Truer words were never spoken! These "prophetic words" were not spoken by the lead guitarist of the "Beatles"; he was far too busy smoking dope, and dropping acid! They were the words of that "great hero" of Communism, Vladimir Illich Lenin, whom the Democrats, and the Socialists of today must revere immensely, since they don't believe in a God, who is truly worthy of their reverence!!!
There have been various American presidents who have campaigned on the platform of, "Law and Order", but Lenin apparently was only concerned with using social chaos, as a motive for establishing order, as in the absence of chaos. Today, the Leftists could quickly restore order, since the chaos is entirely of their own making! Lenin, and those like him, were not concerned with established Laws, like our American Constitution, because they not only empower, but also restrict the overreach of law enforcement, which can be very difficult for a totalitarian despot to utilize in the manipulation of a society!!! Only in a society that has become so used to oppression from their government, as the people of tsarist Russia were, could a platitude as this be seen as legitimate!
Another type of society can be convinced of the truth of this platitude; one that has been convinced from youth through a succession of lies that their government is evil, and only the acceptance of their system of Socialism can bring about real "order"! But what comes with this brand of order is true totalitarian dominance of the people who promote this kind of "order"!!! Such is the case with the chaos that has been fomented upon us by the Democrats, mostly upon a generation of brainwashed Public School children, who now are old enough to vote obediently for their Socialist candidates, who wish to abolish our constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, that is prophecied to eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist! No wonder that the Public Schools have stopped teaching American History, Civics (or government) classes, as well as the Bible, so that our children will not know enough of our historical truth to counter the Socialist lies that are obviously being taught!
We have now reached the point where only a Holy Ghost revival can change the hearts of the belligerent Leftist voters, who are lapping up this absurd drivel "with a spoon" , as if real enlightenment has come to America!!! Anyone who accepts this kind of foolish belief in obvious lies, such as the immigration situation is a "manufactured crisis" of President Trump's making, has to be so bound up in Satanic deception that no amount of true reasoning will convince them of the obvious truth! The French Revolution idolized "reason", almost creating a God to worship for it, and yet the result was the despotism of Napoleon! Such could be the case with us, unless enough of us pray earnestly for God to send His revival upon us, before it is too late!!! "Reason" will not save a country, but a change of society's collective heart will!!! It's all up to us, and God!!!
I sometimes seem to become bewildered when Evangelical preachers, on television do not talk about the conspiracy I wrote about above! But, I realize they have their ministries' finances to be concerned with, which I do not! Their is not enough material evidence available to support my charges, so they can't speak out on these issues, in case they are not true! But I can speak to the obvious conclusions of the Leftist conspiracists, with the help of what is prophecied truth, because if they don't happen as soon as I expect, I have no reputation to lose, and I have no real ministry to be financially hurt if I seem to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist! But when it becomes all too obvious to us all, it may be too late to affect real change!!!
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!
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