Friday, January 25, 2019

"The People Are The Real Source Of Power..." Jason Chaffetz

Having just finished reading "The Deep State", by former Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, I find myself overwhelmingly cynical about our capacity to regain control of our Constitutional government, and wrest the legal authority from the corrupt malignancy of what has become known as "The Deep State", of greedy leftist bureaucrats, who intend to destroy our freedoms, and probably conspire to force us into the prophecied disaster of the "One-World" Socialist government, that the European Commonwealth is trying desperately to develop.   My cynicism is from the standpoint of our human capacity to right this "sinking ship" (called America!), but is greatly tempered by my faith in God's capacity to overcome our human frailty, and revive this nation, before it is too late!!!

The final thought of Chaffetz's book is his confidence that, "the people are the real source of power, in America."  I agree that our Constitution was designed to guarantee this, but I must remain cynical as I am convinced that what we see going on today is not a fight between political parties, but a blatant attempt to overthrow our Constitutional government, abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One World" government Socialist system!  Why else would so many "Deep Staters" so blatantly support a woman for president, who so cavalierly broke so many laws about protecting government secrets, who must, herself, have thought that those laws were only a temporary threat, in a legal system that she would help to abolish once she was easily elected president!!!  Those same "Deep Staters" also protect her from prosecution for her crimes, for which her guilt is so obvious, and could carry as much as 25 years in prison!!!

This crisis, is nothing less than the overthrow, and forced abdication of our country's king!  In a country that has professed from the days of Georg Washington that we have no king, I submit that our "king" has been the Constitution (in the sense of, "Lex Rex", which is Latin, for, :the Law is King)!!!

The election of President Trump was so narrow that I must question whether the people are not so Satanically brainwashed as to be unable to exert their Constitutional power sufficiently enough to maintain that power!  The only force powerful enough to save us is God!!! And He won't, unless enough of us ask Him, through prayer!!!  Only a Holy Ghost Revival can save America, now!  So, how many of us need to pray for revival?  Only God knows the answer to that question, but  however many are required, it will take God's power to break the foolish hearts of those brainwashed fools, and save their souls, to turn them from our enemies, into some of our most vocal supporters, as He did with a man called Saul, on the road to Damascus!!!

I think we all recognize that this country has become horribly divided over concepts that are so basic that the understanding of the issues should merely require an infantile understanding of the truth, and the resistance to that truth is so absurd as to hint of some deeper evil (Satanic deception) that makes this resistance convenient to those who express it.  I still suspect that the presumed "humanitarian" concerns of those who support the illegal immigration from poor countries to wealthier nations (a movement that has devastated the whole world, lately) has been dictated by the same Socialists (whomever calls the shots, there) who are trying to build this "One-World" government system.  They apparently believe in the Communist concept of, "out of chaos comes order" ( only their own brand of Socialist "order", I'm sure!)  So, they overload all the wealthier countries with hoards of illegal immigrants from poorer countries, so they can claim that the only solution is their concept of Socialism!!!  I don't understand the logic, but the evidence suggests this is the case!

Perhaps the real reason for their desperate promotion of illegal immigration is because it is the easiest way for the world's nearly bankrupt economies to finally go completely bankrupt, trying to feed, clothe, house, and pay for basic medical needs for millions of the world's poorest people.  Most countries, including our own, have been endlessly borrowing against our inflated currencies, a practice that must end disastrously at some point.  When no one will accept our currency because it has been inflated into near worthlessness, which we are quickly approaching (though all other countries are even worse), then we will no longer be able to borrow against the promise of repayment, because that promise will be worthless, too!  I suspect that the "One-Worlders" are hoping for that day to arrive, because they're banking on the computer currency of their system to be the only currency acceptable, at that time!  But, the Bible makes it clear that accepting that currency, which will require a, "Mark of the Beast",  (probably a subdural computer chip, in the hand, or forehead, with identifying information, and a complete history of medical treatment, and financial transactions) will automatically condemn that person to Hell (is this the true nature of the, "unpardonable sin"???)!  This truly diabolical system will one day come under the absolute control of Satan's Antichrist, who will set out to kill all believing Christians, and Jews left in the world!!!  Only the return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom of Heaven On Earth, and to purge the Earth of all those who accepted the, "Mark of the Beast" will end this evil, after a seven year period!!!  Jesus will then reign eternally, and guess where the "Beast", and all his followers will end up???

But, I fear the "Deep State" has become so entrenched in our government, along with their conspiracy to protect themselves from getting fired for incompetence, or outright belligerence in refusing to perform their jobs adequately, that we can not realistically reform them, or force their removal!  The only other option, is to completely change their hearts and minds, and only God can do that on a large enough scale to right this "ship", before it sinks!!!  It's called "Holy Ghost Revival" and it has happened several times in our history, usually just before a critical period, like a bloody war!  One preceded the Revolutionary War, another preceded the Civil War, and others the two World Wars!  What we face today may be an even more critical threat to our Constitutional freedoms, than any of those wars ever were!!!

But, these revivals always stem from the heartfelt conviction of believers that only God can save this nation!  It does not matter if the Christians are in the minority in their society.  It only matters that enough of whatever total of believers exist at the time (and only God knows what that total is),"humble themselves, and pray, and seek [God's] face, and turn from [their own] wicked ways, then will [God] hear from Heaven, and forgive their [collective] sin[s], and heal their land!!!  And that's exactly what we need in America, today, as I see it!   So, will you help???

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