Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Soft Coup Against President Trump

The leadership of the F.B.I., the Democratic party, and the Main Stream Media, along with certain multinational corporations are so dominated by leftist ideologues that hatred of President Trump is fundamental to their being, and they would do anything that they could get away with to oust him from  the presidency.  If this were a Central American "Banana Republic", an immediate arrest of the President by disloyal army troops would seem to be imminent, and a bloody civil war would follow, mostly between loyal and disloyal factions of the military.   The only reason this has not happened is because there are too many members of our armed forces who hold sacred their commitment to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ( which the Democrats profess, along with their many other lies, and insincere statements) which gives President Trump the authority to do the things he has done, and continues to try to do (Democrats not withstanding).

I truly believe these leftists would love to see a full coup carried out, because they care nothing for the Constitution, and would readily abolish it if they could.   But, the real power of our government does not lie in the hands of the President, but in the Constitution, and as long as President Trump acts within his Constitutionally mandated authority, these leftists have no legal grounds to overthrow him, and that realization is driving them crazy!!!  I recently heard a news clip on T.V., of former congressman Beto O'Rourke actually professing that he felt the Constitution was obsolete and should be reformed (which probably means "abolished")!!   These people would gladly overthrow the President and abolish the Constitution, but they know there is too big a coalition in the military of those who would support the President, and those who would support any president, simply because the Constitution mandates it!!!

I have said so many times before, and I say again that what drives this opposition to the President is not loyalty to our government, even from a Socialist view.  It is a blind obsession with the "One- World" Socialist government that the Europeans are trying desperately to develop, and that America must join (in their eyes), in order to "legitimize" it!   While they believe this is a purely secular view of what will save the world from our natural proclivity for greed, in fact they don't realize (or do realize, and completely discount the Bible's prophecies concerning the "last days"), that this government will one day be developed, only to be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and used to attempt the destruction of all the Christians and Jews left in the world!!!  So, their very atheistic views will serve the very religious (Satan's religion!) prophecy that will nearly destroy the world!  Only the intervention of the return of Jesus will save the remnant of His believers from total destruction, and instead destroy all those who supported this system!!!

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