more for financial gain than from philosophical persuasion! Take George Soros, for example. He has enriched himself for years by betting on the stock market crashes that he has helped to produce by funding insurrections, which creates the kind of financial chaos, that encourages those crashes. I wonder if the money, attributed to the Mexican government, to provide food, water and buses to transport the migrant caravans to our southern borders, doesn't originate from someone like Soros, or perhaps himself, indeed!!! If he can create an American stock market crash, I'll bet he is heavily invested in short stock of some of the most vulnerable companies! A crash like that should reap millions, if not more, which I'm sure would more than pay for the illegal immigrant "investments!"
Perhaps this kind of "financing" is the underlying reason for all the absurd political moves to declare so-called "sanctuary" cities, and states, as well!!! Take Los Angeles, for example! Their welcoming of all those illegal immigrants, and the implied protection from arrest and deportation has created tent cities along the sidewalks of their city, with reports of used syringes littering the areas, plus, the common use of sewer drains for emergency toilettes has developed into an area ripe for an outbreak of Typhus, which is a contagious disease, associated with rats, and the fleas they carry, while they infest areas of high garbage, and filth content, similar to the Bubonic Plagues, of the Middle Ages!!! Politically supporting trends of this kind is so stupid that no intelligent person would do so, unless they felt, one, they were well insulated from suffering the same consequences, and, two, they felt the profitability of doing so was great!!! So much for their feigned humanitarian motives for doing so!!!
Another possible "profitability" for their support of these policies is political power! I have speculated before that many of these Democrats may be absolute believers in the utopian view of the One-World socialist government, that Europe is struggling to establish. It makes sense that their plan can not succeed if their is a better way, else ware. Like America , today. As President Trump proclaimed in his State Of The Union address, America is now the world's largest producer of Oil, and Natural Gas, and our unemployment statistics are the envy of the world. Why would other countries wish to join the European system, when they can copy what we've done here? So, a conspiracy to ruin our economy would make them look better. Perhaps they have offered sympathetic Leftist American politicians powerful positions in their future government, as payment for their efforts to corrupt our society, and destroy our Constitutional government! This could explain their absurd support for immigration policies that do little but endanger the lives of all of us! Except, of course, those who are wealthy enough to live in high security areas, like Congressmen, and women!!!
While I admittedly can not offer any proof of my suspicions, there has to be a reason for so many apparently intelligent people to support such stupid policies!!! Only their own greed can explain it! Greed for money, or power, which amounts to the same thing!!! But, eventually, they will come face to face with the same conclusion that Jesus pronounced when He said, "What does it profit...???"
There are basically two reasons, as I see it, why the Democratic politicians support absurdly idiotic policies. One is money, and the other is political power. The presence of the one is easily projected, and the anticipation of the other is prophecied to be obtainable, if only briefly! But, it has been said, "What does it profit if you gain the whole world, and lose your own soul!" I frankly believe that many of our Democratic politicians, especially in Congress, are treading on very dangerous ground, with the policies they support, as well as the ones they resist!
But, the question is why, since it is obvious that these people are not stupid! There has to be some reason for so many of them to support such foolish policies, which can only bring eventual disaster to the country, with the obvious blame for that resting on their shoulders!
In the short term, they must be getting plenty of money "under the table". This can come from one of two probable sources. One, from the drug cartels of Mexico, and other Latin American countries. Or, more likely, from the rich billionaires that support the Democratic party, probably more for financial gain than from philosophical persuasion! Take George Soros, for example. He has enriched himself for years by betting on the stock market crashes that he has helped to produce by funding insurrections, which creates the kind of financial chaos, that encourages those crashes. I wonder if the money, attributed to the Mexican government, to provide food, water and buses to transport the migrant caravans to our southern borders, doesn't originate from someone like Soros, or perhaps himself, indeed!!! If he can create an American stock market crash, I'll bet he is heavily invested in short stock of some of the most vulnerable companies! A crash like that should reap millions, if not more, which I'm sure would more than pay for the illegal immigrant "investments!"
Perhaps this kind of "financing" is the underlying reason for all the absurd political moves to declare so-called "sanctuary" cities, and states, as well!!! Take Los Angeles, for example! Their welcoming of all those illegal immigrants, and the implied protection from arrest and deportation has created tent cities along the sidewalks of their city, with reports of used syringes littering the areas, plus, the common use of sewer drains for emergency toilettes has developed into an area ripe for an outbreak of Typhus, which is a contagious disease, associated with rats, and the fleas they carry, while they infest areas of high garbage, and filth content, similar to the Bubonic Plagues, of the Middle Ages!!! Politically supporting trends of this kind is so stupid that no intelligent person would do so, unless they felt, one, they were well insulated from suffering the same consequences, and, two, they felt the profitability of doing so was great!!! So much for their feigned humanitarian motives for doing so!!!
Another possible "profitability" for their support of these policies is political power! I have speculated before that many of these Democrats may be absolute believers in the utopian view of the One-World socialist government, that Europe is struggling to establish. It makes sense that their plan can not succeed if their is a better way, else ware. Like America , today. As President Trump proclaimed in his State Of The Union address, America is now the world's largest producer of Oil, and Natural Gas, and our unemployment statistics are the envy of the world. Why would other countries wish to join the European system, when they can copy what we've done here? So, a conspiracy to ruin our economy would make them look better. Perhaps they have offered sympathetic Leftist American politicians powerful positions in their future government, as payment for their efforts to corrupt our society, and destroy our Constitutional government! This could explain their absurd support for immigration policies that do little but endanger the lives of all of us! Except, of course, those who are wealthy enough to live in high security areas, like Congressmen, and women!!!
While I admittedly can not offer any proof of my suspicions, there has to be a reason for so many apparently intelligent people to support such stupid policies!!! Only their own greed can explain it! Greed for money, or power, which amounts to the same thing!!! But, eventually, they will come face to face with the same conclusion that Jesus pronounced when He said, "What does it profit...???"
Sunday, February 3, 2019
I Love It When The Democrats Try To Take The Moral High Ground!!!
We know that walls are immoral...because Nancy Pelosi explained it so succinctly! The fact that keeping the border with Mexico open allows more murderers and other gangland thugs to creep across, along with deadly shipments of fentanyl, and other illegal drugs into America is irrelevant to her!
But, now we have the Democratic governor of Virginia trying to argue his way out of a scandal concerning a picture of two men (one in "blackface", the other in a KKK outfit), from his yearbook, when he was in Medical School. He at first admitted that he was one of the men, then changed his story to say that he was not, though he did put on "blackface" to dress up as Michael Jackson, for a dance routine. As if that gag was more appropriate than the other one. The fact that the original picture was located on his page in the yearbook didn't matter to him for some thirty years , or so, until the scandal broke.
But this guy is a bastion of Democratic morality, and the Democrats want him to resign because of the picture scandal, not because he spoke out, a week earlier, for essentially allowing the legality of infanticide to become law in his state! What a paradox! Mocking African Americans for his yearbook is their unpardonable sin...but, murdering defenseless babies as they are being born is not, to them! I guess the deciding factor is how many offended African Americans can vote, as opposed to how many murdered babies can! That's a pretty self-serving sense of morality, if you ask me! But I'm sure Nancy would be proud! That kind of twisted logic makes sense only to Democrats! To them, the difference between right and wrong boils down to what happens to be convenient at the moment!!! I wonder which side of the issue God would choose, but these people would cringe if you accused them of not knowing God, because they know that God-fearing people can vote, and should keep these Democrats in mind, when election time comes!!!
So, how do we make Pelosi, Schumer, Ortesio Cortez, et al see the light and stop promoting issues that are harmful, and resisting issues that will protect our freedoms, and even our very lives??? I am reminded of the words of President Reagan, when he said, "It's not necessary that they see the light. Only that they feel the heat!!!" When the American people stand for righteousness, the Democrats will fall all over themselves, trying to jump on board! What we see today is not the Democrats' fault. but the fault of the voters who have elected them. Their hearts must be changed, radically, before their Leftist politicians will also claim to suddenly, "see the light"!!! So how do we do that? We don't...but, God can, and will if enough of us Christian believers apply the principles of II Chronicles 7:14, which says, "If my people (believing Christians, and Jews) will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, ( instead of fretting over the wickedness of others, hypocritically), then will I (God) hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin(s), and heal their land!!!" Only God can change their hearts, and He won't unless we change ours, first!!!
But, now we have the Democratic governor of Virginia trying to argue his way out of a scandal concerning a picture of two men (one in "blackface", the other in a KKK outfit), from his yearbook, when he was in Medical School. He at first admitted that he was one of the men, then changed his story to say that he was not, though he did put on "blackface" to dress up as Michael Jackson, for a dance routine. As if that gag was more appropriate than the other one. The fact that the original picture was located on his page in the yearbook didn't matter to him for some thirty years , or so, until the scandal broke.
But this guy is a bastion of Democratic morality, and the Democrats want him to resign because of the picture scandal, not because he spoke out, a week earlier, for essentially allowing the legality of infanticide to become law in his state! What a paradox! Mocking African Americans for his yearbook is their unpardonable sin...but, murdering defenseless babies as they are being born is not, to them! I guess the deciding factor is how many offended African Americans can vote, as opposed to how many murdered babies can! That's a pretty self-serving sense of morality, if you ask me! But I'm sure Nancy would be proud! That kind of twisted logic makes sense only to Democrats! To them, the difference between right and wrong boils down to what happens to be convenient at the moment!!! I wonder which side of the issue God would choose, but these people would cringe if you accused them of not knowing God, because they know that God-fearing people can vote, and should keep these Democrats in mind, when election time comes!!!
So, how do we make Pelosi, Schumer, Ortesio Cortez, et al see the light and stop promoting issues that are harmful, and resisting issues that will protect our freedoms, and even our very lives??? I am reminded of the words of President Reagan, when he said, "It's not necessary that they see the light. Only that they feel the heat!!!" When the American people stand for righteousness, the Democrats will fall all over themselves, trying to jump on board! What we see today is not the Democrats' fault. but the fault of the voters who have elected them. Their hearts must be changed, radically, before their Leftist politicians will also claim to suddenly, "see the light"!!! So how do we do that? We don't...but, God can, and will if enough of us Christian believers apply the principles of II Chronicles 7:14, which says, "If my people (believing Christians, and Jews) will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, ( instead of fretting over the wickedness of others, hypocritically), then will I (God) hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin(s), and heal their land!!!" Only God can change their hearts, and He won't unless we change ours, first!!!
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