Monday, December 24, 2018

Is Syria Trump's "Plan B", On Shutdown's Day 3???

When one tries to understand what God is planning for the near future, it is necessary to try and view things from His perspective, rather than the obvious from our perspective.  Such may be the case when trying to understand President Trump's decision to withdraw our troops from Syria, which has created a firestorm of criticism from both the political Left, and conservatives, in Congress.

As far as President Trump is concerned, his main problem now is how to get the funding to build a national security wall between our southern states, and Mexico.  Most of our internal evils are somewhat, if not totally caused by the influx of illegal immigrants trying to get into our country through Mexico.  Illegals include drug cartel criminals, who seem to have orders to create as much havoc here as they can, and they do a good job of just that!  Murder, rape and pillage, on a scale of the Persian conquest of Jerusalem seems to be their goal!  I think they feel they can take back the American Southwest, which they wrongly believe we stole from Mexico, in the 1830's, if they create enough chaos that we will become exasperated, and simply give it to them.  Guess again folks!

The difference between now and the 1830's is that we were protecting Americans who had migrated to territory that was largely uninhabited, and simply wanted to live peacefully, until Mexican President Santana decided to take his army, and drive them out. It became an issue of protecting American lives, and Santana lost!  Now, we have drug lords in Mexico who simply want easier access to the streets of America, to make more billions, selling their illegal drugs!  I don't see the comparison, and frankly, I don't much care what the drug lords want!!!  They should all get the electric chair, repeatedly, and I guess that's what God has in store for such, in Hell, if they don't repent!!!

As far as the troop withdrawal from Syria is concerned, I agree it's a terrible mistake, from man's perspective.  We have Obama's example of what can be expected from the remnants of ISIS, once we pull out!   But, we will still have 5000 troops in neighboring Iraq, for the moment.  President Trump campaigned on not permanently keeping troops in the Middle-East, and its very expensive to do so.  It doesn't look like any reasonable compromise is coming from the Democrats in Congress, on funding the wall, so Trump's "plan B" seems to be using funds already earmarked for Defense to build the wall, and therefor he needs to cut back on some of the necessary expenses for national defense, else ware.  So, I guess you could say that the Democrats are forcing the drawdown of troops in the Middle-East!   I am not worried about this, even though it appears to be a blunder, militarily!  The result will probably be the beginning of Putin's invasion, or the "Gog/Magog" war that I have been expecting for years!  I don't think Putin has a lot of patience left, by now.

Considered from God's perspective, I can see why He would want this all to happen.  He doesn't want the world to think Israel was saved by American troops, which would certainly resist a Russian move towards Israel, or Saudi Arabia (which is probably Russia's main goal), if they were readily available.  But, if they were all withdrawn, the war might be finished before a decision was made to help Israel!  The Ezekiel prophecy makes clear that God is going to miraculously help Israel defeat the invasion forces, and He apparently wants to shock the whole world into recognizing that, "There is still a God in Israel!!!".  So, perhaps the stubbornness of the Democrats is by God's urging!  It's difficult to believe that God could use them for anything, but to turn their own evil intentions to His purpose, is typical of God's using, "the foolishness of man to confound the "wisdom" of the wise!"

So, "Merry Christmas to all!", and "God bless us, everyone!"  And a "Happy" shutdown to the Democrats!!!

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