Monday, April 10, 2017

I Smell Republican "Rats" In Congress...

The only question is, are they Conservative, or "Establishment" Republicans??? 

Yesterday's UPDATE to my post explained that I have been very suspicious of the motives of many of the so-called "Establishment" Republicans.  Today I heard an opinion expressed on FOX NEWS that president Trump's efforts to reform the Tax Code was a mess. with disagreements all around.  This is what I said was my greatest fear for the Trump administration; not being able to pass any truly effective legislation, in time for it to have a significant effect before the 2018 Congressional elections.   The report said that earlier speculation of an August deadline for Tax Reform was no longer appearing likely.  It looks like the old "Democratic-stall" process has been getting some help!  And since the Democrats can't do it alone. that leaves only one source:  the so-called "Establishment Republicans"!!!

We've already seen the first attempt at the "repeal and replace" effort to get rid of "Obamacare" fail, ostensibly because the Conservative Caucus of the House would not vote with the "Establishment" Leaders to pass it.  So who's at fault here?  The Conservatives were roundly condemned, even by Trump, himself.  But, it seems to me that the bill that was defeated did not come close to living up to what Trump had pledged to do in his campaign.   Trump may have thought the quickest way to get something passed was to send a "watered down" version to the House, and improve it later.  But the Conservatives were concerned about it not providing any relief for their constituents who are being hurt now, by the rising costs of "Obamacare"!  I suspect that this was a plot by the "Establishment" leaders to force a bill through that they knew the Conservatives could not vote for, and knowing that they would be blamed for the failure. 

The net effect is to stall any real reform from being passed; exactly what the Democrats are hoping for!  So, whose side are these "Establishment" Bozo's on, anyway???  I thought they were supposed to be "Republican's" working with a Republican President!  But like I expressed yesterday, in my UPDATE,  I fear that these "traitors" are more comfortable with a Democratic majority in Congress, than they are in cooperating with the Conservatives of their own party.  Trump had better figure out real soon which wing of the party is really working for him, and which is really against him!  He doesn't have much time to do so, either!  If he allows the "Establishment" to scuttle his "Make America Great Again" plans, we'll have a Democratic majority in Congress, in 2018!  They will have the opportunity to appoint two liberal justices to the Supreme Court, making a liberal majority for decades to come, and they will easily defeat any attempts at real reform, after that.  Finally Trump can "kiss goodbye" any plans for re-election, in 2020.  He'll be voted out of office because of his "do-nothing" Administration, and he'll have the "Establishment Republicans" to thank for it!!!

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