Friday, April 21, 2017

Ask Your Chidren: "Are You For Death???"

A mind numbing story I just saw on FOX NEWS!  The University of California, at Davis is reportedly selling the "Morning After Pill" on campus, in vending machines!!!  And, to guarantee it's sales, the price is 2/3rds. that of typical over-the-counter sales prices.   I wonder how much of a "kick-back" the University is getting out of the deal? 

Talk about immoral agendas being promoted to students, presumably without any prior notification to their parents, let alone seeking their permission.  How unbelievably perverse is this!!!  Between classes, your children can not only buy a "Snickers" bar, or a cup of coffee, as I remember doing after some late night "studying" (yeah, right!), but they can buy a casual  dose of protection for an irresponsible boy, who won't use a condom,  or an overly-submissive girl, who can't bring herself to say, "No!".

I was struck, when I first heard of this drug, that the Generic name for it was, "RU4-86".  I think this was some pharmaceutical company's sick joke of calling their product after what it will bring about.  The number, "86" has long been used in connection with a symbolic reference to "Death", in general.  So, it seemed to me that they were asking their potential customers, "Are you for Death???".   But, to be so casual about it as to sell it in vending machines smacks of a level of immoral perspective that even so-called "Progressives" should find offensive.  But, I guess if they'd vote for Hillary Clinton, they'd rationalize anything as being morally acceptable. 

It's getting to the point where responsible parents probably should not send their children away to College, any more.  Many Christian families Home-School their children, rather than send them to public schools.  Perhaps they should keep them at home for four more years, or so, and let them take courses over the Internet.  It's more expensive, but what is the price of protecting your children from the perverse efforts to corrupt them, once they arrive on campus? 

Also, the political neutrality which was once considered akin to the concept of academic freedom, has so degenerated to the level that any political speaker who holds a conservative perspective can expect to be slandered to the point of being called "Fascist", by liberal "student protestors", who roam about, smashing windows (whether on, or off campus, I don't know), and even having their speeches being cancelled by the University faculty, under the guise of inability to protect the guest speaker (as Ann Coulter recently discovered when her speech was recently cancelled by the faculty at Berkeley).

Who are the real "Fascists" here???  Recall the "glory days" of Adolf Hitler, when his Storm Troopers tore through the streets breaking store-front windows of Jewish businesses, on their infamous, "Krystal Nacht".  What's the difference between them and our so called "student protesters", who may not even be students, and may even be paid to be "outraged" by the real fascists, in my opinion, like George Soros!

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