In my post, yesterday, I wrote that Leftist billionaires have effectively taken control of the Democratic party. It seems that George Soros is the major player in this game. He is on record as saying that his primary goal is to rid the world of all the "Closed Societies", and bring about governments of "Open Societies". Further investigation leads to the conclusion that his definition may well be characterized as any society that thinks they know what is right is "closed", and the "open" society is willing to admit that an opponent's view may be just as likely correct as yours. In that context, Christians are deemed absolutely "closed", since they believe in a God who has given them laws (such as the Ten Commandments), and principles, to live by, that automatically exclude opposing behavior. If "Thou shalt not kill" is no more correct than the Muslim beheadings of people who would rather die than renounce their Christian faith, then Christianity is doomed,according to people like Soros. [Put another way, Soros' concept of an "Open Society" might more accurately be called the "Clueless Society", since they choose not to distinguish between right, and wrong! The Bible talks about people like him, and you can probably put the Clintons in this category, too, when it says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools." (I think that's from Romans chapter 1, but I'm not sure.) I wonder if Obama is also duped into this lunacy; that might explain his obsessive immigration policy, which allowed desperate immigrants to flee to our country, with no plan to weed out the murderous terrorists who might be using them to hide behind.]
Also doomed in their judgement is the basis of our "closed society" principles, a document that we call the "Constitution of the United States". I was shocked to learn that his non-profit groups conducted a seminar for the students at Yale University, in 2005, concerned with changing the Constitution, by 2020. I recognize that most colleges say they attempt to expose their students to many different political views, but Soros' concepts are so rediculously stupid, that it's clear the only way his people arranged the seminar was with some of Soros' billions. I'm shocked that a school with Yale's reputation would think that this constituted "academic diversity". Diversity, perhaps...but, there is nothing remotely "academic" about it! My research has further convinced me that some of Soros' most ardent admirers are the Clintons, and many members of Bill's administration, and Hillary's election campaign. If this does't scare the "beejeebers" out of you, just imagine what America would be like if Hillary had actually won! Would she have personally called for a new Constitutional Convention, by 2020, and were Soros' people counting on a Democratic sweep of the 2016 election to give them the votes in Congress to bring this about???
This gives me all the more reason to suggest that Soros and his people are setting us up, not only for the decline of American economic, millitary, and political prominence in the world, but, also to willingly accept the Antichrist's One World Government. Not that they realize this; they probably think they're promoting their concept of a "Utopian Government", but they are leaving the door wide open for whomever the Antichrist will be, to swoop in and establish his "Utopian Government". You can read more about that in the Book of Revelation! Anyone who falls for that system will have a long time to regret their mistake,'s called eternity!!! And guess where they'll spend it!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Trump Turns Liberal
How quickly he forgets! It was far, and away, the conservative branch of the republican party that got Trump elected. Now he apparently wants to kiss them off because they wouldn't vote for a bad bill that he supported. He has begun to try and kiss up to the Democrats. and that means he will have to compromise with their Liberal agenda, rather than trying to compromise with the conservatives. Good luck getting the Democrats to re-elect him in 2018! This man's foolish pride is on the verge of distroying (perhaps?) America's last opportunity to rcover the greatness that the Democrats have squndered. If Trump liberalizes, just to get something done, no matter how bad it is, America may be finished! I can't see the Lord waiting much longer to bring about the "Gog/Magog" invasion (with all the important parties in place now), and there may not be an America around, after that!
I have been doing some personal investigation into changes in the Democratic party's agenda, over the past several years. And it seems that the rich billionaires of the Left have taken over their agenda, and are trying to cripple America's power in the world, economically, and militarily, and this makes me wonder if they are trying to usher in the Antichrist's "One World Government". I'm not saying that they realize this, but they may believe in the concept. They foolishly may believe that one man, who is not God, can be trusted to manage the affairs of the whole world by himself. The book of Revelation explains how their experiment will end up! But, they must consider a strong America to be an obstacle to their efforts to bring it about, so they want to destroy the America we grew up with. It's the tired old Socialist view of things, if you want a weak country to be stronger, make the strong country weaker, and the strength will gravitate to the weaker. I'm sorry, but I just can't grasp the logic!
Maybe George Soros could explain it to me, but I don't plan on going to Hell to give him the opportunity to do so!!!
I have been doing some personal investigation into changes in the Democratic party's agenda, over the past several years. And it seems that the rich billionaires of the Left have taken over their agenda, and are trying to cripple America's power in the world, economically, and militarily, and this makes me wonder if they are trying to usher in the Antichrist's "One World Government". I'm not saying that they realize this, but they may believe in the concept. They foolishly may believe that one man, who is not God, can be trusted to manage the affairs of the whole world by himself. The book of Revelation explains how their experiment will end up! But, they must consider a strong America to be an obstacle to their efforts to bring it about, so they want to destroy the America we grew up with. It's the tired old Socialist view of things, if you want a weak country to be stronger, make the strong country weaker, and the strength will gravitate to the weaker. I'm sorry, but I just can't grasp the logic!
Maybe George Soros could explain it to me, but I don't plan on going to Hell to give him the opportunity to do so!!!
Monday, March 27, 2017
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
I know that Jesus is the Rock, but president Trump's brain must be the hard place, in this adage. Who can figure this guy out? He rallies the Conservative voters to get elected, then castigates them for wanting him to honor his campaign promises.
On March 22nd (check out the Archives list to the right of this column), I wrote that the adage Jesus spoke about a Kingdom, or a House divided against itself not being able to stand was very appropriate for America, today. We are politically a very divided nation, and the most obvious example of that resides in the U.S. Congress. But, while Unity of political purpose is the necessary goal for our lawmakers, it is important to understand that that Unity must itself be righteous, or we will descend into chaos even in our attempt at Unity.
The traditional role of Congress has been to seek compromise, in order to pass laws that the country can live with. But, apparently, the Republican leadership (the so-called Establishment Republicans) have become so used to compromising, that they either can't distinguish between a good bill, and a bad bill, or don't care as long as they can get enough votes to pass it. Apparently, it's not about what's good for the country, to them, it's about what will make their constituents think they are doing their job. Their own re-election is paramount to them, and what helps the country is not only secondary, it's way down the list of priorities, as far as they are concerned.
Unfortunately, President Trump has chosen to side with the Establishment Leaders on the Repeal and Replace initiative, to overturn Obamacare, and he has alienated himself from the very Conservatives that are the main force that got him elected. As I understand it, the Conserrvatives in the House were not about to vote into law a bill that was only slightly better than Obamacare, and was projected to double the premiums, with only a vague hint that the charges would come down slightly, in a few years. For the people that are hurting now, from Obamacare's premium rises in cost, that's not what Trump's campaign promises were all about. Trump is apparently despondant that the consrvatives will not unify with the leaders to pass his bill. He just doesn't seem to get it! Unifying on an evil initiative is Evil! Plain, and simple! Instead of getting mad at the Conservatives, he should be mad at the leaders for not allowing a vote on a truly effective alternative to Obamacare. The truely important division in this House is not between the Republicans, and the Democrats; it's between the Establishment Republicans, and the Conservatives. And they have less than two years to come to an effective area of agreement, or they will lose their House again, and maybe the Senate, as well!!!
If that happens, Trump stands little chance of being re-elected, especially if he keeps alienating himself from the Conservatives!!!
On March 22nd (check out the Archives list to the right of this column), I wrote that the adage Jesus spoke about a Kingdom, or a House divided against itself not being able to stand was very appropriate for America, today. We are politically a very divided nation, and the most obvious example of that resides in the U.S. Congress. But, while Unity of political purpose is the necessary goal for our lawmakers, it is important to understand that that Unity must itself be righteous, or we will descend into chaos even in our attempt at Unity.
The traditional role of Congress has been to seek compromise, in order to pass laws that the country can live with. But, apparently, the Republican leadership (the so-called Establishment Republicans) have become so used to compromising, that they either can't distinguish between a good bill, and a bad bill, or don't care as long as they can get enough votes to pass it. Apparently, it's not about what's good for the country, to them, it's about what will make their constituents think they are doing their job. Their own re-election is paramount to them, and what helps the country is not only secondary, it's way down the list of priorities, as far as they are concerned.
Unfortunately, President Trump has chosen to side with the Establishment Leaders on the Repeal and Replace initiative, to overturn Obamacare, and he has alienated himself from the very Conservatives that are the main force that got him elected. As I understand it, the Conserrvatives in the House were not about to vote into law a bill that was only slightly better than Obamacare, and was projected to double the premiums, with only a vague hint that the charges would come down slightly, in a few years. For the people that are hurting now, from Obamacare's premium rises in cost, that's not what Trump's campaign promises were all about. Trump is apparently despondant that the consrvatives will not unify with the leaders to pass his bill. He just doesn't seem to get it! Unifying on an evil initiative is Evil! Plain, and simple! Instead of getting mad at the Conservatives, he should be mad at the leaders for not allowing a vote on a truly effective alternative to Obamacare. The truely important division in this House is not between the Republicans, and the Democrats; it's between the Establishment Republicans, and the Conservatives. And they have less than two years to come to an effective area of agreement, or they will lose their House again, and maybe the Senate, as well!!!
If that happens, Trump stands little chance of being re-elected, especially if he keeps alienating himself from the Conservatives!!!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Three (Bronx) Cheers for Google Chrome!!!
Somebody, or some people at Google Chrome apparently don't like me! Or, at least, they don"t like my Blog! I wrote before about my trouble maitaining my URL address, which I use to sign in, so I can write a post, and later that my password had been arbitrarilty changed and I couldn't get a temporary password sent to my phone number. Well, now I find that my Blog is no longer listed on Google Chrome, where it had been listed first, mostly, for the past few years. It may still be listed, but not on any of the first three pages, and I'm not about to look at the rest of the multiple millions of entries to try and locate it. Is Google trying to tell me something, or am I the lone subject of some sicko hacker?
Either way, I discovered that my Blog is still #1 listed on Internet Explorer (of 36,600,000 entries), so I can;t be too upset. But all this hastle is pretty annoying! Is Google trying to get rid of me, and my Blog? I guess the people who have read nearly 18,000 pages of my Blog, over the last several years, must be of no particular concern to Google! Or perhaps some (Muslim?) terrorist hacker doesn't like the things I write about them (how the coming "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel will end in the near distruction of their invasion force [around 83 1/3rd %]. This must be another case of it's easier to pick on the mesenger, than to heed the message (I didn't write the prophecy 2500 years ago. God gave it to the Prophet Ezekiel, who wrote it, so you, and I could read it today. Read it for yourself, in chapter 38, and 39, of Ezekiel. Or are you afraid of facing the truth?). So don't get mad at us, take your gripes to God and see how far you'll get!
I know this sounds pretty petty, compared to the persecution that Paul, and the other Apostles had to endure. But, I don't even know who is doing this, or why! I guess I have to just "count it all joy" that the Lord considers me "worthy" to receive this persecution, if that's what it is. If not, it is certainly a lot of incompetance on somebody's part! And I don't see how their bosses can rationalize that somewhere between 1 reader (reading nearly 18,000 pages of this Blog), and possibly as many as 18,000 readers, will apreciate this kind of hastle for me, or anyone. This doesn't seem like good advertiseing to me!!!
Either way, I discovered that my Blog is still #1 listed on Internet Explorer (of 36,600,000 entries), so I can;t be too upset. But all this hastle is pretty annoying! Is Google trying to get rid of me, and my Blog? I guess the people who have read nearly 18,000 pages of my Blog, over the last several years, must be of no particular concern to Google! Or perhaps some (Muslim?) terrorist hacker doesn't like the things I write about them (how the coming "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel will end in the near distruction of their invasion force [around 83 1/3rd %]. This must be another case of it's easier to pick on the mesenger, than to heed the message (I didn't write the prophecy 2500 years ago. God gave it to the Prophet Ezekiel, who wrote it, so you, and I could read it today. Read it for yourself, in chapter 38, and 39, of Ezekiel. Or are you afraid of facing the truth?). So don't get mad at us, take your gripes to God and see how far you'll get!
I know this sounds pretty petty, compared to the persecution that Paul, and the other Apostles had to endure. But, I don't even know who is doing this, or why! I guess I have to just "count it all joy" that the Lord considers me "worthy" to receive this persecution, if that's what it is. If not, it is certainly a lot of incompetance on somebody's part! And I don't see how their bosses can rationalize that somewhere between 1 reader (reading nearly 18,000 pages of this Blog), and possibly as many as 18,000 readers, will apreciate this kind of hastle for me, or anyone. This doesn't seem like good advertiseing to me!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Let's Have At It!!!
Senate Minority Leader Nunes has threatened a Democratic filibuster on the appointment of Judge Gorsuch, which was only expected in our most cynical moments. The Democrats could not allow such a qualified nominee to actually sit next to their pathetic Obama appointments. Righteousness can be very contagious, and they wouldn't want to risk some of it rubbing off on the rest of the Supreme Court.
However, the "simple majority" rule, that I wrote about the past two days, also applies to any vote to end a filibuster in the senate. If the Republicans can muster enough "moxy" to actually do the right thing, they should put it down immediately.
The real squabbling in there is between the so-called "Establishment Republicans", and the Conservative Republican Senators. The Conservatives are afraid that the Party leaders will scuttle Trumps campaign promise to "repeal, and replace" Obamacare, with what they consider to be a "warmed-over" version of the same thing, or as they call it, "Obamacare Light". They had their first meeting with Trump at the White House about this very thing, today, though apparently nothing was fully resolved. Further meetings, and similar meetings between Trump, and the Party leaders can be expected, and we will see if President Trump can live up to his reputation as a deal-maker, as he was in the business world. A discussion on C.B.S.N. cable suggested that Trump might simply promise to donate the equivalent re-election money to any Senator, who loses campaign contributions, because of their vote on this bill. Would that be included in the Federal Deficit, or would it come out of Trump's pocket???
However it is accomplished, most conservative pundits agree that a true "repeal, and replace" bill must soon be passed, so the really important task of overhauling the tax laws, and debunking all the silly regulations of hostile bureaucracies, like the E.P.A.,can be speedily gotten to. The true poison of the Obama Administration must be dealt with as speedily as possible!!!
UPDATE: 3/28/'17--
With apologies to my readers, I must admit to an inaccuracy I made in the above, second paragraph. I explained how the so-called "Nuclear Option" was available to shut down a filibuster that was obviously intended to merely delay the vote to appoint a candidate to the Supreme Court. I have recently discovered my error: The "Nuclear Option" is legally limited to be used only for lower court nomiees, not for Supreme Court nominees. I apologize for the error, but not for the sentiment! To filibuster at this point is malicious in it's intent, and ought to be stopped, even if the Reublicans are forced to add an amendment to the original law, applying it to Supreme Court nominees, as well. This is admittedly dangerous because a future Democratic majority can use it to cut off Republican filibustering. But, these evil Democrats must be stopped, one way, or another!
However, the "simple majority" rule, that I wrote about the past two days, also applies to any vote to end a filibuster in the senate. If the Republicans can muster enough "moxy" to actually do the right thing, they should put it down immediately.
The real squabbling in there is between the so-called "Establishment Republicans", and the Conservative Republican Senators. The Conservatives are afraid that the Party leaders will scuttle Trumps campaign promise to "repeal, and replace" Obamacare, with what they consider to be a "warmed-over" version of the same thing, or as they call it, "Obamacare Light". They had their first meeting with Trump at the White House about this very thing, today, though apparently nothing was fully resolved. Further meetings, and similar meetings between Trump, and the Party leaders can be expected, and we will see if President Trump can live up to his reputation as a deal-maker, as he was in the business world. A discussion on C.B.S.N. cable suggested that Trump might simply promise to donate the equivalent re-election money to any Senator, who loses campaign contributions, because of their vote on this bill. Would that be included in the Federal Deficit, or would it come out of Trump's pocket???
However it is accomplished, most conservative pundits agree that a true "repeal, and replace" bill must soon be passed, so the really important task of overhauling the tax laws, and debunking all the silly regulations of hostile bureaucracies, like the E.P.A.,can be speedily gotten to. The true poison of the Obama Administration must be dealt with as speedily as possible!!!
UPDATE: 3/28/'17--
With apologies to my readers, I must admit to an inaccuracy I made in the above, second paragraph. I explained how the so-called "Nuclear Option" was available to shut down a filibuster that was obviously intended to merely delay the vote to appoint a candidate to the Supreme Court. I have recently discovered my error: The "Nuclear Option" is legally limited to be used only for lower court nomiees, not for Supreme Court nominees. I apologize for the error, but not for the sentiment! To filibuster at this point is malicious in it's intent, and ought to be stopped, even if the Reublicans are forced to add an amendment to the original law, applying it to Supreme Court nominees, as well. This is admittedly dangerous because a future Democratic majority can use it to cut off Republican filibustering. But, these evil Democrats must be stopped, one way, or another!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
"A House Divided...", And Even A Senate...
I am feeling a little guilty about my tongue-in-cheek quip to end my last post, about seeking a General to "Nuke" the Democratic members of Congress (emphasize, "a LITTLE guilty"). Even in jest, that was hardly a unifying sentiment, from a professing Christian, though from a natural perspective it may seem to be the only way of unifying Congress, any time soon. Even if we could snap our fingers, and all the Democratic members of Congress would suddenly disappear (what a glorious thought!), there are millions of equally bombastic idiots in our society, ready to take their places!
The short-term solution to getting the Trump administration's agenda passed through Congress may be to use the so-called "Nuclear Option", the previous Democratic Congress voted into law, which requires only a simple majority vote to approve a nomination (as opposed to the traditional 60 votes, which would require at least 8 Democrats to side with Republicans). But, the long term solution cannot be found that way, because if the Democrats retake control of the Congress they will simply undo their work, using the same "Nuclear Option", and the Republicans won't be able to stop them.
I can see this "tit-for-tat" political farce going on forever, assuming that the Lord will "tarry" long enough for us to settle into such a mess, but the only real solution will be the unity that the Lord was describing in his solution to, "a house divided against itself...". Congress's House, or Senate will surely fall, if we allow it to descend into the bickering mess that will allow them to merely undo the previous administration's efforts.
The Republicans have control of the Executive branch, and the Congress, for now. But the Democrats are still actively using the Courts to obfuscate their view of a renewed America. And the public School system is still pouring out "good little Socialist students" into the future voting polls, and will continue to do so, until the Department of Education is permanently shut down, and the education of our children is returned to the responsibility of the states, and localities.
The Supreme Court can be brought under control with a few excellent appointments, which will effectively overturn the Democrats' efforts to disrupt the Trump administrations agenda. But, all their efforts to "make America great again" can be abolished by succeeding generations of "little Socialists", who will vote in people like Hillary (and probably Chelsea is being groomed to take her place), or Bernie.
If the states are given control of their school systems, many would "clean house" of the "hippy generation leftist teachers" and the textbooks that teach international socialism as the only "moral" governmental system. The states that would not would probably be the same leftist states that give us people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and their ilk. That would balance out.
Short of all this, I think America is in big trouble, folks! If there was ever a time to encourage collective, and personal prayer for our country, it's now!!!
The short-term solution to getting the Trump administration's agenda passed through Congress may be to use the so-called "Nuclear Option", the previous Democratic Congress voted into law, which requires only a simple majority vote to approve a nomination (as opposed to the traditional 60 votes, which would require at least 8 Democrats to side with Republicans). But, the long term solution cannot be found that way, because if the Democrats retake control of the Congress they will simply undo their work, using the same "Nuclear Option", and the Republicans won't be able to stop them.
I can see this "tit-for-tat" political farce going on forever, assuming that the Lord will "tarry" long enough for us to settle into such a mess, but the only real solution will be the unity that the Lord was describing in his solution to, "a house divided against itself...". Congress's House, or Senate will surely fall, if we allow it to descend into the bickering mess that will allow them to merely undo the previous administration's efforts.
The Republicans have control of the Executive branch, and the Congress, for now. But the Democrats are still actively using the Courts to obfuscate their view of a renewed America. And the public School system is still pouring out "good little Socialist students" into the future voting polls, and will continue to do so, until the Department of Education is permanently shut down, and the education of our children is returned to the responsibility of the states, and localities.
The Supreme Court can be brought under control with a few excellent appointments, which will effectively overturn the Democrats' efforts to disrupt the Trump administrations agenda. But, all their efforts to "make America great again" can be abolished by succeeding generations of "little Socialists", who will vote in people like Hillary (and probably Chelsea is being groomed to take her place), or Bernie.
If the states are given control of their school systems, many would "clean house" of the "hippy generation leftist teachers" and the textbooks that teach international socialism as the only "moral" governmental system. The states that would not would probably be the same leftist states that give us people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and their ilk. That would balance out.
Short of all this, I think America is in big trouble, folks! If there was ever a time to encourage collective, and personal prayer for our country, it's now!!!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Time For House Republicans To Go "Nuclear"!!!
I am put in remembrance of that old Disney "classic"(???), "The Absent Minded Professor", from the fifties, when Fred MacMurray was flying his new invention over Washington,D.C., (his "souped-up", model T "touring car"). The General, in charge of defending the Nation's Capitol had issued a warning to the "unidentified flying object", over the city, that if they didn't identify themselves by the time he counted ten, he would order the defensive anti-aircraft missiles to open fire. Since the professor's car only had a one-way commercial radio in it, he couldn't respond. So he "flew" behind the Congressional Dome (thinking he would surely be shielded by it). The General reached the number, "8", when his junior officer reminded him that if they shot now, they might endanger every single Congressman, as well! Undaunted, the General counted,"9", when his fellow officer said, "And they've just put a new front on the building." This caused the General to issue a,"Hold your fire" command, finally!
Things haven't changed much, I guess! Congress is now grilling President Trump's recent appointee to take the seat of the deceased Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia. Republicans are lauding Tenth Circuit Appeals Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, for what has to be considered a stellar career, while Democrats are playing politics, trying to find anything they can to criticize him about. So far the worst charge they can come up with is that his opinions are not "mainstream" enough, which is their code word for "liberal socialist". As far as I'm concerned, that is a compliment that he should be proud of, and they sling it at him as if it were a pejorative!
What this all boils down to is politics at it's most blatant worst! I am reminded of President Eisenhower lamenting that he was "buffaloed" by his advisers from the American Bar Association, who recommended the appointments, assuring him that they were conservative judges, when in fact they turned out to be some of the most liberal justices ever appointed. Then the Democrats tried to "railroad" Justice Thomas' appointment with a somewhat flimsy charge of sexual harassment of a co-worker. Apparently, "dirty pool" is acceptable for Democrats, as long as they can get their way.
That being the established rule, as they see it, it is perhaps time for the Republicans to stop "playing nice", and settle this issue, now, the way we all expected it would have to be done! They must invoke the so-called "Nuclear Option", that the last Democratic-controlled Congress voted into law, which states that a vote of 51 Congressmen is all that is required for a confirmation, instead of the traditional 60 votes (which would mean at least 8 Democrats would have to join with the Republican majority). It's a shame this has to be resorted to, but the Democrats put themselves in this position, so let's "have at it", and let the proverbial "chips" fall!!!
With a likely (at least) two other Justices needing replacement soon (one, who is eighty, talking about soon retirement, and the other who is well known to sleep through much of the Court hearings) it would seem that this may be the only way for Trump to get his nominees appointed. If there were some way to isolate the Democrats to a safe distance from the rest of Congress, I might be tempted to seek out that General,in the Disney movie, to see if he is still ready to push the button!!!
Things haven't changed much, I guess! Congress is now grilling President Trump's recent appointee to take the seat of the deceased Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia. Republicans are lauding Tenth Circuit Appeals Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, for what has to be considered a stellar career, while Democrats are playing politics, trying to find anything they can to criticize him about. So far the worst charge they can come up with is that his opinions are not "mainstream" enough, which is their code word for "liberal socialist". As far as I'm concerned, that is a compliment that he should be proud of, and they sling it at him as if it were a pejorative!
What this all boils down to is politics at it's most blatant worst! I am reminded of President Eisenhower lamenting that he was "buffaloed" by his advisers from the American Bar Association, who recommended the appointments, assuring him that they were conservative judges, when in fact they turned out to be some of the most liberal justices ever appointed. Then the Democrats tried to "railroad" Justice Thomas' appointment with a somewhat flimsy charge of sexual harassment of a co-worker. Apparently, "dirty pool" is acceptable for Democrats, as long as they can get their way.
That being the established rule, as they see it, it is perhaps time for the Republicans to stop "playing nice", and settle this issue, now, the way we all expected it would have to be done! They must invoke the so-called "Nuclear Option", that the last Democratic-controlled Congress voted into law, which states that a vote of 51 Congressmen is all that is required for a confirmation, instead of the traditional 60 votes (which would mean at least 8 Democrats would have to join with the Republican majority). It's a shame this has to be resorted to, but the Democrats put themselves in this position, so let's "have at it", and let the proverbial "chips" fall!!!
With a likely (at least) two other Justices needing replacement soon (one, who is eighty, talking about soon retirement, and the other who is well known to sleep through much of the Court hearings) it would seem that this may be the only way for Trump to get his nominees appointed. If there were some way to isolate the Democrats to a safe distance from the rest of Congress, I might be tempted to seek out that General,in the Disney movie, to see if he is still ready to push the button!!!
Monday, March 20, 2017
With Apologies To My Readers
I think I'm being "jerked around" by some hacker, or by malicious people at my Blog server, who must not care for my Blog's content (gee, I can't figure out why!). I haven't been able to sign in to my Blog for a week, so I was not able to write any posts. A few months ago, my server automatically changed the E-mail address that I sign in with, from the old Yahoo account I originally opened my Blog with, to a new Gmail account I had just opened. This was an irritation to me, but I rationalized it because Yahoo had recently been hacked, so I thought this was a security measure on Google's part (since they own both my server, and Gmail). It was okay because I could still sign in to my Blog to write a post..
But last week, I found that the password that I had been using for years, first with the Yahoo account, then later with the Gmail account, was no longer accepted by my server. I tried to get them to send me a temporary password, that would verify my identity, but I never got it. At this point I really began to feel I was being "jerked around" by someone who was very hostile to me, and my blog, for whatever reason.
All I know is that I prayed for God to restore my access to my Blog, and here I am!!! It didn't happen immediately, but it happened! Praise the Lord!!! If someone is maliciously trying to stop my writing this Blog, by trying to interfere with my ability to sign in to my own Blog, all I can say is, you're not just messing with me, Pal, you're messing with God Almighty, and your "arms are to short to box with God"! I think that was the title of an Off-Broadway Play, but the message is appropriate!
But last week, I found that the password that I had been using for years, first with the Yahoo account, then later with the Gmail account, was no longer accepted by my server. I tried to get them to send me a temporary password, that would verify my identity, but I never got it. At this point I really began to feel I was being "jerked around" by someone who was very hostile to me, and my blog, for whatever reason.
All I know is that I prayed for God to restore my access to my Blog, and here I am!!! It didn't happen immediately, but it happened! Praise the Lord!!! If someone is maliciously trying to stop my writing this Blog, by trying to interfere with my ability to sign in to my own Blog, all I can say is, you're not just messing with me, Pal, you're messing with God Almighty, and your "arms are to short to box with God"! I think that was the title of an Off-Broadway Play, but the message is appropriate!
Monday, March 13, 2017
Is That Trump With McCarthy's Foot In His Mouth?
Will they ever learn??? It seems that all a Republican needs to do after being elected president is to open his mouth wide enough to insert his foot, giving the liberal press a field day of fake news to ridicule him with. Trump now is reported to have till the end of today to turn over any evidence of his claimed Trump Tower wiretapping efforts by the Obama Administration to the Justice Department. Of course, speculation is rampant that he has no evidence to give. If that's true, you can bet that the liberal press will have a wonderful time comparing Trump to Sen. Joe McCarthy of the fifties, and his charges of Communists everywhere, "and I have the evidence right here!", he shouts, as he waves several blank pages before press cameras. I dearly hope Trump has not stooped to that level of charlatanism, especially with his recent campaign against "Fake News"! The liberal press would love nothing better than to catch him in a hypocritical position of doing the same thing that he has accused them of. They would feel that this legitimizes their using fake stories to promote their own agenda, since he does it too! Then there would be no need to try and justify their impropriety, and, to the contrary, it would encourage more of the same.
I am on record as saying, before the election, that Trump could be a good president, if he keeps his hands to himself. Perhaps now I have to add the caveat, and keeps his mouth shut, too. I wonder what the chances are of him being able to do that? Oh well, it looks like the Republicans will lose control of Congress, in two years: the Democrats will scuttle everything that Trump tries to do , and we'll be stuck with another idiot Democrat in the White House, in 2018. Only God can save us from such a horrible fate, now!!!
Perhaps that's the point. I see nothing in the end times prophecies about America, even referred to generally, since there was no country called America 2500 years ago. For that matter, there was not even a man named Amerigo Vespucci to name us after. The only reference to us prophetically may be the part where God says, "I will send fire on Magog, and on those who dwell carelessly in the isles" (also translated as "coastlands", which many bible scholars believe refers to us). This close to a dramatic prophetic fulfillment, perhaps God doesn't really want America to be restored to it's former preeminence. After all, are we expecting God to save us, or Donald Trump? Trump doesn't remind me much of Jesus, even at his best. And certainly not with a foot in his mouth!
I am on record as saying, before the election, that Trump could be a good president, if he keeps his hands to himself. Perhaps now I have to add the caveat, and keeps his mouth shut, too. I wonder what the chances are of him being able to do that? Oh well, it looks like the Republicans will lose control of Congress, in two years: the Democrats will scuttle everything that Trump tries to do , and we'll be stuck with another idiot Democrat in the White House, in 2018. Only God can save us from such a horrible fate, now!!!
Perhaps that's the point. I see nothing in the end times prophecies about America, even referred to generally, since there was no country called America 2500 years ago. For that matter, there was not even a man named Amerigo Vespucci to name us after. The only reference to us prophetically may be the part where God says, "I will send fire on Magog, and on those who dwell carelessly in the isles" (also translated as "coastlands", which many bible scholars believe refers to us). This close to a dramatic prophetic fulfillment, perhaps God doesn't really want America to be restored to it's former preeminence. After all, are we expecting God to save us, or Donald Trump? Trump doesn't remind me much of Jesus, even at his best. And certainly not with a foot in his mouth!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
So, When Is the Gog/Magog Invasion Going to Start?
The definitive answer to that question is, "I don't have a clue!" I've been writing about that topic, more than any other, for the past several years. I am just as convinced as always (and maybe more so, even) that it could break out at any time. All the key players are just about in place, with a few exceptions. America is the most confusing player in the Middle-East, right now.
America doesn't seem to play any significant part in the fighting, once Israel gets drawn into it. It would seem to me that I.S.I.S. will probably get driven out of Iraq, and Syria, which looks as though it is about to happen soon. In order to prevent the appearance of another allied occupation like those of Germany, and Japan' after World War II, I guess America will withdraw it's troops. But, don't expect Russia to do the same. They'll probably claim they have to stabilize their "ally", Syria, and Iran will probably say the same about Iraq, their neighbor. Other future members of the "Gog/Magog" confederation will probably just hang around, offering no explanation as to why. Turkey is right next door, so they don't need much excuse, but watch for signs of future allegiance between them and their new Russian "neighbors", who have finally gotten their warm-water port of entry, in Syria, and I'm sure they have every intention of holding on to it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Turkey drop out of N.A.T.O., and form a new alliance with Russia, but I don't think they'll return all the weapons they got from N.A.T.O.,( much of it American made, which I'm sure the Russians would love to get a look at).
I don't think Libya has any formal troops in Syria, yet, but they probably have many volunteers there, being so close to Israel, which I'm sure they would just love to invade. The most puzzling member of the "Gog/Magog" invasion force is Ethiopia. They don't seem likely to join in an invasion of Israel, with their long history of both Jewish, and, later Christian believers. But, perhaps neighboring countries like Somalia, and Sudan, and Yemen were considered to be part of Ethiopia at the time when God gave his prophecy to Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago. These countries have many Al Quaida fighters that would just love to join in with any invasion force that intends to invade Israel. I'll bet that they would all be in place within 24 hours of a move by Russia to invade Israel.
So, when you see the war against I.S.I.S. brought to a conclusion, and America withdrawing our troops from Syria, and Iraq, you can bet the Russians will be talking up the Israel Invasion with their new Muslim allies, to create a diversion, so Russia can go after their real "prize", which I suspect will be Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf Oil Emirates. But, they won't get very far before God causes Israel to thoroughly defeat the Invasion force, probably by introducing neutron nuclear bombs, and artillery to the conflict (destroying 83 1/3rd % of their forces), and sending Russia scurrying back to their frozen wastelands!
America doesn't seem to play any significant part in the fighting, once Israel gets drawn into it. It would seem to me that I.S.I.S. will probably get driven out of Iraq, and Syria, which looks as though it is about to happen soon. In order to prevent the appearance of another allied occupation like those of Germany, and Japan' after World War II, I guess America will withdraw it's troops. But, don't expect Russia to do the same. They'll probably claim they have to stabilize their "ally", Syria, and Iran will probably say the same about Iraq, their neighbor. Other future members of the "Gog/Magog" confederation will probably just hang around, offering no explanation as to why. Turkey is right next door, so they don't need much excuse, but watch for signs of future allegiance between them and their new Russian "neighbors", who have finally gotten their warm-water port of entry, in Syria, and I'm sure they have every intention of holding on to it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Turkey drop out of N.A.T.O., and form a new alliance with Russia, but I don't think they'll return all the weapons they got from N.A.T.O.,( much of it American made, which I'm sure the Russians would love to get a look at).
I don't think Libya has any formal troops in Syria, yet, but they probably have many volunteers there, being so close to Israel, which I'm sure they would just love to invade. The most puzzling member of the "Gog/Magog" invasion force is Ethiopia. They don't seem likely to join in an invasion of Israel, with their long history of both Jewish, and, later Christian believers. But, perhaps neighboring countries like Somalia, and Sudan, and Yemen were considered to be part of Ethiopia at the time when God gave his prophecy to Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago. These countries have many Al Quaida fighters that would just love to join in with any invasion force that intends to invade Israel. I'll bet that they would all be in place within 24 hours of a move by Russia to invade Israel.
So, when you see the war against I.S.I.S. brought to a conclusion, and America withdrawing our troops from Syria, and Iraq, you can bet the Russians will be talking up the Israel Invasion with their new Muslim allies, to create a diversion, so Russia can go after their real "prize", which I suspect will be Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf Oil Emirates. But, they won't get very far before God causes Israel to thoroughly defeat the Invasion force, probably by introducing neutron nuclear bombs, and artillery to the conflict (destroying 83 1/3rd % of their forces), and sending Russia scurrying back to their frozen wastelands!
Nuclear Winter: Is This God's Climate change???
I have written extensively before that the so-called "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel will culminate in the near destruction of the Russian/Muslim Nations Confederation invasion force (to the tune of 83 1/3rd % of there armies), and that the retreating forces heading for Russia may precipitate a Nuclear strike against some nation described by God, in his prophecy to Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 39:6) as, "those who dwell carelessly in the coastlands" (which some biblical scholars believe to be a reference to America). This is further supported by the prophecy of Jesus, in Matthew 24: 29, which uses ancient terminology to describe a scene that sounds very similar to modern descriptions of possible nuclear exchanges between the two most powerful nuclear-capable nations on earth, today.
Previously, I speculated that the wording, "...the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give it's light" could mean a massive effect, similar to a camera flash temporarily blinding the subject even in broad daylight. Certainly, the flashbulb is not brighter than the sun, but it has a little advantage over the sun (as it is closer to ten feet away from the subject, than the roughly 93 million miles distance from the sun).
But, an alternative meaning for that prophecy could very well refer to the scientific theory known as a "Nuclear Winter" effect, in which the amount of smoke and dust kicked up into the atmosphere by a full scale nuclear war could significantly blot out the sunlight (in this hypothetical case, over the earth's northern hemisphere, between Russia and the U.S.) to somewhere around 30% of it's sunshine resulting in a massive climate change, for that region of the earth, not even considering the effect of the radiation in the dust particles.
I imagine the resulting lowering of the temperatures, worldwide, would have the effect of turning some arid countries into potential agricultural "breadbaskets of the world", certainly Israel would be one of them, considering that they are not far from that now, with a rather arid climate, today. It would be a typical way of God to turn the intended destruction of their enemies into a miraculous blessing, which would be unexpected.
Again, I'm not saying that all this will definitely happen, merely that it could be what the Lord is referring to. I will say that His prophecy will happen, that is certain! The only issue we speculate about is how the imagery will unfold, in reality. I've now offered two possible ways in which it may develope, and I guess there may be others.
The important issue is that I believe that the Lord will send His Angels to "rapture" the church (His body of believers, worldwide), immediately before the nuclear explosions touch down. For more on this, please refer to the archive list to the right of this column, for the posts dated: Aug.16, 2016, March 27, 2016. and April 12, 2016.
Previously, I speculated that the wording, "...the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give it's light" could mean a massive effect, similar to a camera flash temporarily blinding the subject even in broad daylight. Certainly, the flashbulb is not brighter than the sun, but it has a little advantage over the sun (as it is closer to ten feet away from the subject, than the roughly 93 million miles distance from the sun).
But, an alternative meaning for that prophecy could very well refer to the scientific theory known as a "Nuclear Winter" effect, in which the amount of smoke and dust kicked up into the atmosphere by a full scale nuclear war could significantly blot out the sunlight (in this hypothetical case, over the earth's northern hemisphere, between Russia and the U.S.) to somewhere around 30% of it's sunshine resulting in a massive climate change, for that region of the earth, not even considering the effect of the radiation in the dust particles.
I imagine the resulting lowering of the temperatures, worldwide, would have the effect of turning some arid countries into potential agricultural "breadbaskets of the world", certainly Israel would be one of them, considering that they are not far from that now, with a rather arid climate, today. It would be a typical way of God to turn the intended destruction of their enemies into a miraculous blessing, which would be unexpected.
Again, I'm not saying that all this will definitely happen, merely that it could be what the Lord is referring to. I will say that His prophecy will happen, that is certain! The only issue we speculate about is how the imagery will unfold, in reality. I've now offered two possible ways in which it may develope, and I guess there may be others.
The important issue is that I believe that the Lord will send His Angels to "rapture" the church (His body of believers, worldwide), immediately before the nuclear explosions touch down. For more on this, please refer to the archive list to the right of this column, for the posts dated: Aug.16, 2016, March 27, 2016. and April 12, 2016.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Love And Hate, In American Politics...
I've been doing a lot of condemning of the so-called "Progressives" in the misnamed "Democratic" Party, and the Socialists who cooperate with them, lately. I do not apologize for my absolute revulsion of their political positions, and even less for what I view as their underlying motivation for those positions. But, let's be clear on one point: while I condemn their positions vehemently, and I'm sure it sounds as though I must hate them, personally, for their efforts to promote values that I believe are absolutely destructive to our very social fabric, I do not hate them...I merely feel sorry for them!!!
In the long run, they will be very sorry, also, for their greedy, self serving efforts to destroy this country, by playing to the greedier, baser instincts of the less sophisticated people who follow their direction. God will one day hold them accountable for what they are trying to do, not only to us, but the rest of the world, as well. It matters not that they apparently don't believe in God; there will still be a recompense after their death, for the folly of their behavior while alive. God reserves the right to judge our life-time behavior, whether we believe in Him, or not. The important issue is whether we had opportunity to hear about God's views about our actions, or not, while we were alive, and, if so, how did His views effect our behavior? I find it hard to believe that anyone in America today can stand before God, after dying, and say truthfully. "I never knew it..."! There is just too much preaching of the gospel, in America, today, for anyone living here to claim absolute ignorance of His views concerning our behavior. We can say we don't care, but not that we didn't know! And it's the, "we don't care..." that will get us condemned to Hell, for an eternity! I think they'll learn to "care", that way!!! But, it will be a bit late, then!
I feel sorry for those who face this prospect, mainly because I was in the same category, myself, until I found the Lord. The only difference between them and myself was that I had unmistakably messed up my personal life enough that I knew I needed the Lord to change me. I guess they all have not reached that point in their lives yet. Here's hoping that they will soon, and repent of their evil, and foolish ways, before they can destroy America completely, and us along with them!!!
In the long run, they will be very sorry, also, for their greedy, self serving efforts to destroy this country, by playing to the greedier, baser instincts of the less sophisticated people who follow their direction. God will one day hold them accountable for what they are trying to do, not only to us, but the rest of the world, as well. It matters not that they apparently don't believe in God; there will still be a recompense after their death, for the folly of their behavior while alive. God reserves the right to judge our life-time behavior, whether we believe in Him, or not. The important issue is whether we had opportunity to hear about God's views about our actions, or not, while we were alive, and, if so, how did His views effect our behavior? I find it hard to believe that anyone in America today can stand before God, after dying, and say truthfully. "I never knew it..."! There is just too much preaching of the gospel, in America, today, for anyone living here to claim absolute ignorance of His views concerning our behavior. We can say we don't care, but not that we didn't know! And it's the, "we don't care..." that will get us condemned to Hell, for an eternity! I think they'll learn to "care", that way!!! But, it will be a bit late, then!
I feel sorry for those who face this prospect, mainly because I was in the same category, myself, until I found the Lord. The only difference between them and myself was that I had unmistakably messed up my personal life enough that I knew I needed the Lord to change me. I guess they all have not reached that point in their lives yet. Here's hoping that they will soon, and repent of their evil, and foolish ways, before they can destroy America completely, and us along with them!!!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
In the Antichrist's Shadow???
My last post documented my concern that America's so-called "Progressives", of the Democratic Party, and the quasi-"Democrats", who are really Socialists, but vote for Democratic candidates, because Bernie Sanders can't get elected, are not really representative of an American political party, any more. The presumption of being a member of an American political party is that you want your vote to help shape the party that "protects and defends the Constitution of the United States", (so help you God).
I submit that if you want to subvert that very Constitution, and turn our nation's government over to some crazy Euro-based, Socialist, One-World Government, which will have no interest in upholding the very principles of the American Constitution (and will evolve into the eventual Antichrist"s system [that God has already condemned, and Jesus has already prophecied there will be no forgiveness for those who willingly participate in the system]), that you are no longer a member of an American political party, but are a SUBVERSIVE!!!. All those who fit the above description would only be honest by leaving America, formally renouncing their American citizenship, and moving permanently to Brussels, or some other country, in Europe that shares in their perverse Socialist utopian dream!
Even forgetting about God's condemnation of the eventual state of the system, if it were to be examined realistically against what we have in America today, versus what Socialism traditionally developes into, anyone who really looks at Socialism would have to admit that it is not a system that tends to draw all of it's members up to the highest standards of it's wealthiest members, but causes the wealthier members to "bail out" the lesser members, who simply choose not to "pay their fair share" of the expense of membership. That is why the Trump administration is having such a hard time getting some of the N.A.T.O. alliance members to "pony up", with their "fair share" of the costs of their alliance membership (leaving the U.S. to cover around 22% of the bill). It is also why Germany has to pay so much of the European Common Market's bill, and why Britain recently voted to "Brexit" the Market, altogether.
Even if God had not already condemned the system, guess why the so-called "Progressives" want America to unite in this quagmire of Socialist lunacy. They want America to join, so that our tax dollars will pay off the European indebtedness. Then after they have bankrupted America, I wonder where they expect to turn to "bail out" their future debts? Nazi Germany decide the easiest way to pay for their brand of Socialism was to simply conquer other nations, and then systematically rape the wealth of those nations. Fortunately, we destroyed Nazi Germany before they could run out of other nations to rape, and pillage. Talk about a plan that was destined to eventually fail in it's own concept... and then what a mess the world would have been in, then! Perhaps that might have something to do with why God has already condemned participation in that system, even before it is set to begin. Since He alone can see the future of crazy ideas like this, He condemns the concept, on it's merits (or rather, the lack thereof) to spare the world of the suffering it would bring. I suspect that today's so-called "Progressives" are not ignorant of this eventual quagmire, they just figure they can live like kings while someone else fits the bill, and by the time all the money runs out, they'll be dead (so who cares? Try asking if God cares!!! I'd hate to be in their shoes, when they have to give account for their lives, at "The Great White Throne Judgement"). That's the "wisdom" of all Keynesian Socialists, who believe in short-term solutions to their inflationary schemes, that plan on someone else paying for their profligacy, after their death. They really think they will get away with it by dying. Surprise!!! God settles all accounts even after they're dead!!!
I submit that if you want to subvert that very Constitution, and turn our nation's government over to some crazy Euro-based, Socialist, One-World Government, which will have no interest in upholding the very principles of the American Constitution (and will evolve into the eventual Antichrist"s system [that God has already condemned, and Jesus has already prophecied there will be no forgiveness for those who willingly participate in the system]), that you are no longer a member of an American political party, but are a SUBVERSIVE!!!. All those who fit the above description would only be honest by leaving America, formally renouncing their American citizenship, and moving permanently to Brussels, or some other country, in Europe that shares in their perverse Socialist utopian dream!
Even forgetting about God's condemnation of the eventual state of the system, if it were to be examined realistically against what we have in America today, versus what Socialism traditionally developes into, anyone who really looks at Socialism would have to admit that it is not a system that tends to draw all of it's members up to the highest standards of it's wealthiest members, but causes the wealthier members to "bail out" the lesser members, who simply choose not to "pay their fair share" of the expense of membership. That is why the Trump administration is having such a hard time getting some of the N.A.T.O. alliance members to "pony up", with their "fair share" of the costs of their alliance membership (leaving the U.S. to cover around 22% of the bill). It is also why Germany has to pay so much of the European Common Market's bill, and why Britain recently voted to "Brexit" the Market, altogether.
Even if God had not already condemned the system, guess why the so-called "Progressives" want America to unite in this quagmire of Socialist lunacy. They want America to join, so that our tax dollars will pay off the European indebtedness. Then after they have bankrupted America, I wonder where they expect to turn to "bail out" their future debts? Nazi Germany decide the easiest way to pay for their brand of Socialism was to simply conquer other nations, and then systematically rape the wealth of those nations. Fortunately, we destroyed Nazi Germany before they could run out of other nations to rape, and pillage. Talk about a plan that was destined to eventually fail in it's own concept... and then what a mess the world would have been in, then! Perhaps that might have something to do with why God has already condemned participation in that system, even before it is set to begin. Since He alone can see the future of crazy ideas like this, He condemns the concept, on it's merits (or rather, the lack thereof) to spare the world of the suffering it would bring. I suspect that today's so-called "Progressives" are not ignorant of this eventual quagmire, they just figure they can live like kings while someone else fits the bill, and by the time all the money runs out, they'll be dead (so who cares? Try asking if God cares!!! I'd hate to be in their shoes, when they have to give account for their lives, at "The Great White Throne Judgement"). That's the "wisdom" of all Keynesian Socialists, who believe in short-term solutions to their inflationary schemes, that plan on someone else paying for their profligacy, after their death. They really think they will get away with it by dying. Surprise!!! God settles all accounts even after they're dead!!!
Monday, March 6, 2017
The Democrats' "Shadow Government"...
I wonder...Are the Democrats stupid enough to believe they could get away with some sort of Coup D'Etat in America, today??? I frankly wouldn't put it beyond them!
Lets look at the signs of their collective dementia... Hillary Clinton loses the election that everybody was sure that she couldn't lose. Barak Obama decides to stick around Washington, when he has no Constitutional choice but to head into retirement, with a fat retirement plan, and a demonstrated appreciation for the retirement capitol of the world: Hawaii.
Liberal demonstrators are protesting everything and everybody around the country that is remotely connected to the Trump administration, his announced policies, and his intended political appointments. Word is rampant that most of these demonstrators are paid to be upset, by some rich liberal billionaire, like George Soros, or someone of his ilk. They "spontaneously" show up at seemingly every Republican Congressman's "Town Hall Meeting" to demonstrate their displeasure with "their representative's record", when probably very few, if any, actually live in their jurisdiction.
The latest scandals out of Washington either involve leaks from the federal bureaucracy, or are about those very leaks. Sure, we've had leaks before; this is nothing new... But the number of them, in a short time after the election, the vitriol of each, and the conclusion of each, that things will just get worse until Donald Trump resigns, or is impeached, is something less than coincidental if you ask me.
Are the Democrats so upset over losing the election that they intend to stick around and stir up as much trouble for Trump as possible, even if they have to make it all up to create as much discontent as they can?
If that's their plan, they have certainly laid the groundwork for it! We have a federal bureaucracy that is overloaded with liberal leaning workers, whose Civil Service contracts are so tight that it is almost impossible to fire them, short of some criminal activity on their part. And even that had better be clearly provable, or you can't get rid of them. And don't think they don't know it! That's probably why the leaks keep coming with apparent impunity, because they realize they essentially can't get fired if they are found out as the source.
And who are they most concerned about influencing? My guess is the so-called millennials, that are still in school , or are recent dropouts, with nothing to do but smoke dope, and get drunk. They are the fertile ground of political unrest, and they don't much care about the truth of the issues. We can thank our wonderful Education department for seeing to it that our children have gotten a steady diet of international socialism, and perverse moral values, to shape their warped little minds. That has set them up for some modern -day Benedict Arnold, or Aaron Burr, or the co-conspirators of John Wilkes Boothe to come along and try to fire up their anti-establishment fervor for the long-awaited revolution that the "hippy generation" of my day assured us was just around the corner! I wonder if that's part of the reason why Obama decided to retire in Washington? After all, there is almost as big a population of Black Muslims living there as there is in his Chicago haunts. They might seem a very tempting constituency to some "closet-muslim", with meglo-maniacal inclinations, to try and set up a Muslim Caliphate here!
Don't simply brush off my musings as paranoid drivel. We have already seen how the foolish views of a man can over-ride his considerable intelligence; we've had eight years to establish the proof of that. I'm not saying it will happen ...just that it easily could!
Lets look at the signs of their collective dementia... Hillary Clinton loses the election that everybody was sure that she couldn't lose. Barak Obama decides to stick around Washington, when he has no Constitutional choice but to head into retirement, with a fat retirement plan, and a demonstrated appreciation for the retirement capitol of the world: Hawaii.
Liberal demonstrators are protesting everything and everybody around the country that is remotely connected to the Trump administration, his announced policies, and his intended political appointments. Word is rampant that most of these demonstrators are paid to be upset, by some rich liberal billionaire, like George Soros, or someone of his ilk. They "spontaneously" show up at seemingly every Republican Congressman's "Town Hall Meeting" to demonstrate their displeasure with "their representative's record", when probably very few, if any, actually live in their jurisdiction.
The latest scandals out of Washington either involve leaks from the federal bureaucracy, or are about those very leaks. Sure, we've had leaks before; this is nothing new... But the number of them, in a short time after the election, the vitriol of each, and the conclusion of each, that things will just get worse until Donald Trump resigns, or is impeached, is something less than coincidental if you ask me.
Are the Democrats so upset over losing the election that they intend to stick around and stir up as much trouble for Trump as possible, even if they have to make it all up to create as much discontent as they can?
If that's their plan, they have certainly laid the groundwork for it! We have a federal bureaucracy that is overloaded with liberal leaning workers, whose Civil Service contracts are so tight that it is almost impossible to fire them, short of some criminal activity on their part. And even that had better be clearly provable, or you can't get rid of them. And don't think they don't know it! That's probably why the leaks keep coming with apparent impunity, because they realize they essentially can't get fired if they are found out as the source.
And who are they most concerned about influencing? My guess is the so-called millennials, that are still in school , or are recent dropouts, with nothing to do but smoke dope, and get drunk. They are the fertile ground of political unrest, and they don't much care about the truth of the issues. We can thank our wonderful Education department for seeing to it that our children have gotten a steady diet of international socialism, and perverse moral values, to shape their warped little minds. That has set them up for some modern -day Benedict Arnold, or Aaron Burr, or the co-conspirators of John Wilkes Boothe to come along and try to fire up their anti-establishment fervor for the long-awaited revolution that the "hippy generation" of my day assured us was just around the corner! I wonder if that's part of the reason why Obama decided to retire in Washington? After all, there is almost as big a population of Black Muslims living there as there is in his Chicago haunts. They might seem a very tempting constituency to some "closet-muslim", with meglo-maniacal inclinations, to try and set up a Muslim Caliphate here!
Don't simply brush off my musings as paranoid drivel. We have already seen how the foolish views of a man can over-ride his considerable intelligence; we've had eight years to establish the proof of that. I'm not saying it will happen ...just that it easily could!
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