Historically, in past centuries, in Europe especially, actors and actresses where looked down upon, as rather immoral people, I suppose because so many had reputedly become "consorts" of the royal class. This title implied sexual relations, simply by association, and that generally meant adultery, as many royals were married to other royals as a means of protecting what was arrogantly considered necessary to "protect" a royal bloodline, and had nothing to do with affection between the parties involved. Today we have a perversion of this same attitude, in that we tend to place unmerited wisdom, and honor, upon those we admire for theatrical talent! This is unbridled foolishness, in my opinion. Respect for their abilities is well warranted, and above that, most are extremely well paid, and even overpaid, in some cases!
But, to automatically attach a degree of wisdom to them, simply because they are adept at portraying a certain character, is absolutely ridiculous, again, in my opinion! Or, to assume that an excellent comedian possesses an unusual degree of wisdom, is absurd, if you ask me!!!
Case in point... Alec Baldwin is given a lot of undue respect, in Hollywood! His acting ability is undeniably top quality. But, if various news reports about his life away from the cameras is accurate, he is an absolutely pathetic person, in real life, and his level of wisdom is laughable! Rosie O'Donnell is the perfect counterpart for him, as I have yet to hear an opinion expressed by her that I can remotely agree with!!! She has portrayed the feminine "side-kick" roll effectively, in movies, so I guess women tend to extrapolate that with real-life female wisdom, that seems to be wholly undeserved!!!
Today we have news reports that the Georgia state legislature has passed a bill making abortions illegal in their state, once a baby's heartbeat can be detected, through ultrasound. Immediately, our "wise" celebrities called for a boycott of all things Georgian! It would be truly sad, indeed, if a significant number of people actually respond to their call! Anyone responding would be worthy of the same judgement of God that these so-called "celebrities" are risking, by their portraying of righteousness, with their support of evil practices!!!
UPDATE: (2 hours later)--
I just heard some breaking news reports, about how the Republican leaders of the Senate have put the "Quash" on President Trump's idea of having a Republican plan for Health Care Reform ready to vote on, in case the Supreme Court grants his proposal to declare all of the "Obamacare" plan to be unconstitutional! He intended to rob the Democrats of their primary criticism of him, by having a "better plan ready to fix the too costly 'Obamacare' plan". But the Republicans nixed the idea, presumably because they feared a backfire among voters, with Democrats touting "Medicare for all"! It's true that the Democrats' plan is no different from the attempt at establishing Socialized Medicine, led by Hillary Clinton, that was voted down during Bill Clinton's presidency. But, what really upsets me is that I think I heard that "Obamacare" had a clause in it that exempted Congress members from having to pay anything for their coverage! I think this was intentionally added to make it difficult for a Republican Congress to overturn it!!! If this is true, then I suspect this is the real reason for the Republican leaders reluctance to get rid of it!
So, what it boils down to is, "what's the difference between Democratic Congressmen's greed, and Republican Congressmen's greed??? Greed is greed, either way!!! May the Lord deliver us from those who place their own greedy ways above the needs of the American people, whatever party they are from!!!
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