In my last post, I explained that there is hope in Jesus' Salvation for even the worst Democrats, as unlikely as that seems! But, that presumes a level of repentance on their part, for what seems to be their main tools of influencing their supporters. That's where the above title comes in.
It starts with their favorite defense mechanism, which Psychologists call "projectionism"! This is the tactic of trying to throw off suspicion by charging their accusers of the very thing they themselves know they are guilty of. The hope here is to sufficiently confuse the issue so that it takes away the outrage of their accusers, rather than having to defend themselves. The Mueller commission is based upon this tactic, and will probably continue until Trump is impeached, or defeated in the next election! And, if President Trump dares to fire Mueller, and close down the commission (which he has legitimate authority to do), the Democrats will scream, "\obstruction of justice", at the top of their lungs!!!
Blatant lies are their next most common tool. I suppose this stems from the old Communist doctrine that a lie, told often enough to the exclusion of contradicting opinions, becomes believable to the unquestioning mind. This is most effective in a closed society, or in a public school system (like our own has regrettably morphed into) where propaganda is discreetly (and sometimes blatantly) intermingled with legitimate course material. That is probably why the Democrats have such a large following among the young voters, who have not lived in the real world long enough to question some of their education's lies. Also, the illegal immigrants are so desirable to Democrats because most of them come from Socialist, and even Communist leaning countries, where propaganda is a very present aspect of their daily lives. And their poverty level makes them easy targets to bribe into illegally voting for Democratic candidates. This is why they are so adamantly opposed to a wall on our southern border. But, rather than admit this as the truth, they prefer to say it is ineffective, and too expensive, when other walls in other countries have proven this to be false.
So, the wise and honest voter is left with the simple choice between following the dictates of liars, who wish to manipulate voters into supporting laws that will harm them, and raise their taxes exorbitantly, so the politicians can skim off the top, enriching themselves, while impoverishing the rest of us!!! Or, they can vote Republican, which doesn't automatically protect them from lies, but gives them somewhat of a protection from the Democrats' seemingly endless stream of lies and distortions of the truth!
Like I said, salvation through faith in Jesus is available, even for Democrats, but it must be preceded by a sincere repentance of their evil ways!!!
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