Someone is playing fast and loose with me, again. I have written before about all the troubles I have been having, trying to sign into my own Blog. They are continuing! I strongly suspect that someone is trying to frustrate my ability to continue writing my Blog. If it were my Blog server, I suspect they would tell me, straight out, what their objection was to my Blog. Since I pay nothing for their service, that's what it will cost them if they offend me enough to take my Blog elsewhere: Nothing!
But, if this is some computer-savvy kid who gets his kicks out of messing with my brain over access to my Blog, I must warn him (or her): you are not just messing with me, kid. I can't do anything to stop you. But, I know someone who can, and His name is Jesus! You're in big trouble, now, because you are picking on one of His friends, namely me! I can't hurt you, but I can pray for you, and leave it up to Jesus how He wants to work in your own life to stop your meddling in mine. Believe me, He can do a much better job of making you regret your meddling than anything I could think of. So just remember my warning, and if you realize that there is suddenly a drastic change in your life, that you can not explain, for the worse, even if you can not make any material connection to what you are doing to me, and my ability to access my Blog, you can be assured that it is God's Holy Spirit working on you to bring you into repentance, first, and to realize that you are lost, in need of the Salvation of Jesus Christ, ultimately. There is nothing special about me, other than that I am one of God's anointed, in Jesus' Name, and when you attack one of His own, you attack Him personally. And, as I've said before, "your arms are to short to box with God!!!"
Not "if", but when you have had enough of trying to fight against God (as I said, you are not just fighting me), you may remember the formula for becoming a "Born-Again Christian", printed at the top of each page of this Blog. You may simply pray this prayer, and if you truly mean it in your heart, Jesus will come into your heart, and save your soul. But you must repent of your sins (which means to stop doing them), first, and that includes harassing others (me), without cause.
After that I would encourage you to call the Christian Broadcasting Network (C.B.N., at 1-800-700-7000). They will send you free information about what you should do, now, to grow as a Christian. They can do a much better job of guiding you through the early stages of your Christian growth than I can. I strongly suspect that God has brought you to my Blog, ostensibly to harass me, but because He wants you to become His own! As Joseph said to his brothers, who sold him as a slave into Egypt," you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good!" Likewise, I sense God's Hand all over this.
So once you tire of this game, please feel free to comment at the end of any post (click "No Comments:"). It will not be automatically published,,,it will be sent to my E-mail address for me to decide whether it should be published. or not. I will keep it in strict confidence, if you wish. But, whatever...I forgive you, and pray that God will richly bless you, in Jesus" Name!
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