Thursday, January 10, 2019

The "Manufctured Crisis" Is Evidence Of Central Control Of Fake News Outlets

They really believe we are idiots!!!

Whomever is directing the Liberal "Fake News" outlets of the Main Stream Media is promoting their propaganda in such an infantile manner that they demonstrate an insulting disregard for the overall intelligence of their viewers!!!

First, the very fact that several Fake News outlets display an obedience to promote a supposed outrage of President Trump's concerns, using the same descriptive term to describe their supposed independent outrage, is logically ridiculous, and it reveals a centralize control of that "independence"!  It shows a basic distrust of these various media outlets to use their own choice of words to express that supposed outrage.   But, news outlets make their living by reporting their stories with a succinct choice of words, to express their views as clearly as possible to help the viewer understand their message.   To have several news outlets broadcasting their stories with the exact same  non-technical terms is so coincidental as to prove it's lack of genuine candor!!!  Last night's FOX NEWS broadcast of the "Hannity" show revealed a montage of several Liberal "Fake News" outlets, all announcing a supposed independent opinion of President Trump's concern for the southern border security.  But, they all used the same non-technical expression to describe the issue as Trump's "Manufactured Crisis"!!!   Their point obviously being that there was no evidence of a real crisis, and that the President's request for border security was therefor unfounded.

But, the very scripted aspect of their reports revealed the insincerity of those reports!  If those reporters could not be trusted to describe the situation in their own words, then there must not be any credibility to their stories!!!  Somebody, or "some bodies", made the "executive decision" that the term "Manufactured Crisis" was so explicit that it had to be used in all the Fake News stories concerning it.  This illustrates the buffoonery of the collectivist mind, which believes that all great wisdom must come from the "fearless leader", with the underlings marching obediently, in lockstep (or should I say, "goose step") to their superior wisdom.  This shows the very lack of wisdom they express, even if their reports were true, which ,of course, they were not!!!

I recalled immediately that this was not the first occasion that I had witnessed this "top down" approach to several reporters choosing the same expression, "coincidentally", over the same issue.  I did not make a mental note of it before last night, but it was so obvious that it woke me out of semi-drowsiness to catch it!  I wonder if their "fearless leader" realizes that his/her/their "great wisdom" was a dead give away of their actual lunacy???

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