Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Same Old Same Old For The New Year!!!

My server's account of pageviews for this blog, on New Year's Eve day, showed that Russia was interested in what I wrote, to the extent of almost 300 "readers", or one reader who had to re-read it 299 times (or somewhere in between those stats).  [ UPDATE:  JAN.  2nd.--The two day total for yesterday and today is now over 350 pageviews.  Somebody in Russia is really interested in what I write!!!   Why am I not flattered  to know this???]   Also, the United Arab Emirates took a large, unexpected interest in my blog, to the tune of over 100 pageviews.  Again, I don't understand the relevance of all this, but I'm sure it is significant that I write most of my posts with American readers in mind, and am surprised when unexpected jumps in pageviews indicate interest from unlikely countries.   Someday, God will help me understand why this is continuing to happen.  In the mean time, I will just praise the Lord, and keep on "keeping on".

My main purpose for this post is to define the difference in political views of the American two party system, as it has recently evolved.  Traditionally, these two parties would argue over differing ways to accomplish the same goals, with the assumption that they were both trying to better the life standards of the people.  If they themselves benefitted in the process, as long as they broke no laws in the process, people didn't much care.

But, now we have Leftists permeating the Democratic party, with an unbelievable hatred of President Trump, and somewhat in the "moderate" wing of the Republican  party, that goes way beyond concern for their constituents, or society as a whole, and demonstrates an absurd obsession with maintaining the status quo of the Obama administration, which Hillary Clinton was expected to do, until she lost!!!

I have written that I believe the obsession revolves around Democrat elitists' intentions to create such havoc within our borders that we can be deluded into demanding the abolishing of our Constitution, so we can be tricked into joining the One-World Socialist government movement in Europe.  While I still believe this is the goal of the elitist politicians, I have come to recognize that their loyal subjects, called the "Deep State", for the entrenched bureaucrats within each federal agency, are doing their best to cooperate, against the Trump Administration, by stalling, or even ignoring the orders of their bosses, because they know that the President campaigned on the promise to root out such incompetence, and "drain the swamp" of all of it.  They are obviously hoping they can stall this process until one of their own can win the Presidency in 2020.

The Democrat voters are largely unaware of all this, but continue to vote for their leaders, because they promise monetary benefits (without mentioning that the money to pay for it all will come out of higher taxes).

So that the Democrats don't wake up to this, and vote against it, the elitist politicians have convinced their voters that "Open Borders" are necessary, when what they really want is poor immigrants who can be easily lured into voting (illegally, and sometimes repeatedly) for these same elitist politicians!!!  This is their way of perpetuating their jobs, at the expense of the American people, whom President Trump is trying to help by stopping it all!!!

UPDATE:  1/5/2019--

Pageview count for yesterday-- Russia-299, America-11 (tied with Brazil, for crying out loud!)  Go figure!!!

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