Yessir!!! Smack a spoiled brat on the wrist, and he's sure to behave! For all of about ten seconds! These international idiots who run the so-called G-7 countries (America, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy) just don't get it!!! There are times when Diplomacy works, and times when it is counter-productive, and that goes for sanctions, too.
Here we have Russia belligerently propping up the Syrian Regime of Bashar Assad, and these diplomatic idiots suggest that Russia should be saddled with more economic sanctions, until they agree to stop supporting the Assad regime. Yessir!!! That will do it!!! These people are every bit as wise as Barak Obama, and Susan Rice, who proudly boasted that their diplomatic negotiations succeeded in getting Russia, and Syria to agree to destroy all of Syria's stockpile of Sarin gas bombs, and artillery shells. Tell that to the innocent Syrian civilians (including women and children) who were brutally asphyxiated last Tuesday, by Assad's Sarin gas bombing raid, apparently with Russian fore-knowledge. and at least tacit approval.
Russia has been desperately trying to gain access to a warm-weather port since the Crimean war, of the 19th century. Now, Assad has granted them access to establish a Russian air base in northern Syria (can access to a warm-weather port be far behind?). Does anyone really think economic sanctions are going to force them to give it up??? All that will do is force any counter moves to be implemented, immediately, before the pain of the sanctions can be felt. And, if their counter measures can be used to bring sanctions against their "oppressors", so much the better!
I've got it! How about a military invasion against the Gulf Oil States (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E., et. al.)? After conquering their oil fields, they can cut off the flow of oil to the very countries who hit them with the sanctions, and watch them squirm!!! They will either remove the sanctions, or the new oil sales to other countries will bring Russia enough new revenue (or should we call it, "pillage") to more than make up the difference the sanctions lost them.
Plus, the invasion of these countries should be comparatively easy, considering that Russia has the second most powerful military in the world. And, their Middle Eastern ally, Iran, has a large army to support them, and have been wanting to invade the Gulf States for a long time. The only threat to get in their way is Israel, which Iran, and other Middle-Eastern Nations would love even more to invade!
Thus, you have the stage set for the Propecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel, spoken of by God to the prophet Ezekiel (see chapters 38, & 39). No problem! Russia should be able to put down the Israeli armed forces, right? The only thing that sanctions will accomplish will be to pressure Russia to get started, now, before the sanctions become painful.
Just one "minor detail" that Russia doesn't take into account! God is going to help the Israelis, somehow, and it is prophecied (2500 years ago) that they will be victorious over their invaders, and they will create such a panicked retreat that the invaders will destroy each other, until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd % of their invasion force!!! But, Russia officially doesn't believe in God, so how can they believe this to be a serious threat? They will believe in Him real soon, for the rest of eternity!!!
The Israelis believe in the prophecies too. Consider that the government has been distributing gas masks to their citizens for decades, because the prophecy begins with an account that sounds like a poison gas attack upon Israel (Gee! I wonder where the gas comes from!). This will probably be the moral rationale for Israel to use their stockpile of Tactical Nuclear Weapons, which are also banned by international treaties, I think. But since Russia started it, I guess Israel figures they'll finish it! Their spoken attitude toward any possible invasion has always been, "not a David vs. Goliath perspective, but a Samson retaliation attitude". In other words, it's a, "if you kill us, we're going to take you down with us", attitude.
And we can thank the pathetic diplomacy of the "G-7 Nations" for starting the whole thing! Oh, by the way, the end result of all this will probably be a Nuclear War between America and Russia. (For more on the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies, check out the archives list to the right of this column: for the posts for Mar.12th of this year; and Aug.16th of last year; and, June 5th, 6th, and 10th of 2013.)
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